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Hi TuanHa
Thanks for all the updates. I have those without any hitches however:
-CR still has problems using lave burst proccs. Sometimes it will get stuck casting a lightning bolt and trying to use a proc, going in a cycle for 3-4secs
-not using elemental blast at all. I might be missing something, but then again this was tested against a dummy. This was working yesterday.
Please let me know how to rectify this, or what I am doing wrong.
Thanks in advance and appreciate all your work you've done so far!
Regards View attachment 132285
Hi TuanHA
It seems the routine is not using Lava Burst proccs correctly. Sometimes it wil get stuck and will try casting LB and the stopping and restarting.
There's a log attached, but for some reason there's a huge list of errors, always the same, at the same time. Could you please let me know how I can correct this?
Thanks in advance View attachment 132220
No you dont. CR steal waits for flame shock on target and just do nothing when lava burst proc.
And spam:
20:079 Stop Casting Lightning Bolt/Chain Lightning: Lava Burst Proc
20:797 Stop Casting Lightning Bolt/Chain Lightning: Lava Burst Proc
22:138 Stop Casting Lightning Bolt/Chain Lightning: Lava Burst Proc
23:165 Stop Casting Lightning Bolt/Chain Lightning: Lava Burst Proc
And there is one more serious issue: flame shock very often just fall from target. CR must update flame shock before it's gone. Or sometimes it's dot near target when there is less than 1 second debuff on current and we have 3 sec flame shock cooldown.
Both bugs easily replicate on dummies.
same for burst. it's just broken:
Burst Mode is ON, Hold 1 second Ctrl + Q to Turn Burst Mode OFF.
Key Q is pressed. Manual CastPause Activated. Combat Routine Pause for 100 ms
54:054 HP: 100% Mana: 53 Lvl 90 Alliance Shaman (flagged: False) 0y 100% hp Тотем элементаля огня <-- Fire elem
55:436 Stop Casting Lightning Bolt/Chain Lightning: Lava Burst Proc
56:180 Stop Casting Lightning Bolt/Chain Lightning: Lava Burst Proc
56:949 Stop Casting Lightning Bolt/Chain Lightning: Lava Burst Proc
57:664 HP: 100% Mana: 48 Тренировочный манекен 22.91y 20% hp Огненный шок <-- flame shock on dummy
58:895 Stop Casting Lightning Bolt/Chain Lightning: Lava Burst Proc
00:074 Stop Casting Lightning Bolt/Chain Lightning: Lava Burst Proc
01:131 Stop Casting Lightning Bolt/Chain Lightning: Lava Burst Proc
01:896 Stop Casting Lightning Bolt/Chain Lightning: Lava Burst Proc
02:859 HP: 100% Mana: 48 Тренировочный манекен 22.91y 20% hp Огненный шок
04:716 Stop Casting Lightning Bolt/Chain Lightning: Lava Burst Proc
05:014 Stop Casting Lightning Bolt/Chain Lightning: Lava Burst Proc
05:594 Stop Casting Lightning Bolt/Chain Lightning: Lava Burst Proc
06:803 Stop Casting Lightning Bolt/Chain Lightning: Lava Burst Proc
07:727 HP: 100% Mana: 48 Тренировочный манекен 22.91y 20% hp Огненный шок
Burst Mode is OFF
just please add this:
1. Do not multi dot other target if flame shock will fall from current target in less than 6 sec (flame shock CD + GCD)
2. Flame shock still falls from current target.
Hi all, I am writing this guide for Resto Shaman PVP Arenas with the hope that we can have updated guides by 2k+ players for all of Tuanha's CRs. Since I started using this CR I went over 2.1k in 2s and also 2k in 3s(but we've barely played any games, I'm sure I can hit 2.4 before end of season). It is a great CR and I personally can use this far better than Tuanha's Monk CR. I think alot of it has to do with the Shaman class itself which I will explain below. Just a quick note, this guide is how to use this CR, not the best guide for RSham as a whole class. For a great Rsham guide, go look up arenajunkies guide's in the Shaman forums.
Why Shaman CR
Part of picking a CR and using a CR/Bot in general in my opinion depends on the class. I personally don't like classes where there is too many situational options or things that a CR can't really choose the best option because it doesn't seem factors like, is a healer CC'd? Is the target killable, are you peeling, are you bursting, and so on. I found rogue CR difficult because there are 3-4 finishing moves that depend on different situations and I didn't really love that. Also the amount of interaction you are doing as a healer. For instance the Monk CR you need to do far more targeting of your teammates because Ring of Peace and Life Cocoon you want to keep manual, so you need to actually click on your teammates and use the button.
This is why Resto Shaman is so perfect for a CR. Almost everything you do is global. What I mean by global is that you are dropping things like Healing Stream, Healing Tide, Spirit Link, Tremor, and so on. Not one of those abilities requires you to target your teammate. This frees you up to be much more focused on positioning, teammates health, enemy castbars, etc... This is far superior playstyle to me!
General Setup
You want to set your character up to optimize using a bot and a CR. I played Resto Shaman manually before discovering this amazing CR so I had everything bound. I forced myself to clear all my bindings and start from scratch rather than try to use the CR with my existing bindings. The reason for this is I wanted the CR to take over the healing duties, and I wanted to put the macros and binds I now need to use in the best possible spots on my keyboard. I highly recommend doing this.
You need to keep your bursting, defensive and CCs on manual for you to use yourself. This is the only way you are going to get over that 1800+ bump, especially if you are playing with non-botters as you will look like a lunatic auto-using big cooldowns when you don't need to.
Abilities you should manually cast and should have a bind for are:
Spirit Link
Healing Stream
Fire Elemental
Mana Tide
Healing Stream* (this is optional. What I do is set the threshold really low in case I forget to drop it, but i list it as a bind because sometimes you need to drop it early if you think you will be CC'd)
Spirit Walker's Grace
Tremor Totem
Grounding Totem
Windshear*(This should be set to interrupt but it doesn't always work 100% and there are times that you need to manually be ready to interrupt)
Purge*(should be set in the CR but again there are times when you will want to spam this for teammates so it should be a bind)
Cleanse*(should be a bind because there are some times you want to eat the UA or VT on your teammate and the CR won't do it)
Call of the Elements*(In case you need to use this early. You should also have it set in settings)
Below are the settings I use and why I use them.
Again, going with my above keybindings you see I keep burst off, I keep Windshear on and I keep all CC off. Bind elemental can sometimes be OK but it also can get out of control and try to cast over and over. Set that manually. Dont use auto cancel wolf. It will sometimes pop u out for no reason, especially in RBGs if you are trying to run with the group you will look like a lunatic popping in and out of wolf. I put Auto Pause Manual cast back on for Hex but I still have to fight the CR to get a Hex off. I'm not sure why it doesn't see my casting it but its a challenge sometimes. I dont use Pause mode because the list of options don't really interest me. It would be nice if I could bind it to my mouse keys or F keys.
Cooldowns & Hotkeys:
Same theme, keep important stuff manual. I allow CR to use my shocks as it sees fit. I also let it use healthstone. Purging is important but if you find it doing it too much just auto cast it. I take Purge any buff off for RBGs as it just does it too much.
Call of the elements I have set to Earthgrab but they key ones are Grounding, Tremor and HS. If those are all down you should use CoE unless your team is 100% fine. I just use this in case I forgot to do it, but most of the time depending on who we fight I am using it earlier. For example I'll try CoE vs fear teams if I think we can get a kill or they will kill my teammate if I get full feared again, etc...
I use capcitator manually and if you learn to use this right you will get praises from your teammates. I love an earthgrab/glpy capcitator combo for a good stun. I have tremor on here but I almost always set to manual and manual cast it.
I have HS set pretty high here so that it's down a lot. HT I have set to 3 units, but again that pretty much makes it manual since you are going to use it to heal a friend when you are about o be CC'd or to counter enemy burst. Setting it to 3 units is basically an RBG setting.
Save stormlash for when your teammates are bursting. Same with Fire Ele.
I use level 8 currently and I can tweak it as needed. In RBGs you want the slider much lower.
I only purify important buffs and I can manually cast if needed
I allow bot to shock, it can help. I do not allow it to use lava burst or LB. There is really no need to cast these as your dmg at higher ratings is not a good value(imo) and you run the risk of this bot spamming LB
I leave Ancestral Swiftness on because sometimes you need that huge heal. But I also have AS/Hex macro so soemtimes I cast this manually
I never chain heal. Ever
Earth Shield Auto cast I use for arena only. In RBGs it casts it too often and also doesn't prioritize tanks, etc.. So I manually cast it
Healing Rain is off here(i manually cast it in arena) but for RBGs turn it on. I leave my % high because I like it as a pre-hot
The rest of the healing % is just me playing around with it. If there are other folks who have hit 2400+ and found some very effective settings please share!
Always SWG manually to avoid a Silence when u need to heal or you need to run and heal.
I leave Unleash on a high setting and on everything because you should be using this on CD. UE+Riptide is so helpful
Things I feel should still be added
I've said these suggestions before but I do think there are some things that could make this CR even better
- Add logic for Rockbiter weapon embue if using Unleashed Fury talent. This would be when you are getting bursted by TSG or something like that. You can UF Rockbiter for 40% less dmg and then swap back to Earthliving afterwards.
- Add logic that windshear always trys to interrupt a hard CC on me. SO Cyclone, Poly, Hex, etc..
- Add a hotkey type section for Hex. F keys should be in the list!
Hope this guide helps some folks and gets other high rated players to post other guides. Feel free to tell me what needs to improve in this and I can make changes.
Huge thanks to Tuanha for his amazing CRs and how hard he works. This is the best CR bundle when you account for his support and how fast he changes things.
enhancement broken again.........searing totem overwriting fire elemental once again when cr switches to AOE. thought this problem was behind us happened on garrosh(normal) and immersius (heroic)
I have a problem when i load my Customized Setting it isnt work. It dont do the auto wolf thing or the shields and i dont know why. When i load PvP Settings and start the bot and switch the settings than again it works. But when i start it again and load the customs it dont work.
I just don't understand why I have never been able to get Earthquake to work. I am queued for LFR right now to test, but it will NOT cast it on the dummies, not even if I set the count to 1. I don't understand this at all. It has been like this since I started using this CR back when it was just Public Release. Now I have Special Edition and still does the same thing. I'm sure it's just something I'm doing wrong but have not seen many other posts about this issue when searching the thread for "earthquake". The CR also switches from Chain Lightning to Lightning Bolt and back to Chain Lightning when in AoE situation. Why?? Log below.
EDIT: I just did two legs of LFR SoO and it cast earthquake fine when IT felt like it. On high add sections, it cast Earthquake like clockwork. But even though I had it set to "2" it would only cast when it was more than 4-5 targets. In any 2-3 target situations, it would not cast it. Just wondering why that is.