Build 5.4.5261
Improve Resto Healing
Keep Ancestor Vigor Up (increase 10% Max Health)
This is the list depend on specTuanha what are the important buffs that this cr automatically purges...just would like to know so i can see if its actually purging them when then are popped
private static readonly HashSet<string> NeedPurgeASAPRestoHS = new HashSet<string>
//Death Knight
//"Unholy Frenzy",
"Nature's Swiftness",
"Predator's Swiftness",
"Master's Call",
"Arcane Power",
"Alter Time",
//"Ice Barrier",
"Icy Veins",
//"Mana Shield",
"Fingers of Frost",
"Presence of Mind",
//"Life Cocoon", Not dispellable
//"Enveloping Mist",
//"Touch of Karma",//Thank cedricdu94. No, your healer can dispell you when you touch monk with touch of karma but you cant dispell enemy buff touch of karma
"Divine Plea",
"Hand of Freedom",
//"Avenging Wrath",
"Hand of Protection",
"Hand of Sacrifice",
//"Sacred Shield",
"Inner Focus",
"Fear Ward",
"Power Infusion",
//"Power Word: Shield",
"Elemental Mastery",
//"Nature's Swiftness", Same as druid
"Spiritwalker's Grace",
//"Berserker Rage",
//"Dark Soul: Instability", Dark Soul is not dispellable
//"Dark Soul: Knowledge", Dark Soul is not dispellable
//"Dark Soul: Misery", Dark Soul is not dispellable
private static readonly HashSet<string> NeedPurgeASAPEleEnhHS = new HashSet<string>
//Death Knight
//"Unholy Frenzy",
"Nature's Swiftness",
"Predator's Swiftness",
"Master's Call",
"Arcane Power",
"Alter Time",
"Ice Barrier",
"Icy Veins",
"Mana Shield",
"Fingers of Frost",
"Presence of Mind",
//"Life Cocoon", Not dispellable
"Enveloping Mist",
//"Touch of Karma",//Thank cedricdu94. No, your healer can dispell you when you touch monk with touch of karma but you cant dispell enemy buff touch of karma
"Divine Plea",
"Hand of Freedom",
//"Avenging Wrath",
"Hand of Protection",
"Hand of Sacrifice",
//"Sacred Shield",
"Inner Focus",
//"Fear Ward",
"Power Infusion",
"Power Word: Shield",
"Elemental Mastery",
"Ghost Wolf",
"Ancestral Swiftness",
"Spiritwalker's Grace",
//"Berserker Rage",
//"Dark Soul: Instability", Dark Soul is not dispellable
//"Dark Soul: Knowledge", Dark Soul is not dispellable
//"Dark Soul: Misery", Dark Soul is not dispellable
I have noticed in the latest build that it will constantly cast Healing Wave and Riptide on random raid members while out of combat even when everyone is at 100%.
This behavior seems suspect.
when are you going to fix elemental CR?
its still unuseable
stands around for 3-4 seconds does nothing at all after casting 1 spell
worse dmg than my 2 year old sister playing
idk whats wrong :/
Build 5.4.5261I have noticed in the latest build that it will constantly cast Healing Wave and Riptide on random raid members while out of combat even when everyone is at 100%.
This behavior seems suspect.
AH, I didn't think about the Druid Symbiosys that make Shaman can stealth.Some questions/suggestions that I have.
Please look into the interrupts for Windshear and grounding. I'm not sure what the grounding priority is but it is not grounding Cyclone or Poly at any kind of consistent rate. I'll be sitting there in arena and a druid casting chain clone on me and both windshear and grounding are sitting off cooldown. Can you maybe explain the logic for me? Does it depend on me and my target's health?
Something is wrong with constant casting out of combat. It does it like crazy. This is very very bad when I play with a feral druid because he gives me symbiosis and it is pulling me out of wolf prowl to cast ripetide and stuff for no reason. I'm having to leave honor buddy off while in prowl and then hitting start after we open. This has to be fixed or changed asap. It should not pull you out of wolf prowl unless your partner is below a certain %
You dispel options are great, but I dont like that there is only 2 choices. Only dispel important buffs or Dispel anything over X # of debuffs. This becomes an issue in RBGs where you need to dispel targets that dont have whatever the important debuff on is but they still should be dispelled. There either needs to be a third option that it will dispel any over 3 (but not blacklisted ones like VT and UA) or something to that effect.
Hopefully some of these can be tweaked soon. The biggest issue is breaking feral symbiosis and taking me out of wolf prowl. That's a huge problem
AH, I didn't think about the Druid Symbiosys that make Shaman can stealth.
Can you give me the spell ID of the ghost wolf in stealth please.
I'll look at your other suggestion and improve it if I can later.
Thank man.