I don't see it purging high priority stuff such as BoPs and Icy Veins. (I have never seen it attempt to purge a BoP and my mana settings are very low.) I see it purge Priest Bubbles when player is low life but I don't see it doing much more then that. (Maybe it's an issue with how BoPs and such are Cached? No clue... Would like it fixed and if your missing some of the items below please add / implement them.)
This should be OP and dispel players spell procs as well instantly. (Make an option saying you don't care if you look like a super bot purge shit faster then they can see it!)
I am sure I am going to miss some so please people make sure to speak up about which procs are dispel-able.
<spell id="1044">Hand of Freedom</spell>
<spell id="6940">Hand of Sacrifice</spell>
<spell id="69369">Predatory Swiftness</spell>
<spell id="12472">Icy Veins</spell>
<spell id="1022">Hand of Protection</spell>
<spell id="11426">Ice Barrier</spell>
<spell id="114250">Selfless Healer</spell>
<spell id="17">Power Word: Shield</spell>
<spell id="12043">Presence of Mind</spell>
<spell id="132158">Nature's Swiftness</spell>
<spell id="16188">Ancestral Swiftness</spell>
<spell id="110909">Alter time</spell>
<spell id="6346">Fear Ward</spell>
<spell id="974">Earth Shield</spell>
Mages: Icy veins, mind freeze, icy barriers, Impact
Shamans: Elemental mastery, Nature's Swiftness, Lava Flows
Priest: Dark archangel, Power infusion, Grace (all three stacks, will cost some mana though), Bubble (When player is low life)
Warlock: Dark intent, Shadow Trance.
Druid: Nature's swiftness, Nature's Grace, their hots (if you really wanna just stop them from getting heals)
Paladins: Avenging wrath, every time you see those wings, purge it. Divine favor, divine plea, Illuminated healing, hand of protection, hand of sacrifice.
Death Knights: Rime
Warriors: ^
Hunters: Master's Call
This list is not complete. Please help me!
Certain purges should be an extremely high priority. But on the flip side if you are Resto you should have a condition to check and see if your teammates lives are above a certain percentage. High damaging procs should be high up there like Ele Shamans Lava Flows. Again I am looking to see Godly DPS prevention where people's jaws drop.
PS Thanks for making some of the best shit out there
PPS: Does the Chain Heal Gylph track the 25 yard range? I never see it case even when set at 2 people 90%.
PPPS: I would like to see FC's and Orb Carrier's considered as Melee for Frost Shock