First thanks for the CR tuanha,
Sorry for my bad English
Enh CR is much better, but not perfect tho.(PVE)
A few things i have notice so far:
1. CR will always cast [Earth Elemental Totem] before [Fire Elemental Totem] which cause alot damage lose while open bursting on boss fight.
2. CR not execute spell priority very well, example sometime [Stormstrike] is off cd but CR use other spell before it, which cause [Stormstrike] is not beening use for a couple sec and use other spell instead
3. Orc racial [Blood Fury] is not beening cast while enabled in CR
4. [Fire Nova] is still beening cast while Auto Aoe is unticked. (very important on garrosh fight) and sometimes it is cast on single target while in meele range.
6. [Magma Totem] is still on while adds are down. [Searing Totem] is not cast until [Magma Totem] goes down.
7. when Attack Out Comabt is unticked CR not check for weapon imbues and [Lightning Shield].
8. Do not support [Totemic Persistence].
Over all enh is pretty good. i can get 200k dps on Raid Dummy . at Ilvl 552. while SimulationCraft 285k dps
Well I have tried this routine now for raiding mostly.
For Resto shaman it works great I have been using it since itemlevel 500 and now I'm about 560,
I'm also ofgearing for enhanc but will take some time until I can test that.
For what it's worth, I think that the elemental routine needs a lot of more work.
I have the feeling it's kinda slow? anyhow when there is for example trash or a mob of and quantity
more then 1 it's retarded to not to let the bot just throw chain lightning. The routine throws flame shock
which is ok to use only when Lava-Burst is instant. Can explain it like this, when your routine goes like dps as elementa
on trash i'm like 80k dps, I turn it off and just press chain lightning i'm around 600k dps with enough trash.
It also has some problems with singel targets where I notice it's kinda slow, it looks like when I would play
the character and I dont really know what spells to press. Does somewhat like 60-90k dps in SoO 10 Normal.
Hope the Enhanc profile is better then the elemental since i'm gearing to it too see. Anyhow if 2 out of 3 works really,
really good. it's an win but people should care a little with the elemental profile.