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TuanHA Rogue - The Ultimate Experience

hi all, do not speak English so I write through promt.
playing for alliance rogue bot can beat alliance. for example in the arena. everything else was super good effort on the horde, and by his own faction only auto attack even when the duel.
Hi, public release do not fully support Arena and RBG.

Do not attack your party member, please leave group before dueling.
а возможно ли приобрести полную версию?
как и где?


is it possible to purchase the full version?
how and where?
hello TuanHa i have a problem with assa and sub during the fight it does sometimes like stop casting the attack not ever autohit can you fix this pls ? mostyl this happen only in pvp i dont know what this cause , only this must hapen when someone is gouge but the target isnt gouge to stop the attack mostly happen when some one stunned mabye not sure but i dont like it because it does this many often and i must my self to every time the autohitatack to keep hitting :D anyone notice this anounig problem too in pvp ?
hello TuanHa i have a problem with assa and sub during the fight it does sometimes like stop casting the attack not ever autohit can you fix this pls ? mostyl this happen only in pvp i dont know what this cause , only this must hapen when someone is gouge but the target isnt gouge to stop the attack mostly happen when some one stunned mabye not sure but i dont like it because it does this many often and i must my self to every time the autohitatack to keep hitting :D anyone notice this anounig problem too in pvp ?
I got this problem before too but im not 100% sure what cause it, if u play with paralytic poison then i think theres the fault if it procs it stop attacking, got that problem some time before but i dont use this poison now anymore and i didnt got this bug anymore since a long time.

Tuanha, found some new bugs ->

Tryed to use my burst with hotkey CTRL (STRG) +F first time it works but after a time it use my hotkey F ( my sprint ) too couse my wow ignores my CTRL ( STRG )
I like it to play with start burst with using offensiv cooldown but shadow blades does not start burst rotation, it works with shadow dance.
(Want to use shadow dance and shadow blades sometimes for 2 different bursts) I dont like it using together.
If i disable checkbox use mark of death if target below 20% and safe and close it playing a game and open configs again mark of death is still checked on using below 20%
(Want that cr use mark of death always in burst and not only if target is below 20%)

So hope u can fix that too :P

And i think i found a mistake that couses VERY HUGE dps loose on dummy.
Cr casts way to much hemorrhage, i stand still behind the dummy and cr use it WAY to much, if u fix that hemo only use with DOT is not up on target or im not behind a target, it should be a very HUGE dps increase =)

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I got this problem before too but im not 100% sure what cause it, if u play with paralytic poison then i think theres the fault if it procs it stop attacking, got that problem some time before but i dont use this poison now anymore and i didnt got this bug anymore since a long time.

Tuanha, found some new bugs ->

Tryed to use my burst with hotkey CTRL (STRG) +F first time it works but after a time it use my hotkey F ( my sprint ) too couse my wow ignores my CTRL ( STRG )
I like it to play with start burst with using offensiv cooldown but shadow blades does not start burst rotation, it works with shadow dance.
(Want to use shadow dance and shadow blades sometimes for 2 different bursts) I dont like it using together.
If i disable checkbox use mark of death if target below 20% and safe and close it playing a game and open configs again mark of death is still checked on using below 20%
(Want that cr use mark of death always in burst and not only if target is below 20%)

So hope u can fix that too :P


yep i use this gift ^^ thats right hope he fix this its make me really crazy when its just stop :D

i well switch the gift to see if really thats the problem .

btw he change something with blades now its works as assa wihle bursting wouha keep going TuanHa :D
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And i think i found a mistake that couses VERY HUGE dps loose on dummy.
Cr casts way to much hemorrhage, i stand still behind the dummy and cr use it WAY to much, if u fix that hemo only use with DOT is not up on target or im not behind a target, it should be a very HUGE dps increase =)
yep you are right , TuanHA pls fix the bug with paralyic poison its cause sometime when the stun procced stopcasting the whole attacks , and fix for applying the gift befor expire twice ( it does this for many gifts twich applying and i think wound gift only one time ) CR updatet SE. the CR some time when he is infight and when trying to opening on some one as assa to open with ambush or envenom ( i well say more envenom) not sure why he does this maybe the DR tracking ? if yes pls than when cheapshot hard DRs is than garote .

and about sub yes i notice this too in pvp with that hemorage more use , the faceing code not working well thats why its spamm it more than ambush or Backstab in pvp

edit2 : if another rogue play with paralyic gift in pvp it does the same stopcasting my attacks until ist expire
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yep you are right , TuanHA pls fix the bug with paralyic poison its cause sometime when the stun procced stopcasting the whole attacks , and fix for applying the gift befor expire twice ( it does this for many gifts twich applying and i think wound gift only one time ) CR updatet SE. the CR some time when he is infight and when trying to opening on some one as assa to open with ambush or envenom ( i well say more envenom) not sure why he does this maybe the DR tracking ? if yes pls than when cheapshot hard DRs is than garote .

and about sub yes i notice this too in pvp with that hemorage more use , the faceing code not working well thats why its spamm it more than ambush or Backstab in pvp
I didnt look at PvP, if i stand still behind a dummy that didnt move too it use to much hemo.

Hope he will answer soon and fix some of these things, he did really good job yesterday.
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I've fix Killing Spree don't use on Burst in PvP. The problem is in PvE you only use it when you have less than 45 Energy, in PvP burst is burst and I've bypass that.

I'm inspecting the problem on stop attack on Paralytic poison proc. So far I have no issue as I use that poison in PvP all days. It's a MUST HAVE talent in PvP imo, without it, how do you kill healer? :D

New build just fix the issue using Hemorrhage too much xD
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I just tried the latest update. And only made 200k in 2v2 Arena. While my mage partner did 1.3mio :-(

I still think that there is a problem with some setting / talent / glyph combinations?
Here's a part of my log:

[EDIT 28-Mar-2014 by chinajade]: Abusive cut-n-paste of log removed. Please never do this again!

View attachment 4824 2014-03-21 20.42.zip
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I've fix Killing Spree don't use on Burst in PvP. The problem is in PvE you only use it when you have less than 45 Energy, in PvP burst is burst and I've bypass that.

I'm inspecting the problem on stop attack on Paralytic poison proc. So far I have no issue as I use that poison in PvP all days. It's a much have talent in PvP imo, without how do you kill healer? :D

New build just fix the issue using Hemorrhage too much xD

well hope you finde this problem with the stopcasting how its happen than and fix it i can upload logs no problem but i can grantee you its happen damn much and mostly when i have this gift ? wait i well i upload the logs .
I've fix Killing Spree don't use on Burst in PvP. The problem is in PvE you only use it when you have less than 45 Energy, in PvP burst is burst and I've bypass that.

I'm inspecting the problem on stop attack on Paralytic poison proc. So far I have no issue as I use that poison in PvP all days. It's a MUST HAVE talent in PvP imo, without it, how do you kill healer? :D

New build just fix the issue using Hemorrhage too much xD

Does shadow blades now activate burst rotation? (Should use mark of death in burst)

Just saw u didnt fixed it ^^ PLEASE DO IT :D
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The log show you don't use any offensive cooldown, no Ambush, not Shadow Dance, no Shadow Blades... rogue without cooldown is suck, it not like warrior or dk...

And because you use glyph of Feint, it's a defensive Glyph and it use 20 energy that needed to do something on attack instead.

For rogue mage, I think just go for all dps glyph and talent.

Use burst with hotkey, (I use Ctrl+R) and just Ctrl+R before manually with Cheap Shot/Garrote/Ambush, you will do a lot of damage...

I play a lot of bg right now, I don't have Prideful gear but burst is really good (at least as Sub as I'm enjoy that spec most) and most healer can't survive if all cooldown use correctly.
Btw, please don't expect rogue will be as good as Warrior, DK WIHTOUT you think/do anything... it never happen.

Rogue need HUGE user experience and intevention... It just NOT like facerolling on Warrior :D
Rogues are not built to output constant damage. You will never match those OP mages
Rogue Mage is all about: Hey rogue, keep my target in place, stun don't let he pop any defensive cooldown and if I can free cast, we win. (I don't need your damage :D)
omfg. just hit 2.2k with my monk friend who uses tuanha monk routine :D

2vs2 though~


Shadow blades still dont start burst rotation :D
Just want it like burst start on shadow dance ^^

And how do u play with hotkey in burst it does not use shadow dance then :P only shadow blades ^^