I got this problem before too but im not 100% sure what cause it, if u play with paralytic poison then i think theres the fault if it procs it stop attacking, got that problem some time before but i dont use this poison now anymore and i didnt got this bug anymore since a long time.
Tuanha, found some new bugs ->
Tryed to use my burst with hotkey CTRL (STRG) +F first time it works but after a time it use my hotkey F ( my sprint ) too couse my wow ignores my CTRL ( STRG )
I like it to play with start burst with using offensiv cooldown but shadow blades does not start burst rotation, it works with shadow dance.
(Want to use shadow dance and shadow blades sometimes for 2 different bursts) I dont like it using together.
If i disable checkbox use mark of death if target below 20% and safe and close it playing a game and open configs again mark of death is still checked on using below 20%
(Want that cr use mark of death always in burst and not only if target is below 20%)
So hope u can fix that too