Here is the logfile for one of my low performance / DPS sessions.
Maybe you can see some issues?
View attachment 5684 2014-03-20
Maybe you can see some issues?
View attachment 5684 2014-03-20
Combat Routine work best with Tyrael - Hardlock ON - Softlock OF - TPS = 30DPS is really very low in all spec((
TuanHA whether planned changes??
use PureRotation rly good dps and fasr cr
I disabled some functions like all cloak checkboxes and defensiv vanish and cr still use it... Please fix.Combat Routine work best with Tyrael - Hardlock ON - Softlock OF - TPS = 30
I don't know what your issue, I test vs some other CR and it doing competitive dps.
Fix Cloak enable without check box setting.I disabled some functions like all cloak checkboxes and defensiv vanish and cr still use it... Please fix.
Auto focus works again in arena thanks.
I very love u now =)Fix Cloak enable without check box setting. Fix Vanish
Looks like ur motivated today to work on rogue, looks coolAdd Cloak of Shadown when you are attack a Warlock with Blood Horror up to prevent getting feared. Need Option Cloak of Shadow on incoming CC enabled.
Build 5.4.5165
Improve core mechanic on rogue
DPS increase in all 3 spec
Sub PvP Rotaion is now rewriten and it doing well in PvP
To be added: Assassination and Combat PvP Rotation.
Fix Wound Poison issue typo
All 3 spec PvP added long time ago @@is Assassination rewriten now for pvp ? i read this befor 4-5 days or so
All 3 spec PvP added long time ago @@
But I test and refine a lot rotation on Sub (it's the spec for most rogue PvP)
I'll add Combat later, for now my gear is suck and combat doing so must less damage than sub.
Is someone else experience random game freeze with this cr? It's only this cr the other ones are working flawless.
Thx for your hard work @tuanha dps is very nice @pve and finally I can pwn @pvp too)
Shadow Dance only use on:tuanha why when i check the boxs to use shadow dance on coldown its never do this , elese when i check the boxes for shaadow blades to use togther with dance its never do this to i jnust want it like how i wantwhen boxs are checked pls pls
, and it would be nice if you ad a code for it so when dance ready is that pull energy to 60-65 than dancing for pvp