point is, you are wasting time if you expect this CR to actually improve enough for high-end raiding or arenas. never happening, not with this author
So what you are saying is this cc sucks, all the other cc's suck, yourraidingbuddy is ok. But they all suck for rated pvp and expecting any different is a lost cause. Well for Arena/RBG you are kind of correct. As for PVE your misinformed.
Last i checked yourraidingbuddy didn't work quite right in pve, and the AOE was completely borked. It also has absolutely no pvp support whatsoever, it just doesn't do anything.... I have tried that one also and this one gets me closest to simcraft or shadowcraft single target PVE.
Another thing you arent quite understanding is the fact that the owners of honorbuddy itself do not want you using it for Arenas/RBG's. Think that could be one of the main reasons there are no awesome faceroll arena CC's?
And I'm sorry if I have wrong information, but doesn't the OP state clearly this routine has "limited PVP support"
So lets go over this again, you seem to be mad about
1. There is something wrong with all the CC's for Arena/RBG even tho the bot itself doesn't support them.
2. This author's CC isn't up to par because unsupported PVP is broken and you think it sucks for PVE even tho it pulls the same numbers as a character sim.
You seem to want Honorbuddy to do something it will never focus on, and get pissed at all the routine creators for not being able to magically make Honorbuddy do something the bot wasn't even designed to do.....
I went into this routine knowing all that, and am still happy and doing "High End" Raiding without a hitch. It sounds like you are a little misinformed on what the bot is actually capable of, and raging at your own ignorance.
So yes, if anyone is looking for this routine to do something it cant, or it to make honorbuddy instantly awesome in Arena/RBG even tho its not supposed to by the owners request. You are wasting your time waiting for Honorbuddy to become something its not.