afaik you can?t talk about versions / cc?s which you can?t get here ( no paid versions allowed ) -> guess thats the reason
This is exactly what the problem was thank you for the response. I sent all the moderators of this area of the forum a message asking exactly what happened and got a quick response last night!
To my knowledge, the free version does not support AFK movement in BG's. It also does not support Arenas and RBG's. As for your post being deleted it may have been about discussing paid routines which is not aloud on the forums.
I sent Tuahna an email at the address his autoreply to my PM sent me, while i do now understand the rules about no talking about other versions of the routine, isn't that exactly what talking about updates to a version that is not available on this forum is?
BG's seem to work normally except that its so sluggish, I have not tried arena's/RBG's because i just assumed. I see Tuahna posting that same faction is not supported so that may very well be why dueling doesnt work even out of arena/rbg
------------ They were probably deleted like mine was to a reply to your question. Because they don't want anyone to know how discouraged people are about the non paid version still being on version 17. The free version imho will not be upgraded to anything other than what it is now. Don't wast your time any longer asking about it. ---------
These people only want your money. Move on.
Is anyone forcing you to use it? Or better yet get your hands dirty and write one if you don't like the available offerings. I know it's not the want we want to hear but it's the reality.
Actually this is a yes and a no, I guess noone is forced to use it at gunpoint, but it is the ONLY CC in the rogue CC forums. So people that start out with HB and use a rogue, will gravitate here.
Like most people that write code - make the thing work as intended 100% for all and update it as intended, not just for the ones that people pay for. Don't put out something that only works 60%. If you put out a product that is free, then you should take the responsibility to support and update it accordingly. Not put it off cause your not making money on it. Any programmer knows this but people are so interested in that mighty dollar that they don't follow it. If the coder cannot handle all aspects of each version they put out then stop putting so many different ones out. Put out and work on the ones that your are a professional at and support them.
And btw Stinky. this so called thread is supposed to be for the non paid version and these people cannot seem to understand what that actually means. You are probably one that has never coded, I have for over 15 years in c+, Cobal, Fortran, DPL, V-B-6 and up, C+, C-sharp, Perl, but to bad I stopped before you were even born. And not in XML but I do dabble in .net. But then again you wouldn't know.
I also didn't say anything about being forced or not, to use a product. The availability of a product is based on supply and demand, when you put out a free product. Anyone with a brain would figure they would have a lot of demand on support and upgrades.
Why don't you learn to code and put out 10 versions that you cannot handle upgrading. Stinky
If people cannot accept negative feedback then they are in the wrong line of work.
You think you know reality! OMG
I think the biggest problem is a communication. I made sure to check all the rules about posting and even the thread located here ---->
No advertising and no donate links is listed but no mention of not talking about certain stuff.
It is not clear what the difference between me asking the difference and posting actual change logs and support for a version that isn't available here really is. But I wasn't at their moderator meeting that spurred these changes.
From the looks of it there were policy changes that no one was really notified about, Including some of the moderators......
Posts should imho never be deleted without some kind of reasoning why, most other forums *edit* the infringing content out and the mod says exactly why inside the other persons post.
Tuahna you could very easily list the public version "Features" in the OP and strike through whats disabled and everyone will get the point. Or even list a comparison on your website. that info has to be somewhere especially when your "versions" differ so much.