Can you tell me what your settings are?
I use a modified version of TuanHA User Setting for arenas. All cooldowns and, almost, all CC (Scatter Shot, for example, i use it manually, but with the option to bot use Freezing Trap on target with it), and other stuff like that.
Don't expect the routine to do it all for you. Create macros, key binds, use manual cast (auto pause feature it's there for a reason, because it's awesome!). Also, you need to communicate with your teammates to execute the CC chain, that's really important.
For PvE, i'm using a modified version of "Hunter Raid Survival" (User settings) with lock and load off, explosive trap off (i use it manually when there are a lot of adds). Also, always using cooldowns manually (you need to combo then with trinket procs and stuff like that for maximum DPS).
So, basically, i play the hunter myself, and use the CR just for the rotation, interrupts and stuff like that. You make the difference.
Remmember, also, that gems, reforges, enchants, all need to be setup right, don't expect to do 300k DPS without gear and without proper setup.