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TuanHA Rogue - The Ultimate Experience

Tuanha, can you set new logic to PvP against Monk's when they use Karma. Rogue just burst on monk that has Karma activated then Teammate dies because of all the damage rogue did. Please fix. Ty.

This is arena's and bg.
Good Morning TuanHa.

I have a Question, Is the routine Special Edition suitable for night elf rogue?

Because of Cruelty and the Shadowmeld?

Please tell me, thanks :)

Happy new yeAR at all :)
yes i know that.

but as you can see from my log, he didnt cast it a single time. not on bosses or trash.

View attachment 115161

edit: the only instance where he did cast it was on a training dummy. i fought thok and malkorok

In raids it cast shadowdance just fine, but doesnt use Ambush attack in the shadowdance periode.
It works just fine on a dummy.


I have all your routines and out of all of them this one lacks damage pvp wise. Maybe its me and the settings. Any suggestions?
In raids it cast shadowdance just fine, but doesnt use Ambush attack in the shadowdance periode.
It works just fine on a dummy.
Found the problem and will fix with next big update in a few days along with new logic on targeting and movement... it act just like real player with bgbuddy.

But I need more time testing so the update scheduled in a few days.
While using the Full AFK setting with Cava leveling questing profile, I'm always stealthed, despite not having the always stealth out of combat checked.

Also, an Eviscerate when mob health is below a set percentage would be nice, so we don't have to have a certain set combo point amount.
While using the Full AFK setting with Cava leveling questing profile, I'm always stealthed, despite not having the always stealth out of combat checked.

Also, an Eviscerate when mob health is below a set percentage would be nice, so we don't have to have a certain set combo point amount.
Just started rogue today and same problem here.
hey :) i have 2 Questions 1. Can i save my settings in the Routine i.e. when i restart honorbuddy my arena settings are away. And 2. Is there a recommended 3vs3 setting ?
Can someone tell me, you need to Rogue use Sap, Pickpocket, and walked down the profile if it beat out of stealth he fights, the question - how to set up a routine that he did so? And what for? FTW tried, it just takes the Target, Target and then resets so endlessly. Sorry for my bad english.:(
Is it just me or is this CC not working correctly? my Damage/DPS in PVP or PVE is attrocious. Makes me not even want to play the class anymore sadly. I also have the Special Edition(Full package) Anyone come across the same problems as me?

Haven't even tried arena, it's been horrible on Regular BG's for awhile. Is there a known issue/update/settings for PVP anyone can share?
Is it just me or is this CC not working correctly? my Damage/DPS in PVP or PVE is attrocious. Makes me not even want to play the class anymore sadly. I also have the Special Edition(Full package) Anyone come across the same problems as me?

The rotation for Assassin isn't bad.

Sub for pvp and pve is a different story and falls way behind manual play because the way it prioritizes bleeds etc I am guessing

Elitest jerks Sub Rogue Guide is a good guide if he is looking to revamp it. Goes into a lot more depth than nox/icy veins etc which are pretty basic.
Is it just me or is this CC not working correctly? my Damage/DPS in PVP or PVE is attrocious. Makes me not even want to play the class anymore sadly. I also have the Special Edition(Full package) Anyone come across the same problems as me?

Haven't even tried arena, it's been horrible on Regular BG's for awhile. Is there a known issue/update/settings for PVP anyone can share?

Its been a while since I've played my rogue for this reason .I agree Assassination with mastery reforge for bleeds isn't too bad but it seems to cheapshot and gouge etc at weird times ..I've been laughed at in BG's for its play style at times because of the way it CC's things but I certainly cant complain and maybe I would be best to handle the CC portion manually for that reason. Every situation is DIFFERENT! and therefore cant be coded correctly ..I still think TuanHa's routines are Unreal good! well worth the donation IMO...my 2 cents

What would be really cool is to have some successful rogue setups from high ranking players and a bit of a guide on the way they made it work for them just to alleviate some of the frustration for this class ..it reminds me of the way Warlocks were a few patches ago before they got better
I also have all your routines and very happy with all but the rogue. Based on the above feedback, I suppose you know your rogue is pretty bad in terms of damage and crowd control. The question is, do you plan on updating or is this the best it will be? Please respond.

Has anyone tried any of the other rogue routines?
Hello, I would like to see a bigger focus on the PvE routine and rotation. I am a Combat Spec 572 i lvl, 8/14H SoO Rogue and I am noticing that while running this combat routine (I have all special Editions) my DPS falls short... I manage my own cool downs but when I inspect my logs, I am getting way too much melee hits... not using my energy effectively.

I find myself mashing SS just because the bot doesn't do it fast enough? Is there a way to fix this... I know you recently put a delay in for the Pvp aspects but I would like to talk to you more about testing for high end game dps and making the combat routine better.

Time to revamp the rogue routine! Thanks again for all your hard work!
But rogues is the total different class, they are the HIGHEST Skill Cap Class, that mean they need a lot more user intervene to be good.

Rogue NEVER good at damage in PvP, unlike Warrior or DK, my other CR as they can top dps on full auto mode - that a mission impossible for rogue.

What the last time you guy can see a good rogue top dps in a random battleground? For me it like 4-6 months ago, rogue class is now too weak comparing to other melee... Asking for top damage combat routine for rogue is something I can't make.

Anyway, I'll try to improve more look like rogue need a total rewrite.