Last update fixed nothing for Assassination. Still no Rupture in quest environment = no energy regen.
Once again: please add 100% uptime for Rupture. It's top priority for PvE Assassination in any PvE environment.
I mean first line should be:
Not Envenom, not double builders. CAST RUPTURE.
If you have any combo on switch after killing all ruptured targets cast Rupture before biulders. The only reason not to cast it -- you have 0 combo. Then cast (Blindsided) Dispatch / Mutilate → Rupture.
After 92 lvl for standard quest mob workflow looks like:
1) Mutilate out of stealth (Shadow focus is best glyph for free Mutilate).
3) MfD (as best option for questing) → Envenom
4) Blindsided Dispatch / Mutilate
5) Switch target if anything has aggro on me
5) RUPTURE next one
6) Mutilate / Dispatch if Envenom still up | MfD → Envenom if not.
7) repeat until everything is dead.
8) pickup and stealth
Mobs will die very quick. You'll always have MfD -> Mutilate ready for next one because any kill gives: MfD reset + Energy back (died with Rupture up).
Log if you need. but it shows no finishers oO while routine casted Envenoms.
View attachment 6724 2015-01-02 00.53.txt
Once again: please add 100% uptime for Rupture. It's top priority for PvE Assassination in any PvE environment.
I mean first line should be:
if ((Rupture < 1 sec) and (combo > 0)) → queue Rupture on best (or any) target on next GCD.
If you have any combo on switch after killing all ruptured targets cast Rupture before biulders. The only reason not to cast it -- you have 0 combo. Then cast (Blindsided) Dispatch / Mutilate → Rupture.
After 92 lvl for standard quest mob workflow looks like:
1) Mutilate out of stealth (Shadow focus is best glyph for free Mutilate).
3) MfD (as best option for questing) → Envenom
4) Blindsided Dispatch / Mutilate
5) Switch target if anything has aggro on me
5) RUPTURE next one
6) Mutilate / Dispatch if Envenom still up | MfD → Envenom if not.
7) repeat until everything is dead.
8) pickup and stealth
Mobs will die very quick. You'll always have MfD -> Mutilate ready for next one because any kill gives: MfD reset + Energy back (died with Rupture up).
Log if you need. but it shows no finishers oO while routine casted Envenoms.
View attachment 6724 2015-01-02 00.53.txt
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