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TuanHA Rogue - The Ultimate Experience

Assassination doesn't seem to have any stealth initiators it just opens with mutilate from stealth. not sure if this is right considering I know nothing about assassination im only playing it because sub doesn't currently work with your routine. I bought the premium version to help you with cash considering I used this routine for ages for free and appreciate your work. Websites like Shadowcraft and Icy-Veins should help with your rotation building if your not sure about what to do. Thanks for the great routines Tuanha

your supposed to open with mutilate for chance at dispatch proc
Bumping this as it havn't been seen.

Spell you set as use on cooldown can be delayed for 15 sec (for example sub the vanish buff overstack as vanish is popped instantly by the bot, same for mark of death.)

hey tuanha do you think you could fix the shiving behavior? it just doesnt do it, it would be great to shiv when the target enrages
Is there any other fix for 'Pause Combat Routine: Not in World/Alive' when deleting everything and reinstall doesn't work?
one thing i would ask for in assasination would be having the routine rupture 3 targets when available..
When I'm running the questing bot and I get attacked by a player I'll start fighting the player but then I'll also start attacking any mobs that get near me and bounce between the mob and the player. There are no setting in the questing bot and this doesn't happen with singular that I've seen so is there a setting that I'm missing in the CR? I have the paid version, thanks :)
I am using the paid version and there is one glaring mistake with the Subtlety rotation. It all works rather nicely (hemo debuff uptime seems fine) except for Ambush and the management of the Find Weakness debuff on the targets.

When you use Shadow Dance or when you Vanish or start from Stealth with the talent Subterfuge, it will not keep casting Ambush and will instead use Backstab. It only uses Ambush once.

You need to use Ambush as the combo point builder anytime it is available, always, even if it costs more energy than Backstab. If Ambush is available, it HAS to have priority over Backstab. Another thing that is important to note is that you need to maximize your Find Weakness debuff uptime on your targets... so say you start the fight, it uses Ambush (that's correct) and should keep using Ambush until Subterfuge runs out. After that it should use Backstab until the Find Weakness debuff drops. As soon as it drops you need to cast Vanish and Ambush again, repeating your initial rotation. After Find Weakness drops again, immediately cast Preparation, Vanish and do the initial rotation again.

After Find Weakness drops and Vanish and Preparation are on cooldown, use Shadow Dance and keep spamming Ambush (this is the worst mistake of the bot atm). Right now it is casting Ambush only ONCE and using Backstab while Shadow Dance is up, which is very... very bad.

So to recap, Ambush should have priority over Backstab ALWAYS no matter what. Preparation (to reset Vanish) and Vanish should be used whenever the target doesn't have the Find Weakness debuff. Also, if you can add this... finishers also have a best way to be used. You should never refresh Rupture if the target has the Find Weakness debuff. Refreshing Slice and Dice should always be #1 priority but Rupture should only be cast if the target does NOT have the Find Weakness debuff... if it does, the bot should always Eviscerate.

If you have any specific doubts let me know and I can help you with making a perfect Subtlety rotation.
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I am using the paid version and there is one glaring mistake with the Subtlety rotation. It all works rather nicely (hemo debuff uptime seems fine) except for Ambush and the management of the Find Weakness debuff on the targets.

When you use Shadow Dance or when you Vanish or start from Stealth with the talent Subterfuge, it will not keep casting Ambush and will instead use Backstab. It only uses Ambush once.

You need to use Ambush as the combo point builder anytime it is available, always, even if it costs more energy than Backstab. If Ambush is available, it HAS to have priority over Backstab. Another thing that is important to note is that you need to maximize your Find Weakness debuff uptime on your targets... so say you start the fight, it uses Ambush (that's correct) and should keep using Ambush until Subterfuge runs out. After that it should use Backstab until the Find Weakness debuff drops. As soon as it drops you need to cast Vanish and Ambush again, repeating your initial rotation. After Find Weakness drops again, immediately cast Preparation, Vanish and do the initial rotation again.

After Find Weakness drops and Vanish and Preparation are on cooldown, use Shadow Dance and keep spamming Ambush (this is the worst mistake of the bot atm). Right now it is casting Ambush only ONCE and using Backstab while Shadow Dance is up, which is very... very bad.

So to recap, Ambush should have priority over Backstab ALWAYS no matter what. Preparation (to reset Vanish) and Vanish should be used whenever the target doesn't have the Find Weakness debuff. Also, if you can add this... finishers also have a best way to be used. You should never refresh Rupture if the target has the Find Weakness debuff. Refreshing Slice and Dice should always be #1 priority but Rupture should only be cast if the target does NOT have the Find Weakness debuff... if it does, the bot should always Eviscerate.

If you have any specific doubts let me know and I can help you with making a perfect Subtlety rotation.

i agree with everything this dude says, 100% correct if you can do this tuanHA that would be amazing. and yes assassination does work very well. its the only one i raid with because of that and im 19-21k dps at 648
How does the routine work with combat? And what talents are the most optimal for use with combat?
I am using the paid version and there is one glaring mistake with the Subtlety rotation. It all works rather nicely (hemo debuff uptime seems fine) except for Ambush and the management of the Find Weakness debuff on the targets.

When you use Shadow Dance or when you Vanish or start from Stealth with the talent Subterfuge, it will not keep casting Ambush and will instead use Backstab. It only uses Ambush once.

You need to use Ambush as the combo point builder anytime it is available, always, even if it costs more energy than Backstab. If Ambush is available, it HAS to have priority over Backstab. Another thing that is important to note is that you need to maximize your Find Weakness debuff uptime on your targets... so say you start the fight, it uses Ambush (that's correct) and should keep using Ambush until Subterfuge runs out. After that it should use Backstab until the Find Weakness debuff drops. As soon as it drops you need to cast Vanish and Ambush again, repeating your initial rotation. After Find Weakness drops again, immediately cast Preparation, Vanish and do the initial rotation again.

After Find Weakness drops and Vanish and Preparation are on cooldown, use Shadow Dance and keep spamming Ambush (this is the worst mistake of the bot atm). Right now it is casting Ambush only ONCE and using Backstab while Shadow Dance is up, which is very... very bad.

So to recap, Ambush should have priority over Backstab ALWAYS no matter what. Preparation (to reset Vanish) and Vanish should be used whenever the target doesn't have the Find Weakness debuff. Also, if you can add this... finishers also have a best way to be used. You should never refresh Rupture if the target has the Find Weakness debuff. Refreshing Slice and Dice should always be #1 priority but Rupture should only be cast if the target does NOT have the Find Weakness debuff... if it does, the bot should always Eviscerate.

If you have any specific doubts let me know and I can help you with making a perfect Subtlety rotation.

Please do this for us, Tuanha! :o
Yep it's checked, that was the only option that mentioned envenom so I had did select it. I sat and watched it run for a while and it does use envenom it just seems to want to renew slice n dice and other stuff before it does.