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TuanHA Paladin - The Ultimate Experience

Malkorok hc isnt fine :(
i dont know why , but it heals very bad ... i think the barrier detection is bad

and we need for the Thok Stopcasting a logic an other logic for Aura Mastery check !

all other bosses working awesome with this CR

Last time I check CR heal Malkorok just fine.

The tracking for exact mount of debuff is not there like Necrotic, it's only a estimated amount on Weak/Ancient Barrier but it healing OK last time I check.

I'm not sure about HC as I only do LFR but unless the aura ID of Ancient Barrier(142864) and Weak Ancient Barrier (142863) difference from LFR, CR should heal when ppl at full HP.

Well just wanted to let you know, and you can look back in these forums as its been mentioned before that the CR doesn't seem to do well at all on Malk, FYI the above IDs you have for Medium and Weak shields are correct, but there are times in our raid there will be quite a few yellow shields around and the CR seems to get lost and just stop casting, i'm not sure if maybe during the phase transitions when the debuff gets wiped and then put back on after is confusing it or what, but something is odd. Maybe just a typo somewhere, as it works but just doesn't seem to see everyone as they change.
OK, I'm gonna update another build that include better estimation on the shield value for Malkorok
Build 5.4.5287
Improve Malkorok and Thok the Bloodthirsty Logic
Add a few more feature to resto spec
Minor bug fix
damn tuan , will try it in few hours :)
thx for fast update


Malk isnt rly fixed ... doesnt cast eternal flame @ 1hp
cast a lot of single target spells ... but heal is +20 in config
but its a bit better then before

@ the end of the fight still have 70% mana
still 200k hps ... and 5 of 7 Healer in 25er malk hc
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Last time I check CR heal Malkorok just fine.

The tracking for exact mount of debuff is not there like Necrotic, it's only a estimated amount on Weak/Ancient Barrier but it healing OK last time I check.

I'm not sure about HC as I only do LFR but unless the aura ID of Ancient Barrier(142864) and Weak Ancient Barrier (142863) difference from LFR, CR should heal when ppl at full HP.

EDIT: Just saw that you updated a new logic, i'm gonna try it tonight and let you know it =)
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Malkorok HC Down, thank you so much!! :D
how much hps do you get @ the end of the fight ?
Eternal Flame or selfless healer ?
full mastery ? haste cap ?
we also have it down ... but i have only 200 hps @ the end of the fight and be one of the badest healer in raid
we are now on blackfuse
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how much hps do you get @ the end of the fight ?
Eternal Flame or selfless healer ?
full mastery ? haste cap ?
we also have it down ... but i have only 200 hps @ the end of the fight and be one of the badest healer in raid
we are now on blackfuse

I raid 10 man.. 400k hps @ end of the fight, the other healer (druid) died when boss was on 50m.
You should ALWAYS use Eternal Flame on this fight, is MUCH superior to Selfless Healer, because there is almost none overhealing, your hots help keep shields up.
Red sockets i gem for int/mastery, yellow for pure mastery and blues for mastery+spirit.
Using 45% haste cap.

For Blackfuse, between EF or SH depends on your healers composition. On mine, a druid healer can heal the tanks pretty easily, so i would go for Selfless Healer, to mitigate raid damage.
I raid 10 man.. 400k hps @ end of the fight, the other healer (druid) died when boss was on 50m.
You should ALWAYS use Eternal Flame on this fight, is MUCH superior to Selfless Healer, because there is almost none overhealing, your hots help keep shields up.
Red sockets i gem for int/mastery, yellow for pure mastery and blues for mastery+spirit.
Using 45% haste cap.

For Blackfuse, between EF or SH depends on your healers composition. On mine, a druid healer can heal the tanks pretty easily, so i would go for Selfless Healer, to mitigate raid damage.
ef blanket @ 1HP ?
i do the same like u ef , 7k hastebrakepoint , mastery gemmed etc.
for me it looks like the EF doenst work correct ... often it collect 3 or more hp
Can anybody post a yr screenshot of class config (screens in the first post is about older version of CR). Ty
click on raid + check healbalancing depends on EF or SH and spirit

thats all
ef blanket @ 1HP ?
i do the same like u ef , 7k hastebrakepoint , mastery gemmed etc.
for me it looks like the EF doenst work correct ... often it collect 3 or more hp

No, you don't. I'm using EF Blanketing @ 3HP. Also, i use the 10867 haste breakpoint. I do not go full mastery, like i said, i respect the socket colors. Many people go full mastery, gemming for then with 320 mastery even on red sockets. That's good only for Selfless Healer Talent.

Also, you must disable as much utility as possible on the routine, so it will run faster (it can focus on healing only). I use all my cooldowns manually (as you should, as a heroic raider). Utilities cooldowns as well. The only stuff marked on my routine as heal % for my healing spells (except lay on hands, i use it manually on Malkorok to top up the tank shield after blood rage phase, or during it (he solo tank it, we sync defensive cooldowns on him for that).
still no aura mastery/bop support for thok ? :)
is it hard to code ?
we need this sooo hard for hc :)


Nah its not that hard to code, but lets give him some time as TuanHA does this as a hobby, and he has a bunch of other routines, and to be fair he is "mostly" pvp focused. So far the Malk fixes seem to have done the trick, at least there was no downtime in casts or odd pauses, i just did a quick flex, i'll give it a good test later this week and see if anything pops up but if it works on flex i assume it will on any mode since the debuffs are the same.

For Thokk, the screech detection works better now, for extra checks it would be really cool to add in checks for Devo Aura (id-31821), Hand or Protection(id-1022) and Divine Shield(id-642) if the player has any of these three auras then ignore the stopcasting for the screech and continue healing as he won't be interrupted.

Have fun and as always great work TuanHA.