Build 5.4.5282
Revise Debuff/Buff list
Revise Heal Calculate Value
Minor bugs fixed
That NO BUG and you better learn more on how class work and don't request something that making CR bad.could u fix that divine light wil be used on proc?
Just look at your request to cast holy shock on cooldown and I'm sure the new request cast Divine Light on proc is not anything better.The Holy Shock code haven't changed for more than 1 year, it still good for me (and most guy I think)
Reason it will not cast on cooldown is:
You are at max holy power
You have more than 3 holy power and buff Holy Avenger up
You are in Arena/Battleground Preparation (the Holy Power stack will reset when Arena/BG gate open)
That NO BUG and you better learn more on how class work and don't request something that making CR bad.
Tell me why we have to use it on proc? To burn mana faster?
what happen next after Auto Update Status: Update Completed, please RESTART Honorbuddy!Hey Tuanha,
Ever since update I keep getting a not responding from HB, not sure if it's the CR or not, going to try a fresh install now.
View attachment 133660
Same result, only now instead of spamming me telling me it's out of date it just says it's installed wrong and it crashes the program, all other cr's I have run fine.
Second Edit:
Deleted CR on a fresh install of HB - still forces the auto update even though you hit cancel and it continues to crash. I added a Log
what happen next after Auto Update Status: Update Completed, please RESTART Honorbuddy!
Can you just do a svn update please.
What the new innovative Health Percent on Necrotic Strike?
- Necrotic Strike is a key spell by Death Knight, it do damage and absorb A LOT incoming heal.
- Thank Bloodyfinal (one of the very best Paladin in the world) this Combat Routine introduce method tracking and counter it.
- For example: If your total heal is 100k HP, your current health is 90k HP and your Necrotic Debuff is 50k absorb healing. Instead of treat your friend have 90% HP, it have smart mechanic to count your current HP is 90k (current health) - 50k (heal absorb) = 40% HP.
- This new mechanic change EVERYTHING vs DK and it's very hard for DK team to burst down your friend with the new logic.
- Big thank Bloodyfinal for the suggestion. Please update and enjoy.
Hi, I am also using the Premium version of this CR. I was going to Ask how you use it for Malkorok. I read I just activate overheal in this threat. Could somone tell me how to do it? Thank you for your help!