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TuanHA Paladin - The Ultimate Experience

Sorry guy for the delay.

I g2g right after submit new svn so I broken something :D

Anyway, a hot fixed version is up which feature:

A complete rewrite interrupt rotation.

A complete rewrite heal rotation.

Please test for me.

Thank you.
Sorry guy for the delay.

I g2g right after submit new svn so I broken something :D

Anyway, a hot fixed version is up which feature:

A complete rewrite interrupt rotation.

A complete rewrite heal rotation.

Please test for me.

Thank you.

No no kind sir... Thank you !
Added some macro usage tips on my mini setting guide for those interested in Arena/BG's
@randomnewb: I've send you email and I can not forward it to your private message because of your forum setting.

Anyway, If you haven't got my email, please check your spam folder or let me know.
Hey guys, thought id write up a small settings guide primarily for arena but will give my views on RBG also. Feedback is your call but I have 2k rating experience and the settings im using are working really well for me.

The first thing I will tell you is that alot of the settings are removed because you simply cannot expect to just run into an arena and let the CC get it right for you. First il start with talents and glyps, then move onto CC settings explaining why I set them accordingly.

Pursuit of Justice - Passive speed increase is nice and when you have Holy Power you are quicker (less spells to use is always good).
Repentance - I play with melee classes so repentance is a great CC to use along with HoJ and Blind. Fist of Justice is better if your team uses DoTs alot, it is also better for RBG's.
Eternal Flame - Ive tested SS over and over and im just not happy with how the CC uses it so EF is just a better option as the CC uses it fantastically. If you want to use SS manual then id say try it.
Clemency - 2 Freedoms is great for your melee partner and for getting out of slows and snares. 2 Sacs is essential for breaking poly/repentances/fears/traps/saps! Put it on your partner before it happens and the damage will break you free.
Divine Purpose - Some people will use HA but i find AW, DF and Guardian are enough. DP procs ALOT and will help you EF your team leaving you free to get good positioning.
Holy Prism - No brainer really. No cast bar, quick CD and can be used offensively also. Use it on the pesky melee sitting on you for DPS AND a heal.

Glyphs (Some of these choices are personal preference really but this is how I use them, im not posting Minors, thats your choice)
Glyph of Beacon of Light - The CC uses BoL really well so this one is essential.
Glpyh of Blessed Light - Really handy glyph that will grant you more Holy Power when you are being focused, I consider this essential personally.
Glyph of Flash of Light - This is a good 3rd choice, when you have to get a partner up fast (and are at last resort) pop Devotion Aura and spam FoL. The second FoL will be 10% stronger. (Swap this out for Turn Evil if you want)

General Setting
Currently there is an issue with HB making CC run slow, Tua says setting all Interupts to 0 fixes it and its working for me. When this is fixed these are my usual settings.
Interupt And Other
Rebuke 2000ms - This will rebuke your target for you which is really useful if you dont get to it in time yourself.
Hoj 0ms - You should be using HoJ yourself to setup CC chains with partners.
Blind 0ms - Again this should be used manually, the CC will just blind the next heal it sees and thats a waste.
Repentance 0ms - Same as above.
The boxes below should be left unticked for the reasons explained above. CC should be used manually.

These should all be used manually, PvP should be used to get out of a game changing HoJ or fear etc. Your SP trink should be used in a macro with AW.

CC enemy my hp below 35 - Im considering changing this to 0 as this could waste a CD on a player immune to effects, but for now 35% seems low enough to begin getting worried.
Devotion Aura 0 - Use this manually to get in a repentance or fully heal up fast, it will also allow your casters to burst hard. Dont let the CC use it and waste it.
Divine Plea 0 - In PvE the CC uses Plea really well but if you use this at the wrong time in arena your healing output is lower and a heavy burst could catch you out. It could also be used while in the open and get dispelled.
Divine Protection 90 - I let the CC use this early as I dont glyph into it so its a little early mitigation against a caster. If you glyph it id use this manually.
Divine Shield 20 - I normally Bubble manually but if 20% hp is pretty damned low, just remember if the CC uses this in the open you are wide open to get dispelled or shattered.
Hand of Prot 20 - Same reason as above but be ready to use this manually also.
Hand of Sac 0 - You GOT to use this manually, as soon as you see/hear a breakable spell being used (traps/poly/repentance/blind etc) pop this on partner taking damage and your free.
Lay on Hands - None usable so your call.
Selfless healer - Never use it myself.
Prism Target 10 - if a target is this low then the CC will be looking to Hammer of Wrath, the prism will add to your mini excecute. Other than that im using it primarily on friendlies as it is too expensive for CC to use offensive on CD.
Prism Friend 80 - Nice amount of Health for CC to use this and keep your partner topped up.
Hand of Freedom (Pvp) - Melee - I let CC freedom melee partner when needed, it does this really well. If I need it il use it myself. Casters are less important as they have range, if they need it and I have it il do it manual.
May I quote this on the first page tijj? That a "How to get Hero of the Horde/Alliance title - by tijj :D
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i wanted to update the Paladin Ultimate but there comes following Error message:

Command: Update
Error: Working copy 'D:\buddy\Routines\TuanHAPaladinSpecialEdition' locked.
Error: 'D:\buddy\Routines\TuanHAPaladinSpecialEdition' is already locked.


What is wrong? The Monk Ultimate update works
Ok, tweaking some settings, but tuanha, when i sometimes press the keys to toggle AOE mode on and off, it does not work. Same thing happens with burst mode, sometimes it doesn't detect it or something?
I change the code a bit so you need to HOLD the 2 button (control and your define key) to activate it.

And AoE is for Ret and Prot only. AoE always on by default on Paladin, you always need aoe heal (except in PvP it priority spot heal over aoe heal)

i wanted to update the Paladin Ultimate but there comes following Error message:

Command: Update
Error: Working copy 'D:\buddy\Routines\TuanHAPaladinSpecialEdition' locked.
Error: 'D:\buddy\Routines\TuanHAPaladinSpecialEdition' is already locked.


What is wrong? The Monk Ultimate update works
Can you PM me your email/username?

Or try delete ALL files in that folder EXCEPT the .svn folder and update again...
Tuan, did you change something with the stop casting, save mana function? Heals have dropped in half, but I need to test more and will give a log. On a similar note, chosing the buttons PVP, Quest, Raid, Dungeon, what do these do, as far as casting or saving mana function. (I want to use all my mana, hate ending fight 6th in heals at 100% mana)
Using this amazing CC with BGBuddy is like driving a brand new car straight through a pool of dirt.
Has to be used with LazyRaider or else it's just a massive facepalm.
No idea why BGBuddy isn't being updated, works like shit literally.
Tuan, did you change something with the stop casting, save mana function? Heals have dropped in half, but I need to test more and will give a log. On a similar note, chosing the buttons PVP, Quest, Raid, Dungeon, what do these do, as far as casting or saving mana function. (I want to use all my mana, hate ending fight 6th in heals at 100% mana)

If ur gear is good and u have decent spirit (example: Doing LFR with ilvl 470+ item), you can choose Dungeon or Pvp mode, it will consume more mana. The raid setting will save more mana for endurance fights.
You also can tweak it by urself, in the General Tab and Holy Tab, manually config the value as you wish, to be simple, the higher HP you set to let the CR trigger its healing, the more mana it will consume (more over healing done)
If ur gear is good and u have decent spirit (example: Doing LFR with ilvl 470+ item), you can choose Dungeon or Pvp mode, it will consume more mana. The raid setting will save more mana for endurance fights.
You also can tweak it by urself, in the General Tab and Holy Tab, manually config the value as you wish, to be simple, the higher HP you set to let the CR trigger its healing, the more mana it will consume (more over healing done)

Thanks, yeah I have 500 ilvl with 12k spirit and normally have no problems. I've reconfigured my saved settings, only thing strange I'm doing is using Tyrael bot.

Edit: think I found it, HB would stop healing and say "reading profile"
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Whats everyones opinion on Tyrael Vs. LazyRaider for Tuanha's CR's?

I've Only used Tyrael for MAD's resto druid CR as it is suggested.. but how is it for Tuanha's CRs.
Whats everyones opinion on Tyrael Vs. LazyRaider for Tuanha's CR's?

I've Only used Tyrael for MAD's resto druid CR as it is suggested.. but how is it for Tuanha's CRs.

i only use lazyraider to heal now.
raidbot makes my dps go up a good amount.(around 5k) lazyraider is to slow atm.
there's no wait to really test healing speed. so i have no idea for that.
i'm pretty sure raidbot dissent work with healing? every time i try it on my monk it just does nothing.

for DPS i would say Raidbot then Tyrael then lazyraider.
healing i think Tyrael is about the same as lazyraider. i don't think it matters much.
hope this helps
This CC does it all. It is by far the best CC made for a pally. The healing and ret is amazing. I donated and got the FULL version and all I can say is WOW. I recommend donating even fi its $5 to this guy. You'll be so impressed with the full version!
tuanha I lost my pw for your special edition... can you PM it to me or can I somehow reset it?

I had it saved but installed honor buddy and SVN new and now its gone