[11:43:47 AM] Ab********: I'm ranked! I'm ranked!
[11:43:57 AM] Me: hahaha
[11:43:58 AM] Me: hơ
[11:44:00 AM] Me: how?
[11:44:36 AM] Ab********: winglord usin your cc like always. guess i got lucky this time

[11:44:45 AM] Ab********: with my choice of srttings
[11:44:58 AM] Ab********: thank you man thank you

[11:45:00 AM] Me: what is winglord xD?
[11:45:10 AM] Ab********: boss after garalon in HoF
[11:45:33 AM] Me: ah, i never met him, my guild never get there lol
[11:45:40 AM] Me: so u got ranked with paladin?
[11:45:42 AM] Ab********: ah find new guild! haha
[11:45:44 AM] Ab********: yes sir!
[11:45:52 AM] Me: gratz,
[11:45:54 AM] Ab********: thanks

[11:46:03 AM] Me: and that shaman guild leader kick you rolf?
[11:46:23 AM] Ab********: lol no just complaining like always about how im always healing everything and he cant

[11:46:36 AM] Me: rolf
[11:47:11 AM] Ab********: on ambershaper-unsok for the first 3 minutes or so I was doing around 55k hps monk buddy was doing around 50k hps and shammy was doing 5k hps
[11:48:16 AM] Me: damn haha, he must ragequit or complaining for shaman buff on WoW forum right now xD
[11:48:41 AM] Ab********: hahah he tonight just after raid decided to reforge and try something new

[11:49:04 AM] Ab********: he's thinking of rolling a new class lol!