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TuanHA Paladin - The Ultimate Experience

Again, I'm looking forward to another of your excellent Combat Routines. Check your inbox for your donation.
atm i have a problem with this on windlord - when the boss does rain of blades the massive aoe dmg even if i set LoD @ 95 - 3 targets and HR @ 90 - 3 targets , the CC will hesitate a lot until it will cast any of those 2 , sometimes it wont cast LoD at all
I have the paid monk, and paladin routine and I was wondering if you could incorporate auto rezing for dungeons and raid maybe
i have a problem and tried all setting but can't figure it out. using lazyraider it starts attacking one i target some mob/boss wich isn't that nice...
I really hope your next routine is for shamans, they need some serious love, and you are the right man to give them love...
one question, is it recommended to have that 4 pvp set bonus for pve aswell?! due to this EF thing? just wondering as everyone is talkin about it since i was on vacation for 3 days... :D
tonite i had a chat with the main pala healer from a top EU guild ( Enraged Revolution ) and he uses a different approach to what we use in general but it works just as good if not better

- first of all for this to work you really need go all out mastery , forges , gems , enchants etc -

i dont know if this setup is possible with the way the CR is set at the momment but im sure tuanha can make it happen very easy

basicly LoD is now no1 prio spell with 3HP , so EF blanket style is now replaced with LoD blanket style , overhealing like crazy with 3HP LoD will build up insane ammounts of healing absorbs on the raid + bigger HPS and faster heals so your healing on skada will be something like 1.Illuminated Healing 2.LoD 3.Holy Shock

so prio is build 3HP - LoD on 3HP doesnt matter if it overheals its ment to do that so u can build up a healing shield on the raid
i have a problem and tried all setting but can't figure it out. using lazyraider it starts attacking one i target some mob/boss wich isn't that nice...
I dont understand the problem, can you at least provide some info?

Spec, environment etceterea.
My Request.

My first Official request in this thread :D haha.

My request is that the Group healing module be improved upon and put into it's own tab with not just group selections Refer to below image.


How it works:

It's simple you Check the box's beside the raid members names that you wish to heal, and don't check the box's you wish to not heal.

Having this would be handy in a lot of situations (mainly raiding) Sometime's you are not required to heal the whole team, sometime's you are only required to heal a certain group, then other time's you are required to heal multiple people from multiple groups. or just heal tanks?

Another handy use for this is: Ever have that annoying person in heroics or LFR raids that just stands in everything and use's you mana...DON'T HEAL HIM lol.

One of the main issue's that this could be used to fix is the problem we are having with the CC trying to heal people that are locked out. (you can just deselect there name)

I fully understand that you will need to use LUA calls to grab all the player names for each group from Wow, but i really don't think it will slow the CR down much at all, at least not to an extent that users will notice it. and the Feature will not be used on every healing encounter anyway. And that's what the Check box to enable selective healing is for. So the LUA calls can be switched off when your not using it.
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tonite i had a chat with the main pala healer from a top EU guild ( Enraged Revolution ) and he uses a different approach to what we use in general but it works just as good if not better

- first of all for this to work you really need go all out mastery , forges , gems , enchants etc -

i dont know if this setup is possible with the way the CR is set at the momment but im sure tuanha can make it happen very easy

basicly LoD is now no1 prio spell with 3HP , so EF blanket style is now replaced with LoD blanket style , overhealing like crazy with 3HP LoD will build up insane ammounts of healing absorbs on the raid + bigger HPS and faster heals so your healing on skada will be something like 1.Illuminated Healing 2.LoD 3.Holy Shock

so prio is build 3HP - LoD on 3HP doesnt matter if it overheals its ment to do that so u can build up a healing shield on the raid

seriously this is geting abit ridiculous, go worldoflogs ffs or just count the healing in ur brain, EF is like 10 times better then LoD,
seriously this is geting abit ridiculous, go worldoflogs ffs or just count the healing in ur brain, EF is like 10 times better then LoD,

Just listen to alaerwen... he is 100% correct. Pointless to arguing LoD with invalid facts.
As holy, I've been asked to use Sacred Shield on Bladelord H for the Wind Step debuff. How smart is SS? Also my tank uses SS, so will mine work well with his? ie won't try and overwrite it? I prefer EF of course, but have been asked to use SS.

On a seperate note, LoD is crazy good on some fights. I've ranked high on WoL on every single boss encounter using a LoD and/or 1 EF blanket set up. Ace99ro was just reporting to us what he was told by a top holy pally, and if you actually do check WoL logs, you will see there is some truth to it, however I wouldn't do it with less than 4 pc pve, 10k spirit and probably 500 ilvl.
I'm using this, and it's working perfectly fine for Questing. Excellent Combat Routine.

My only issue, I have spec'd my Paladin into Eternal Flame (45 level talent), This spell replaces Word of Glory and is pretty useful IMO. It places a nice HoT on you, or the person you cast it on. It does not seem to be casting this, ever.