Hello Schnofi,Hello friends, i postet my settings pages ago and i ranked very often with that. Now i have a big problem. My tankhealing is soooo low, and @ darmac mythic the tanks get really hard and i should top them = i can´t!!! the cr only brings 5-6MIO heal to them with EF and SH build but i habe 40k+HPS overal. can someone PM me with his "tankheal"-settings or give me tipps for my settings? i´m crying![]()
Hello Schnofi,
try this one:
Tank one as your Target, Tank 2 set to focus.
I dont know if it just a feeling but when i do this it helps a lot. (no log testing yet)
[2/19/2015 10:15:07 PM] KayKay: healing tonics dont work still
[2/19/2015 10:15:10 PM] KayKay: seraphim does tho
[2/19/2015 10:18:44 PM] KayKay: [02:17:31.821 N] 31:821 HP: 46 % Mana: 99 (2 HP) Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin 0y 46% hp Word of Glory (85673)
[02:17:31.828 D] 31:827 Trying to cast Shield of the Righteous (53600) on Blackhand reason ShieldoftheRighteousWoD2 Mana 31521 HolyPower 2 HolyPowerMax 5
[02:17:31.850 D] CastFailListUpdate 53600 - Shield of the Righteous (Not enough holy power)
[02:17:31.857 D] 31:857 Trying to cast Consecration (26573) on Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin reason ConsecrationWoD2 Mana 31521 HolyPower 2 HolyPowerMax 5
[02:17:32.232 N] 32:231 HP: 2 % Mana: 92 (2 HP) Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin 0y 2% hp Consecration (159556)
[02:17:32.856 D] 32:855 Trying to cast Shield of the Righteous (53600) on Blackhand reason ShieldoftheRighteousWoD2 Mana 32000 HolyPower 2 HolyPowerMax 5
[02:17:32.887 D] CastFailListUpdate 53600 - Shield of the Righteous (Not enough holy power)
[02:17:33.052 D] Waiting for JudgementWoD7
[02:17:33.152 D] 33:152 Trying to cast Judgment (20271) on Blackhand reason JudgementWoD7 Mana 32000 HolyPower 2 HolyPowerMax 5
[02:17:33.322 N] 33:322 HP: 3 % Mana: 97 (3 HP) Blackhand 7.42y 53% hp Judgment (20271)
[2/19/2015 10:18:53 PM] KayKay: neither does lay on hands
[2/19/2015 10:18:57 PM] KayKay: I had it set to 15
did you fix the health potions and lay on hands?
[3/16/2015 9:47:42 AM] KayKay: I've been usin other CRs cuz it wasn't workin
[3/16/2015 10:00:45 AM] KayKay: I have "Healthstone - Potion - B Standard" set to 40.
25:075 HP: 44 % Mana: 97 (5 HP) Dungeoneer's Training Dummy 2.04y 79% hp Judgment (20271)
26:223 HP: 39 % Mana: 93 (3 HP) Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin 0y 39% hp Seraphim (152262)
26:224 HP: 39 % Mana: 93 (3 HP) Dungeoneer's Training Dummy 2.04y 79% hp Avenger's Shield (31935)
26:225 HP: 39 % Mana: 93 (3 HP) Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin 0y 39% hp Grand Crusader (98057)
26:418 HP: 39 % Mana: 93 (0 HP) Dungeoneer's Training Dummy 2.04y 79% hp Shield of the Righteous (53600)
27:692 HP: 45 % Mana: 92 (3 HP) Dungeoneer's Training Dummy 2.04y 79% hp Crusader Strike (35395)
It didn't use it
[3/16/2015 10:02:06 AM] KayKay: are you sure potion is set to Healing Tonic itemID 109223 ?
[3/16/2015 10:03:35 AM] KayKay: I also just set lay on hands to 60% for testing. Didn't use that either.
My settings: http://puu.sh/gCGbn/7984ee2818.png
10:299 HP: 66 % Mana: 98 (2 HP) Dungeoneer's Training Dummy 2.59y 60% hp Crusader Strike (35395)
11:489 HP: 60 % Mana: 91 (3 HP) Dungeoneer's Training Dummy 2.59y 60% hp Avenger's Shield (31935)
11:490 HP: 60 % Mana: 91 (3 HP) Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin 0y 60% hp Grand Crusader (98057)
12:487 HP: 56 % Mana: 100 (0 HP) Dungeoneer's Training Dummy 2.59y 59% hp Shield of the Righteous (53600)
12:831 HP: 56 % Mana: 97 (1 HP) Dungeoneer's Training Dummy 2.59y 59% hp Judgment (20271)
14:016 HP: 51 % Mana: 95 (2 HP) Dungeoneer's Training Dummy 2.59y 59% hp Crusader Strike (35395)
14:681 HP: 51 % Mana: 100 (2 HP) Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin 0y 51% hp Training Gear (182422)
15:226 HP: 51 % Mana: 100 (2 HP) Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin 0y 51% hp Sacred Shield (20925)
16:305 HP: 46 % Mana: 93 (2 HP) Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin 0y 46% hp Consecration (159556)
Since it's still not fixed and you still haven't replied in skype, I'll post it here.
For prot paid edition, it's not using healing tonic nor lay on hands. This makes me go to other routines.
I posted this all in skype on:
This is getting pretty irritating that I pay for a routine for prot and key healing components still don't work that were reported ages ago.
Is this thing at all viable for healing pvp? Have not seen many success stories with this so I wanna check before I boost my pally.
thisSo the bot will still occasionally put up 2 Hand of Sacrifices which wastes a charge of it. This has been going on for a while now. Can you somehow make it so it won't put another one up if it detects the buff on them already? Thanks!
hey guys, look ive been using this CR since day one and have had no issue but this expac is difficult, i cant seem to top heals with any config i try or use. Im competing against another holy paladin and priest and a shammy roughly we are all on par with i lvl but they seem to beat me most of the time. look if anyone is willing to help out much appreciated.
ive tried the Selfless healer set-up a few pages back and the other eternal flames set-up as well.
i think tuanha is getting lazy because of the many cc he needs to keep updating he only makes it stable for evry new honorbuddy client but the new features that needs to be added he wont
disc priests are really strong atm, even the CR will struggle to keep up with a decent priest, depending on the fight if its more of a stacking fight shamans are very stronk also, healing stream does so much damn healing on its own you need to burn half your mana bar to keep up with itthe other paladin might just be a case of talents ? maybe a few tweaks etc, maybe hes using tuanhas also ?
im in a raid now with another paladin and i can tell hes using it also