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TuanHA Paladin - The Ultimate Experience

Using some outstanding settings which I found a few pages back that have ranked me in top 50 world and placed me in the 99% on most every fight in brf. However this is with selfless healer, I am trying to find legit settings that use eternal flame with the same if not improved output. 669
Using some outstanding settings which I found a few pages back that have ranked me in top 50 world and placed me in the 99% on most every fight in brf. However this is with selfless healer, I am trying to find legit settings that use eternal flame with the same if not improved output. 669

Well, either everyone stopped botting or they all just like to keep their settings to themselves these days.
Holy Settings

Using some outstanding settings which I found a few pages back that have ranked me in top 50 world and placed me in the 99% on most every fight in brf. However this is with selfless healer, I am trying to find legit settings that use eternal flame with the same if not improved output. 669

Here is a screen shot of the settings I'm using with SH, something is wrong and I can't figure out what it is. The tallents are all correct, and hardlock @30fps and vsync enabled, not sure if that would really matter or not.

If anyone would have suggestions please let me know :)

Here is a screen shot of the settings I'm using with SH, something is wrong and I can't figure out what it is. The tallents are all correct, and hardlock @30fps and vsync enabled, not sure if that would really matter or not.

If anyone would have suggestions please let me know :)

Holy s..t!!!!!! +20 on mana bar !!!!!!!! wow you drink a lot of mana...i am on top on my mythic raid with +2/+3 but +20!? :\
Hello Tuanha, thank you for creating your CR for us to use. I have a question regarding the questing configuration for your public release. When attacked by the opposite faction, does it fight back like a human does? I only ask this because during my questing, a horde attacked me and my bot responded by staying a fair distance from him and only used ranged attacks as a ret Pally. My toon also kept strafing sideways while using ranged attacks and definitely gave away that I was botting. I also noticed that it doesn't react to quest lootable items like Father's Shield from the quest Father's Footsteps in Townlong Steppes. I switched back to Singular as it does respond back appropriately.

Thank you for your help.
Holy s..t!!!!!! +20 on mana bar !!!!!!!! wow you drink a lot of mana...i am on top on my mythic raid with +2/+3 but +20!? :\

I'll try lowering that some, but i'm like the lowest healer in the team with it like that. I wonder if LOD would help too, I switch it around lots trying to figure out the best combination maybe I had it turned off for some reason.

I also have a different setup for EF, but can't get much more HPS with that one either.
It's not that confusing. We're all competing with each other in one way or another, whether in PvP (arena/BGs) or to a lesser extend PvE (WarcraftLogs). You may consider it selfish for us to hold onto our settings in order to cultivate an edge over the competition, but please consider that for our settings some of us have spent a lot of time and effort testing and optimizing the best settings we can. The competition is part of the fun.

What you're saying sounds a bit entitled. Try putting in some effort. I will say that the default settings, at least for Protection and Retribution are a pretty good base to start from.
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I'll try lowering that some, but i'm like the lowest healer in the team with it like that. I wonder if LOD would help too, I switch it around lots trying to figure out the best combination maybe I had it turned off for some reason.

I also have a different setup for EF, but can't get much more HPS with that one either.

Remember with SH healing you always ...yes ALWAYS... need to have a mob targeted and not a player so you keep the bonus from judgement up at all times. If you're tank healing turn off auto-beacon and just put them on ur tanks. I would also use the Sanctified Wrath talent and put Avenging Wrath on auto cast and set it to 3/80 (or even 2/80 depending on the fight.)
Just after some Recommendations, I'm playing a Hpally in 3v3 arena and RBGs and was thinking of either buying Tuanha's premium or HazzPaladin [Premium Edition] , What do you guys think is better as far as pvp goes?
Definitely tuanha. I have tried hazzpaladin and It was rubbish. I have never heard anything good from that routine. Sorry but that's my own opinion...
I was comparing some of my logs with other iLVL675-680+ EF build HPallies and I see others doing a LOT MORE Light of Dawn (50's compared to my 10 ) so I was adjusting the LOD Unit|HP to like 4/65, 4/70, 4/80 etc.. but didn't notice much of a difference. On the other hand however i'm seeing my EF at like 50 or so. I guess what I'm asking is what would be the proper settings to kind of balance out the EF and LOD ?

Thank you all for the suggestion on my previous HS build too, thats working quite nicely :)
I was comparing some of my logs with other iLVL675-680+ EF build HPallies and I see others doing a LOT MORE Light of Dawn (50's compared to my 10 )
With 4pt bonus you are going to cast more LoD, but 50 LoDs during a fight is just wron.
Try to set LoD @5 players under 75-80, EF with 3HP and beacons on tanks.
Anyway is selfless healer really worth a try?
I mean EF+beacon of faith should be way better than anything else.
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With 4pt bonus you are going to cast more LoD, but 50 LoDs during a fight is just wron.
Try to set LoD @5 players under 75-80, EF with 3HP and beacons on tanks.
Anyway is selfless healer really worth a try?
I mean EF+beacon of faith should be way better than anything else.

Thanks for the suggestions! I see what you are saying about SH, and EF+Beacon, and I do agree with you for overall healing I think EF is the best setup, but "sometimes" they only thing looked at is topping the meters and SH seems to do a better job at that for me anyhow. I know it's a poor way to judge performance indeed.
Hello friends, i postet my settings pages ago and i ranked very often with that. Now i have a big problem. My tankhealing is soooo low, and @ darmac mythic the tanks get really hard and i should top them = i can´t!!! the cr only brings 5-6MIO heal to them with EF and SH build but i habe 40k+HPS overal. can someone PM me with his "tankheal"-settings or give me tipps for my settings? i´m crying :(

what is the best setting for your Premium Routines with "ENYO" in PVP?
Can anyone help me how to setting up ENYO perfectly for Tuanha Premium CRs?!
And does it support Framelock??

Thank you
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