Is there any code to cast devotion aura in thok encounter?
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I updated Cerbz's "PvP GUIDE FROM CERBZ - 2k2 PLAYER" and added in a few changes/new setting choices. Overall, the bot is not much different from his guide, but I figured I would update with pictures so that new players could more easily setup for an arena match.
As of 2/3/14, this is my current 2k+ rated Holy Pally CR setup/guide:
Haybale's 2k+ Holy Paladin Arena Guide:
This guide is based off of 522ilvl for PvP Arena. If you are going oom, please tone down your CR appropriately.
Stat Priority:
Intellect > Spirit > Mastery = Crit > Haste
Some Paladins choose to favor crit and some choose to favor mastery, but neither decision is wrong. I personally chose to go mastery.
Long Arm of the Law (or 'Speed of Light' if you prefer)
Evil is a Point of View (can go either of the other 2 options for this teir depending on what comp you play against)
Eternal Flame
Divine Purpose
Holy Prism
Blessed Life
Flash of Light
Glyph of Beacon of Light
Buy all off-pieces of meditation.
Head: Spirit (from Crit)
Neck: Mastery (from Haste)
Shoulders: None
Back: Mastery (from Crit)
Chest: Mastery (from Haste)
Bracers: Mastery (from Crit)
Gloves: Mastery (from Haste)
Belt: Mastery (from Haste)
Legs: Spirit (from Crit)
Boots: None
Ring(Cruelty): Spirit (from Crit)
Ring(Meditation): Mastery (from Haste)
Meta: Tyrannical Primal Diamond (or if not enough conquest go with Burning Primal Diamond)
Prismatic: Brilliant Primordial Ruby
Blue: Purified Imperial Amethyst
Red: Brilliant Primordial Ruby
Yellow: Potent Vermilion Onyx Misty Wild Jade
Shoulders: Enchant Greater Crane Wing Inscription
Cloak: Enchant Cloak Superior Intellect
Chest: Enchant Chest Glorious Stats or Enchant Chest Super Resilience (I went Super Resilience because that is what the top Holy Paladins run right now)
Bracers: Enchant Bracer Super Intellect
Gloves: Enchant Gloves Greater Haste
Belt: Enchant Living Steel Belt Buckle
Legs: Enchant Greater Cerulean Spellthread
Boots: Enchant Boots Pandarens Step
Main Hand: Enchant Weapon Jade Spirit
Off Hand: Enchant Offhand Major Intellect
CR Setup:
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View attachment 119327
Manual Press
This setup will allow you to choose your own Target/Focus, and cast almost everything you could want for you. The following spells are spells that I sometimes use manually depending on the condition:
Hammer of Justice
Blinding Light
Turn Evil
Divine Shield
Devotion Aura
If you have comments or suggestions for the betterment of this guide, feel free to PM me your suggestions.
Hope everyone enjoys!
Few points id like too make:
1) Your interupt delay is basicly set too instantly interupt, its way too fast, you will be interupting spell that are humanly impossible too catch consistantly 200 - 400 ms you have it set too in the Screenshot, Your cleanse and break CC might also be suspiciouse, i would increase the delays on them all, as it stand you will probally get a tonne of rage /w and player reports and possibly some unwanted scrutiny from Blizz, Those setting arent what id call "Botting safe".
2) on the holy page "Cleanse unit exeeds debuffs" setting, i personaly turn that off and leave "Cleanse important Debuff" on , Dont want the CR Cleansing randomly with the Exeeds debuff setting then 1 sec later you have no cleanse for a Deep Freeze ect which can be game breaking, Could get your partner or you dead in my exp.
3) Eternal flame Blanket on 1, Surely if your CCed and only thing on your partner is flame while your in CC you would want the eternal flame to be set on 3 so its got some juice behind itsince pvp is about burst.
4) Avengine Wrath 60%, Divine favor 50%, Gaurdian 40% , You seem too have based your %'s too Avoid them all popping at the same time? if thats the case Fear not, as there is a setting just above them "Delay before using cooldowns" This means you can have them all at 40% and they will not overlap, I myself have them all at 40% with a 7 second delay, When a team mate hits 40% its pops one CD - Waits 7 secs, if they are still under 40% it pops another and if you or your teamates still low after the first CD after 7 secs, you probally need the extra heals from the 2nd CD, In 2v2 i lower it too 30% , 40% in 3s because its generaly more bursty.
5) if you are not using Holy Avenger, untick it, will make the routine run smoother if you untick anything you ownt be using.
Just one question. He's using divine purpose. Does he need to set eternal flame = 3?
Few points id like too make:
1) Your interupt delay is basicly set too instantly interupt, its way too fast, you will be interupting spell that are humanly impossible too catch consistantly 200 - 400 ms you have it set too in the Screenshot, Your cleanse and break CC might also be suspiciouse, i would increase the delays on them all, as it stand you will probally get a tonne of rage /w and player reports and possibly some unwanted scrutiny from Blizz, Those setting arent what id call "Botting safe".
2) on the holy page "Cleanse unit exeeds debuffs" setting, i personaly turn that off and leave "Cleanse important Debuff" on , Dont want the CR Cleansing randomly with the Exeeds debuff setting then 1 sec later you have no cleanse for a Deep Freeze ect which can be game breaking, Could get your partner or you dead in my exp.
3) Eternal flame Blanket on 1, Surely if your CCed and only thing on your partner is flame while your in CC you would want the eternal flame to be set on 3 so its got some juice behind itsince pvp is about burst.
4) Avengine Wrath 60%, Divine favor 50%, Gaurdian 40% , You seem too have based your %'s too Avoid them all popping at the same time? if thats the case Fear not, as there is a setting just above them "Delay before using cooldowns" This means you can have them all at 40% and they will not overlap, I myself have them all at 40% with a 7 second delay, When a team mate hits 40% its pops one CD - Waits 7 secs, if they are still under 40% it pops another and if you or your teamates still low after the first CD after 7 secs, you probally need the extra heals from the 2nd CD, In 2v2 i lower it too 30% , 40% in 3s because its generaly more bursty.
5) if you are not using Holy Avenger, untick it, will make the routine run smoother if you untick anything you ownt be using.
I don't see anything wrong, the log is too short and there's no error coming from my CR.I've experiece so many error logs regarding this one.
@ OhaiDur and @ericklcl:
1) I have only had 1 opponent do this and I am in the 2k bracket right now in 2s/3s, but he was really pissed so I am surprised that more people haven't noticed. I am changing Interrupt from 200-400 to 500-800. I am also changing the Break CC Delay/Cleanse Delay from 50-200 to 200-500. Are these settings more realistic, or still too far fetched?
2) Great advice, not sure why I didn't do this already lol.
3) Used to have it at 3 and didn't noticed it had changed. Definitely changing it back to 3.
4) I did this using Cerbz's logic from his guide. I have used this for a while and it allows for longer matches to have more CD up-time and mana-efficiency. I used to run all around 35-40 though, so I cannot say that I have used the current logic in my guide longer than a few days. I will lower these cutoff values.
5) Somehow missed that. I usually have everything turned off that I am not using (since anything ticked will just be running checks and slowing down the routine's performance).
I appreciate the suggestions. I have reached just over 2k with this setup this season, but now with the changes maybe I will have even better performance. I have updated the guide so please let me know if anyone sees anything else. Good stuff!
**How do I delete the old images? I go under advanced and only see how to add more to the 5 I currently have.
How is this CR at the moment for RET pally pvp?
I updated Cerbz's "PvP GUIDE FROM CERBZ - 2k2 PLAYER" and added in a few changes/new setting choices. Overall, the bot is not much different from his guide, but I figured I would update with pictures so that new players could more easily setup for an arena match.
As of 2/3/14, this is my current 2k+ rated Holy Pally CR setup/guide:
Haybale's 2k+ Holy Paladin Arena Guide:
This guide is based off of 522ilvl for PvP Arena. If you are going oom, please tone down your CR appropriately.
Stat Priority:
Intellect > Spirit > Mastery = Crit > Haste
Some Paladins choose to favor crit and some choose to favor mastery, but neither decision is wrong. I personally chose to go mastery.
Long Arm of the Law (or 'Speed of Light' if you prefer)
Evil is a Point of View (can go either of the other 2 options for this teir depending on what comp you play against)
Eternal Flame
Divine Purpose
Holy Prism
Blessed Life
Flash of Light
Glyph of Beacon of Light
Buy all off-pieces of meditation.
Head: Spirit (from Crit)
Neck: Mastery (from Haste)
Shoulders: None
Back: Mastery (from Crit)
Chest: Mastery (from Haste)
Bracers: Mastery (from Crit)
Gloves: Mastery (from Haste)
Belt: Mastery (from Haste)
Legs: Spirit (from Crit)
Boots: None
Ring(Cruelty): Spirit (from Crit)
Ring(Meditation): Mastery (from Haste)
Meta: Tyrannical Primal Diamond (or if not enough conquest go with Burning Primal Diamond)
Prismatic: Brilliant Primordial Ruby
Blue: Purified Imperial Amethyst
Red: Brilliant Primordial Ruby
Yellow: Potent Vermilion Onyx Misty Wild Jade
Shoulders: Enchant Greater Crane Wing Inscription
Cloak: Enchant Cloak Superior Intellect
Chest: Enchant Chest Glorious Stats or Enchant Chest Super Resilience (I went Super Resilience because that is what the top Holy Paladins run right now)
Bracers: Enchant Bracer Super Intellect
Gloves: Enchant Gloves Greater Haste
Belt: Enchant Living Steel Belt Buckle
Legs: Enchant Greater Cerulean Spellthread
Boots: Enchant Boots Pandarens Step
Main Hand: Enchant Weapon Jade Spirit
Off Hand: Enchant Offhand Major Intellect
CR Setup:
View attachment 119376
View attachment 119326
View attachment 119377
Manual Press
This setup will allow you to choose your own Target/Focus, and cast almost everything you could want for you. The following spells are spells that I sometimes use manually depending on the condition:
Hammer of Justice
Blinding Light
Turn Evil
Divine Shield
Devotion Aura
If you have comments or suggestions for the betterment of this guide, feel free to PM me your suggestions.
Hope everyone enjoys!