Cool idea with the Language need german^^
both work'sguys,
nowadays what is better divine purpose or divine favor and how these talents works in cr?
Cool idea with the Language need german^^
Somehow I get OOM very fast in normals. I am 542 and using -4 healing.
I usually have a lot of problems on Norushen, but I just did Rook He Sun and I got oom way too fast.
What am I doing wrong exactly?
Talking about Premium version btw.
I was just wondering because I haven't seen it written down in my albeit brief search. However, I have the paid CR for this and for some reason in the last few weeks the interrupt while using Tyrael isn't working. Was in SoO and during the mind control phase of Garrosh nothing was interrupted or stunned.
Please advise. I don't have a log because for some reason Honorbuddy isn't producing anything more than:
[01:39:41.472 N] Honorbuddy v2.5.9468.722 started.
[01:40:21.604 N] Logging in...
Working on that and will test again and if I can will post a log. But, in the mean time is it possible to get a response on this or if anyone else has had any issues?
Anyone know if there is a way to turn auto attack off? I just want to be able to start the fight with out having to worry about it just going all out with out me judging first