first of all, merry x-mas
i pm?d u about your donator WARRIOR profile, but u didnt answered me, so im asking here, i know there is no public release, so there is no thread where we can talk about it, for suggestions and maybe
how do u think can the community help u to get it even better? i would also know what other guys think about it, but there is no room for discuss...can u please give me some advice in this point? thanks in advance
I'm so lucky to have group of 5 gladiator on skype chat for suggestion
that sounds awesome, sure...but as i said, there is no real platform for discussion...there are some points, for example
it used heroic leap as gap closer on a target 8 yards away...there should be a minimum setting for using it
u have a nice option to interrupt healers with charge, but i dont want to interrupt them always with charge, there should be a hp setting for my target, makes no sense to waste a charge when my target is on 100%
also i would like to see a button to fear focus/healer, if im not in range heroic leap to it and fear
next thing i saw that hb or this cr isnt capable to spellreflect an ns cyclone, a pqr profile does it
also there is only a option to interrupt casts on dps yes or no - but i only want to interrupt important cc spells like for example sheep, but this is atm not possible, if i say yes on "interrupt dps with charge" its interrupting every spell...not gladiator like

also i would like to see the cr switch to def stance before a deep, pqr does it, is this cr or hb able to do it also ?
as u see there is alot room for improvementm and there are some more features i would like to discuss, sorry for posting here, but as i said already too, u are too busy to answer my pm

would really appreciate if u can answer me some of my questions, or tell me your skype or let me know where i can discuss this cr
nevertheless i love your awesome work !!!! so dont get me wrong, only want to help to improve this nice cr ;-))
kind regards and thanks in advance!!!