You can see at the FaQs in the first page.Hello Tuanha,
i want to test your Paladin CC and will donate for it. What is the price for your "big package" after the donate for the Paladin? The full price or the difference. Sorry for my bad english.
Greetz Horrortrip
I'm assigned to heal tank, what should I do?
Combat Routine have build-in heal priority logic. It will heal target (if below 95%) > Focus (if below 70%) > You (If below 70%) > Everyone else. So just target your tank and set focus on your off tank, Combat Routine will heal them first.
Donated, send out some new emails bro![]()
Holy Prism - Spell - World of Warcraft
please add selection to this spell , because
in pvp : it need cast to team mate
but in pve it must cast to enemy
[09:13:45.926 D] [Cast] Holy Prism 114165
[09:13:45.927 D] [CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 114165, KnownIndex: 56
[09:13:45.933 N] 45:933 - HP: 100% - Mana: 93 - DeathKnight - 16.59y - 73% hp - Holy Prism
ye it doesend cast only on tank because holy prism is ment to heal 5 nearby friendly targets
Holy Prism - Spell - World of Warcraft
What kind of hps are you guys getting in lfr's and raids? I cant seem to get over 33-36k hps when others are at 40+k (ilvl 471)