Well I don't know.Still having wow crash on me sometimes. Is this the CC or HB itself?
This is the do not heal listJust a quick question about Beast of Nightmares. I remember you mentioning putting it on Do Not Heal list, but I healed tank with it 7 times Between Beacon and Holy Prism lol. It seems complicated so not sure if there is a way to prevent ALL healing like this. I am content to just pause routine during that phase if there isn't an easy fix.
let me update track by name then, some track by id doesn't worktarget.HasAura("Dominate Mind") ||
target.HasAura("Cyclone") ||
target.HasAura(123184) || //Dissonance Field 123184unit.HasAura(123184)
target.HasAura(121949) || // / Parasitic Growth
target.HasAura(137341) || //Beast of Nightmares
target.HasAura(137360) || //Corrupted Healing
target.HasAura("Reshape Life");
Public Release will be update soon and 1 thing I'm sure is: CR will be very fast and there will be no lag/frame rate drop.Dear Tuanha, are you going to improve a little bit the public version too? I get many mini-freezes(spikes) and it`s very hard to do movement and get away from harmful AoE's![]()
Unfortunately, this routine is no longer raid-ready, thanks to the above mentioned.
Still, even with those annoying spikes, I could top healing meters on ToT ( first 3 bosses ) ....