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TuanHA Paladin - The Ultimate Experience

Hey Guys i have a problem. I use 4pvp eternal flame settings from the first page but the bot use ef always only on 3-4 guys. My heal is never @ first place on recount(lfr).

how can i update a log?

pls help a noob :)

sorry for my bad english

(anyone who had good experience with tuanhas cc and speak german pls send me a pm with skype/icq or sth :) )
Last edited:
First of all, I want to say all of your CR's are great. I've been using the monk one forever. Ive been playing my Prot Pally using you CR, which run great. however, a few things. For some reason if the CR has to switch to Seal of Insight, it gets stuck there. What I mean by that is, when it switches the that seal it will not switch back even after full health and mana. Even if i manually switch it back to SoT or SoR the Cr will switch it right back. Also, during the boss fight Wise Mari in the Temple of Jade Serpent, once all the adds are spawned and its time to kill the boss it quits attacking all it will do is is use SotR. And the only reason its using is because Im having to manually attack the Boss to build holy power. I've created a new HB folder and reinstalled the CR, disabled all addons/plugins and still having the same issue. I've attached a log so you can see. thanks again for your great work


Hi. I need a little help please. I have been using the Tuanha Paladin Special Edition routine for several weeks now with my RET pally. The past week or so though I noticed the routine trying to use the Hammer Of Justice spell, which is not even in my RET spell list. I hadn't noticed this before but notice it every time I try to use this custom routine now. Any ideas?
2v2 and 3v3

Small improvements.

You could have a pvp option for cc/interrupt target using focus target.
So you would repentance, rebuke, HoJ and Blinding Light on the cc/interrupt target.
Simply focus the healer/caster and keep him from casting.
Could include ranged dps to interrupt his casts all the time when he is not cc'ed

Dps wise I would love options for enemy below %, like you already have for Holy Prism

Would help bursting down targets close to dying.
Also it should override the mana treshold.

Makes sense to sacrifice everything to get that player down.
Tuanha, bot is still casting cleanse when I have it unticked, put a log with this on a few pages ago, any update on it yet? :)

Hi. I need a little help please. I have been using the Tuanha Paladin Special Edition routine for several weeks now with my RET pally. The past week or so though I noticed the routine trying to use the Hammer Of Justice spell, which is not even in my RET spell list. I hadn't noticed this before but notice it every time I try to use this custom routine now. Any ideas?

Please update newest svn, I believe the problem have been fixed

Hey Guys i have a problem. I use 4pvp eternal flame settings from the first page but the bot use ef always only on 3-4 guys. My heal is never @ first place on recount(lfr).

how can i update a log?

pls help a noob :)

sorry for my bad english

(anyone who had good experience with tuanhas cc and speak german pls send me a pm with skype/icq or sth :) )

In LFR it all about who heal faster and mana don't really count (unlike HC where every bit of mana is matter) because people have more gear than require. Eternal Flame is excellent in term of mana/heal but it slow on healing.

Please use talent Sacred Shield + Word of Glory in LFR, you will sure get more healing done.

First of all, I want to say all of your CR's are great. I've been using the monk one forever. Ive been playing my Prot Pally using you CR, which run great. however, a few things. For some reason if the CR has to switch to Seal of Insight, it gets stuck there. What I mean by that is, when it switches the that seal it will not switch back even after full health and mana. Even if i manually switch it back to SoT or SoR the Cr will switch it right back. Also, during the boss fight Wise Mari in the Temple of Jade Serpent, once all the adds are spawned and its time to kill the boss it quits attacking all it will do is is use SotR. And the only reason its using is because Im having to manually attack the Boss to build holy power. I've created a new HB folder and reinstalled the CR, disabled all addons/plugins and still having the same issue. I've attached a log so you can see. thanks again for your great work

Let me try tanking again and get back to you soon.

2v2 and 3v3

Small improvements.

You could have a pvp option for cc/interrupt target using focus target.
So you would repentance, rebuke, HoJ and Blinding Light on the cc/interrupt target.
Simply focus the healer/caster and keep him from casting.
Could include ranged dps to interrupt his casts all the time when he is not cc'ed

Dps wise I would love options for enemy below %, like you already have for Holy Prism

Would help bursting down targets close to dying.
Also it should override the mana treshold.

Makes sense to sacrifice everything to get that player down.
Combat Routine already interrupt ANY target not only Target/Focus (suppose you are using Special Edition, Public Release only interrupt current target)
Already use Rebuck, Hammer of Justice, Fist of Justice, Blinding Light, Arcane Torrent, War Stomp on interrupt rotation.
For the last part Arena need human awareness and intervention, no combat routine can not predict like human does.

Thank you for the suggestion.
How does one activate the LIGHTWEIGHT part. I meant to remember Tuanha writing, that it was activated when You are in a Raid/Dungeaon group. But it still has my user settings and was just about 40k in lfr.
for holy pally raid healing, does the cr not try to overwrite tank if he's a prot pally using Sacred Shield, and I want to talent into Sacred Shield?
for holy pally raid healing, does the cr not try to overwrite tank if he's a prot pally using Sacred Shield, and I want to talent into Sacred Shield?
Sacred Shield Level 90
40 yd range
Instant 6 sec cooldown
Requires Paladin
Requires level 45
Protects the target with a shield of Holy Light for 30 sec. The shield absorbs up to 343+1.17*holy spell power damage every 6 sec.

Can be active only on one target at a time.
I'm not sure that Sacred Shield can stack or not. There's no line telling "Only 1 shield can be activated on unit at time or something..."
The list of spell to be dispelled include in the debuff.cs file

You can edit it by notepad
I just wanted to add to my original post, when it quits attacking. it seem to do this when mobs phase. Example, first boss in Shado pan monastery. when he phases to the dragon it quits attacking, other SoTR. Same way with the second boss, when he phases to three forms it quits, then picks back up once he goes back to normal. another example there's some mobs in the kun lai summit that phases to statues and then to live mobs, when they phase it quits attacking. maybe a coincidence, but i thought i would let you know what i discovered.
Question regarding Routines defences for partner in 2v2

I use this routine specifically in 2v2 as ret paladin with lazy raider, its the Donor version.

If I set Holy prism to 20% execution with Hammer of wrath will it only use holy prism at that time for damage or will it still use it in a normal dps situation too? I know it does also use it to heal.

As a retribution paladin does it Cleanse me or my partner? I've not seen it cleanse DeathKnight frost snare off me for example.
Does it use emancipate when Freedom is not available as I've not seen this used yet.
Does it use Selfless healer procs on my partner? as Selfless healer is best used on a partner for a bigger heal.
I see it has a setting for it which is 80 default but I don't know if thats just for me or them as well? I know it has Flash of light setting on ret ui page but that is not efficient like a Selfless healer proc.
Does it use Hand of Protection on my partner or Just me?

I just ask so I know which to make macro's for.
I manually use Blinding light and Fist of justice myself for CC stuns and have them set to 0 in ui.
I also use my escape trinket manually and have that turned off in ui.

how do you guys get your chr to heal when using lazy raider? Do you click the enemy or click someone who needs healing? For some reason when i am running with lazy raider its almost the same as if I am doing it by myself... just cant seem to figure out how to heal in battlegrounds properly. I just want it to heal like it does when running the bot... heals insane and seems to heal everyone thats in range..

Similar to Above Post,

I'll donate a good chunk for Arena Settings and RBG Settings.
- The settings on the first page are out dated.
- Tweaked it but not tweaked good enough to use this bot's full potentional


Anyone else having an issue in Arena where it will not even dispell fear/ice ?
now i dot the donated one. but the how does tha lighetweight work? is it in the tuanha paladin one or it is one tha stand alone ?

- - - Updated - - -

would be great it they updated a setup :D <3
how do you guys get your chr to heal when using lazy raider? Do you click the enemy or click someone who needs healing? For some reason when i am running with lazy raider its almost the same as if I am doing it by myself... just cant seem to figure out how to heal in battlegrounds properly. I just want it to heal like it does when running the bot... heals insane and seems to heal everyone thats in range..

Combat Routine can heal anyone within range without having to target/focus him. But if you target/focus your friend in bg/arena, the logic on heal is slightly different. More on this please read FAQ at page #1 about tank heal.

Similar to Above Post,

I'll donate a good chunk for Arena Settings and RBG Settings.
- The settings on the first page are out dated.
- Tweaked it but not tweaked good enough to use this bot's full potentional


Anyone else having an issue in Arena where it will not even dispell fear/ice ?
I've always update the default PvP setting if I found good setting for it. So the default setting is decent for everyone. If you need more tweak, please feel free to change it. Because there simply no best setting. Good setting for me is definitively not a Good setting for you because of the Gear/Partner/Healing Style different. The best setting for you is to use default setting and modify it for your need.

Also combat routine will dispel every cc spell if:
Cleanse not on CD
Target in LoS
There no other priority spell to do (like if someone are low it heal instead)
Target don't have debuff that should not be cleansed (Flame Shock/Unstable Affliction/Vampiric Touch)
You have available global cooldown.

Here the list of CC that combat routine will dispel asap:
target.HasAura(105421) || //Blinding Light
target.HasAura(123393) || //Breath of Fire (Glyph of Breath of Fire)
target.HasAura(44572) || //Deep Freeze
target.HasAura(605) || //Dominate Mind
target.HasAura(31661) || //Dragon's Breath
target.HasAura(5782) || //Fear
target.HasAura(118699) || //Fear
target.HasAura(130616) || //Fear (Glyph of Fear)
target.HasAura(3355) || //Freezing Trap
target.HasAura(853) || //Hammer of Justice
target.HasAura(110698) || //Hammer of Justice (Paladin)
target.HasAura(2637) || //Hibernate
target.HasAura(88625) || //Holy Word: Chastise
target.HasAura(119072) || //Holy Wrath
target.HasAura(5484) || //Howl of Terror
target.HasAura(115268) || //Mesmerize (Shivarra)
target.HasAura(6789) || //Mortal Coil
target.HasAura(115078) || //Paralysis
target.HasAura(113953) || //Paralysis (Paralytic Poison)
target.HasAura(126355) || //Paralyzing Quill (Porcupine)
target.HasAura(118) || //Polymorph
target.HasAura(61305) || //Polymorph: Black Cat
target.HasAura(28272) || //Polymorph: Pig
target.HasAura(61721) || //Polymorph: Rabbit
target.HasAura(61780) || //Polymorph: Turkey
target.HasAura(28271) || //Polymorph: Turtle
target.HasAura(64044) || //Psychic Horror
target.HasAura(8122) || //Psychic Scream
target.HasAura(113792) || //Psychic Terror (Psyfiend)
target.HasAura(107079) || //Quaking Palm
target.HasAura(115001) || //Remorseless Winter
target.HasAura(20066) || //Repentance
target.HasAura(82691) || //Ring of Frost
target.HasAura(1513) || //Scare Beast
target.HasAura(132412) || //Seduction (Grimoire of Sacrifice)
target.HasAura(6358) || //Seduction (Succubus)
target.HasAura(9484) || //Shackle Undead
target.HasAura(30283) || //Shadowfury
target.HasAura(87204) || //Sin and Punishment
target.HasAura(104045) || //Sleep (Metamorphosis)
target.HasAura(118905) || //Static Charge (Capacitor Totem)
target.HasAura(10326) || //Turn Evil
target.HasAura(19386) || //Wyvern Sting
//Thank bp423
target.HasAura(117436) || //Lightning Prison
target.HasAura(124863) || //Visions of Demise
target.HasAura(123011) || //Terrorize (10%)
target.HasAura(123012) || //Terrorize (5%)
target.HasAura(117949); //Closed Curcuit

- - - Updated - - -

how do you guys get your chr to heal when using lazy raider? Do you click the enemy or click someone who needs healing? For some reason when i am running with lazy raider its almost the same as if I am doing it by myself... just cant seem to figure out how to heal in battlegrounds properly. I just want it to heal like it does when running the bot... heals insane and seems to heal everyone thats in range..

Combat Routine can heal anyone within range without having to target/focus him. But if you target/focus your friend in bg/arena, the logic on heal is slightly different. More on this please read FAQ at page #1 about tank heal.

Similar to Above Post,

I'll donate a good chunk for Arena Settings and RBG Settings.
- The settings on the first page are out dated.
- Tweaked it but not tweaked good enough to use this bot's full potentional


Anyone else having an issue in Arena where it will not even dispell fear/ice ?
I've always update the default PvP setting if I found good setting for it. So the default setting is decent for everyone. If you need more tweak, please feel free to change it. Because there simply no best setting. Good setting for me is definitively not a Good setting for you because of the Gear/Partner/Healing Style different. The best setting for you is to use default setting and modify it for your need.

Also combat routine will dispel every cc spell if:
Cleanse not on CD
Target in LoS
There no other priority spell to do (like if someone are low it heal instead)
Target don't have debuff that should not be cleansed (Flame Shock/Unstable Affliction/Vampiric Touch)
You have available global cooldown.

Here the list of CC that combat routine will dispel asap:
target.HasAura(105421) || //Blinding Light
target.HasAura(123393) || //Breath of Fire (Glyph of Breath of Fire)
target.HasAura(44572) || //Deep Freeze
target.HasAura(605) || //Dominate Mind
target.HasAura(31661) || //Dragon's Breath
target.HasAura(5782) || //Fear
target.HasAura(118699) || //Fear
target.HasAura(130616) || //Fear (Glyph of Fear)
target.HasAura(3355) || //Freezing Trap
target.HasAura(853) || //Hammer of Justice
target.HasAura(110698) || //Hammer of Justice (Paladin)
target.HasAura(2637) || //Hibernate
target.HasAura(88625) || //Holy Word: Chastise
target.HasAura(119072) || //Holy Wrath
target.HasAura(5484) || //Howl of Terror
target.HasAura(115268) || //Mesmerize (Shivarra)
target.HasAura(6789) || //Mortal Coil
target.HasAura(115078) || //Paralysis
target.HasAura(113953) || //Paralysis (Paralytic Poison)
target.HasAura(126355) || //Paralyzing Quill (Porcupine)
target.HasAura(118) || //Polymorph
target.HasAura(61305) || //Polymorph: Black Cat
target.HasAura(28272) || //Polymorph: Pig
target.HasAura(61721) || //Polymorph: Rabbit
target.HasAura(61780) || //Polymorph: Turkey
target.HasAura(28271) || //Polymorph: Turtle
target.HasAura(64044) || //Psychic Horror
target.HasAura(8122) || //Psychic Scream
target.HasAura(113792) || //Psychic Terror (Psyfiend)
target.HasAura(107079) || //Quaking Palm
target.HasAura(115001) || //Remorseless Winter
target.HasAura(20066) || //Repentance
target.HasAura(82691) || //Ring of Frost
target.HasAura(1513) || //Scare Beast
target.HasAura(132412) || //Seduction (Grimoire of Sacrifice)
target.HasAura(6358) || //Seduction (Succubus)
target.HasAura(9484) || //Shackle Undead
target.HasAura(30283) || //Shadowfury
target.HasAura(87204) || //Sin and Punishment
target.HasAura(104045) || //Sleep (Metamorphosis)
target.HasAura(118905) || //Static Charge (Capacitor Totem)
target.HasAura(10326) || //Turn Evil
target.HasAura(19386) || //Wyvern Sting
//Thank bp423
target.HasAura(117436) || //Lightning Prison
target.HasAura(124863) || //Visions of Demise
target.HasAura(123011) || //Terrorize (10%)
target.HasAura(123012) || //Terrorize (5%)
target.HasAura(117949); //Closed Curcuit
Hey guys , I am about to donate however I dont truely know the benefits , besides helping the developer (which is 80% of the reason i want to donate), what other benefits will i receive? These answers will influence the amount that i donate. All in all , I love the CR and Tuanha you are doing an amazing job thank you for taking time to help the community.