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TuanHA Paladin - The Ultimate Experience

ah yes, EF and LoD uses Holy Power, EF Blanket uses it all up so no LoD
under normal conditions set blanked to 0 there are specific fights where it might help to set it on 1
For a level 86 Holy pally, which is better to use: EF Blanket or LoD configuration? I'm going to level through healing dungeons, so I'd like to get the best practical setup for a level 86 Holy pally to use in dungeons.
ah yes, EF and LoD uses Holy Power, EF Blanket uses it all up so no LoD
under normal conditions set blanked to 0 there are specific fights where it might help to set it on 1
no way. i think EF blanket is the way to go. IMO look at top recent heals on WOL #1#2 heal always EF.
my heals are always higher using EF sometimes i might turn it off when we need burst heals. but i find its much better when its on.
and never turn off beacon of light. EF everyone in the raid then it just uses BOL to heal whoever goes down + yours normal heals. i have never had a speed problem with his pally CC my computer is not shit also.
if you just leave BOL on tank or even off take then you are wasting heals from time to time.

this is my opinion i only do 10 man. in lfr i don't normally use EF
Hey i've tried searching for this issue but cant find anything on it, I'm currently trying to level my bot group in instance, but the prot pally leader using TuanHA, will target a mob in the distance, but not actually attack / pull it. >_<,

anyone know what could be up ?

Edit: It pulled the first mob after death, and then it fails to pull again... every death it will pull the first mob just fine @_@;
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dont understand why my aint doing light of dawn then :S
Light of Dawn only worth casting on 3 Holy Power.

If you select Eternal Flame Blanket on 1 Holy Power, chance are every Holy Power you got will spend immediately on Eternal Flame and you never got 3 Holy Power stack to cast Light of Dawn.

That the reason why.
Hey i've tried searching for this issue but cant find anything on it, I'm currently trying to level my bot group in instance, but the prot pally leader using TuanHA, will target a mob in the distance, but not actually attack / pull it. >_<,

anyone know what could be up ?
The Protection Paladin include a logic that stop any action out of combat. That mean it do nothing if mob don't attack you in dungeon - that to prevent aggro extra group if your party member hp low or your healer run out of mana or simply not all raid members are ready...

If you want to level through dungeon, please use LazyRaider and move next to mob, they will attack you and once Protection Paladin enter combat, it will do perfect job of keeping aggro on everything and don't die anytime soon with self healing.
Bugger. I didn't want to have to do anything manually running a full bot group, have 3 range dps a healer (using your magical cc) and a prot pally,

Is there any easy way to change it so that it will agro ?
Omg the new Lightweight update.. I have no words for it!
It's fucking amazing, litterly!
The CC has faster response when it comes to quick healing then I have, topping heal meters by far!
Thank you so much Tuanha, this made my day! :D
Thank you and Mocbar to remind me of the good old day when my CR is just slim and fast.

I'll think about light weight concept on other spec/class as well.
I just have to ask you, can you make a Lightweight for Monk MW aswell?
Would be so awesome! =)
I make Monk 1.0 then Paladin and just complete Monk 2.0

Monk 2.0 have a lot more speed optimization and mana saving logic than previous CR (Monk 1.0 and Paladin)

A Lightweight Monk 2.1 might improve performance still and I'll think about it...

If people enjoy Lightweight version of Paladin, why not bring the concept to other CR as well :P

I should credit Mocbar on all my CR for speed performance theory :D :D :D
Bugger. I didn't want to have to do anything manually running a full bot group, have 3 range dps a healer (using your magical cc) and a prot pally,

Is there any easy way to change it so that it will agro ?

If you want CR aggro, please find and delete these line in THProtection.cs

//Hold dps on Dungeon or Raid in No Combat
if ((Me.CurrentMap.IsDungeon || Me.CurrentMap.IsRaid) &&
return RunStatus.Success;
Sorry I can't make it default on my CR because it will wipe raid everytime :D
I make Monk 1.0 then Paladin and just complete Monk 2.0

Monk 2.0 have a lot more speed optimization and mana saving logic than previous CR (Monk 1.0 and Paladin)

A Lightweight Monk 2.1 might improve performance still and I'll think about it...

If people enjoy Lightweight version of Paladin, why not bring the concept to other CR as well :P

I should credit Mocbar on all my CR for speed performance theory :D :D :D

its awsome the new Lightweight it doesend stop for like a few seconds anymore in arena it that that befor but now with the new things it doesend do that
Bad ass routine. Thanks a lot for your work. This is one of the few things that keeps me playing WOW. Sitting in a q for 15 minutes as a DPS sucked. I logged on to my Pally, bought all the Contended PVP healing gear, made myself the JC rings and neck, and installed your CR. I had DPS trinkets and no knowledge of healing at all. I went into heroics and it worked awesome. I've probably run 15 heroics since and 2 LFRs, I dont have the ilvl to get into the rest. I've gotten atleast 6 compliments on my healing. One group said they had 4 healers before me and none could keep the tank alive, I did fine. I had a tank pull a boss and leave, so I healed the dps and he tanked the whole fight. I thought I'd post a picture of the LFR group total healing done.

LFR Heals 458 ilvl.webp

That's 458 ilvl, 2 dps trinkets, and a green weapon. Thanks again. I will be donating as soon as I can.
Legend Mate...

healing back up to where it should be.. Just Solo healed HM dogs is MSV 102k hps.. and had a little bit of mana left :) .. Solo heal HM feng 89hps :) heaps of mana left.good work
I would prefer that it was made into different combat routines with an option for three-in-one for some people, but I'm not expecting it to happen. Otherwise, it's healing amazing again, thanks tuanha!
Legend Mate...

healing back up to where it should be.. Just Solo healed HM dogs is MSV 102k hps.. and had a little bit of mana left :) .. Solo heal HM feng 89hps :) heaps of mana left.good work
settings ?

As always, amazing routines. I have no clue how to play these classes and frequently top the meters with the Special Editions.

Let me walk you through a rather frustrating scenario I encounter with all of your routines which I'm hoping you can resolve.

  1. I start HB
  2. Select TuanHA from the routines popup
  3. Start clicking (to change botbase, bot config, etc.)
  4. The TuanHA settings menu appears
  5. Simultaneously I'm in the middle of a click, the menu appears and gets clicked on
  6. I then get bumped out to my browser to your site
  7. I then have to either minimize my browser, or click my WoW window and my HB window to bring them back to the foreground
As you can see these are several clicks I have to do to get back to where I was when I selected the TuanHA routine. This is a really frustrating waste of time.

Is there any chance you can prevent the TuanHA settings from randomly popping up? If not, what about reducing the clickable URL image that appears in the TuanHA settings? Or removing this link from Special Editions?

Thanks again for the amazing routine and keep up the great work!
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Tuanha, does the cr auto turn evil psi fiends? Pretty important role in arenas for us paladins.