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Tuanha Paladin Holy PvP

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Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2011
Tuanha Holy Paladin PvP

Hey guys, thank for your support. I learned to make my own Paladin Holy CustomClass and after heavily testing, I would like to share with you.

(Elaborated for battleground, rated battleground and arena)

This CC worth trying, take a look at reviews from users:
thats sooooo awesome ...
1.place in Rbg 6.000.000 heal (me)
2.place in rbg 2.300.000 heal (other pala)
Very good cc. Never less than top heals in BGs and my arena rating is going through the roof.
Just for let u know 1987 with ur cc right now in 2's ... Great job ! thx again for this great cc
Very good, works like a charm, watch how many more paladins get in the higher ranks now lol.
Works like a freackin' saint, please keep this up to date! +rep!
All I gotta say.....WOW, this cc rocks. Great job! Please stay thru MoP release :)
This is ridiculous (in a good way). My pally has consistently been #1 in every BG I've healed in. Just came out of a WSG with 7 mil heals in heals -- my non-botting record is only 5 and a half mil. I feel a little outdone...

1. Download and install LazyRaider bot from here (http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...ider-user-controlled-raiding-heroics-raf.html Set LazyRaider option Run Without a Tank ON, Auto Select Tank OFF and Auto Target OFF)
2. Make new folder HonorBuddy\CustomClasses\TuanHA Holy Paladin - The Folder name MUST BE "TuanHA Holy Paladin" for all feature work properly.
3. Download attached file, unzip to that folder (delete old file to avoid conflict). Please update the latest version for improved logic and enhancement.
4. Start Honorbuddy, Select LazyRaider in the dropdown box and press "Start"
5. Select [Paladin] TuanHA Holy Paladin PvP as your custom class and Enjoy.

Recommend Spec and Glyph: Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft
Must have: Glyph of Hammer of Justice and Glyph of Turn Evil

What the bot do:
Smart Heal
- Heal like a charm!!!
- When YOU or your FOCUS get LOW, it will blow cool down Bubble, Guardian, Avenging Wrath... to heal (don?t blow cool down to heal low hp stranger...)
- Include automatic manual override mode. If you target a friendly unit, it will heal him and ignore the other - useful for rbg and high rank arena. If you don't target a specific party unit, it auto heal the lowest HP party member.
- Hand of Sacrifice and Hand of Protection on low hp people to save life. Smart enough to Hand of Protection on target getting trained by Melee ONLY. (Hand of Protection can't help against Magic damage)
- Dispel all the CC on your teammate, dispel Root on Melee, dispel Silence on Caster/Healer VERY FAST (don?t dispel people got Unstable Affliction, Vampiric Touch, Flame Shock... though)
- Crusader Strike on anything near you to gain Holy Power (pet, totem, enemy...)
- Keep all the buff up (Blessing of Kings/Might, Hand of Salvation...) to protect Divine Plea, Hand of Freedom & Avenging Wrath against dispel and spelstealth.
- Dynamic Blessing of Kings/Might switching, you will never run out of mana completely.
- Dynamic Aura Switching, when you need an Aura Mastery, it will switch to Concentration Aura.
- You can switch seal to heal (Seal of Light), to fight rogue team (Seal of Truth), to fight running druid (Seal of Justice)
- Keep 3 Holy Power up when not in combat for Word of Glory big bust heal.
- Use trinket [Gladiator's Badge of Dominance] and Engineer Gloves for event more burst heal!
- Use Divine Protection and Hand of Freedom at the same time to run out of trouble.
- Use Divine Plea when you are safe from dispeller.
- Drop [Alliance Battle Standard] [Horde Battle Standard], use Healthstone, use trinket [Gladiator's Emblem of Cruelty] if you get low! (You should purchase the Battle Standard, that cost 1k honor only)
- Have options for PvE healing.
- And more amazing thing

Smart CC, Anti-CC and Interrupt
- Fake Cast... Yes i does fake cast for you.
- Hammer of Justice to Stun enemy nearby casting heal of harmful spell (without targeting them). Smart enough not to stun Mage, they will blink right away.
- Rebuke to Interrupt enemy in melee range casting heal of harmful spell (without targeting them). Smart enough not to Rebuke when target immune to interrupt (Aura Mastery, Inner Focus)
- Use Hand of Reckoning and Righteous Defense to taunt pets make you harder to CC. This also force Shaman, Hunter, Warlock, DK, Mage pet keep switching between you and their intended target, eventually the pet do no damage!
- Use Turn Evil to fear Warlock pet, DK pet and DK himself if he use Lichborne without Anti-Magic Shell.
- Use Holy Wrath to stun Death Knight, Death Knight's pet and warlock pet.
- Smart ability "feel" Rogue / Feral Druid around and Holy Wrath them out of stealth!!!
- Judgement the Rogue/Feral Druid every cool down if he's not doted. He can't stealth back!
- Hand of Sacrifice someone if the Mage is about to Polymorph you. Damage on target get Hand of Sacrifice will help break the Polymorph!
- Attack Priest to break Mind Control
- Exorcism to keep Denounce Effect on Enemy. They can't critical attack or heal for 6 seconds. (Need put 2 point in [Denounce] See Recommended Glyph and Spec above)
- Scan enemy around you for low hp unit and Hammer of Wrath. Who said Holy Paladin know only about heal!?!?
- Kill "Earthbind Totem" "Spirit Link Totem" "Mana Tide Totem" and other crap!
- Use trinket VERY FAST all CC on you. Smarter trinket logic on CC is breakable on Dot or Damage (Sheep, Repentance...) or no one need heal.

Work in Arena, Rated Battleground and fully customizable!
- This is one of the few CC JUST WORK in Arena and Rated Battleground (Horde vs. Horde | Alliance vs. Alliance)
- Throughoutly tested and tweaked for Battleground and Arena and you don?t have to config anything.
- Optimize for SPEED. Heal, Dispel, Interrupt VERY FAST. (Setting > Interface > Combat > Set Custom Lag Tolerance to 400ms for Milliseconds precise casting)

What the bot DON?T do:
- This Custom Class intended to ASSIST you to enjoy healing in Arena and Battleground. If you just need full afk healing, there are awesome CC on Paladin forum that work perfectly on PvP, PvE, any spec and any level.
- WILL only work on level 85 and Holy spec. I have TRADE OFF the ability to work on any level, work on any spec, work on full afk... just for SPEED!
- WILL NOT move for you and this work only with LazyRaider. Most people who enjoy PvP healing don't like the auto-move feature so I will not add this.
- WILL NOT drink / eat.

I hope you enjoy the bot and vote!

Supporters / CoAuthors

  • Stormchasing ~For most of the ideas and codes
  • handavi ~For speed implementations
  • cazma12 ~For speed implementations
  • Mario27~For testing and donating
  • Dagradt~For awesome making CC guide

Your donation, contribution, suggestion and comment are very important, help me build the most powerful Holy Paladin PvP Custom Class!
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Sorry for such a long time for a reply, been busy lately.

This CC is great for PvP, much better than the UPHcc one, (when it comes to Arenas). I noticed maybe a few things that I would personally tweak, but nothing major at all. (I would like to see a Settings Menu though =\ ), but either way an awesome CC. Not as good as a human, but pretty damn good considering I can now do 2's by myself to cap conquest each week. Thank you for this upload!

(BTW if you want this comment space for /reserve ill delete it and repost.)
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Is movement included in this CC to fully afl BGs or is it more for lazyraider?(either make me happy this cc sounds awesome)
Is movement included in this CC to fully afl BGs or is it more for lazyraider?(either make me happy this cc sounds awesome)

To optimize this CC for SPEED, i didn't included movement. You have to move manually.

The only movement included is to face Enemy to Hammer of Wrath / Crusader Strike / Exorcism.

Any suggestions are welcome!
To optimize this CC for SPEED, i didn't included movement. You have to move manually.

The only movement included is to face Enemy to Hammer of Wrath / Crusader Strike / Exorcism.

Any suggestions are welcome!

If you need help in implementing a movement routine just hit me. :P
Movement doesnt effect the speed at all - or so that you will never notice that.
You only need about ~15 lines of Code. :)
Very good, works like a charm, watch how many more paladins get in the higher ranks now lol.
Works perfect with lazyraider ! TY for that

i wish there were a BGbuddy mode :D
Thank guys for the feedback.

I'm testing a new version that fix bug and:
- Use Holy Shock offensively when no one need heal (work well)
- Use Holy Radiance in battleground (Not very useful, rarely need to use that and may slow the CC considerably...)
- Kill the Spirit Link Totem, Earth Bind Totem, Mana Tide Totem
ASGDJAd - Gotta wipe that jizz of my keyboard . Works fantastic. Gief moar

Edit: Gief movement btw :)
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Works like a freackin' saint, please keep this up to date! +rep!
Really works well for me, just got to 1600 rating with my friend and Hot Streak, there is only one thing i could put hand on, Hand of Protection messed up with my friends burst rotation a few times where we could have won. Would really like a option or a hint how to remove it :) Other then that it's fucking perfect!
i dont know what it is but when i was doing rbgs i just spammed cleanse till i was oom

ps: it has only happend twice in 3 rbgs
@quel: tell your friend make a macro "/cancelaura Hand of Protection". It will remove the buff, paladin can not remove Hand of Protection cast on friends.

@Arenty: The bot smart enough to clean Anything if you got full mana. But when your mana get below 70%, it only cleanse important debuff (fear, sheep) and cleanse root on you (to avoid getting trap by a Ring of Frost, Moonkin silence aura...). If the bot keep cleansing when you are low on mana, it must be a bug. Can you attach the combat log and I will find and fix the problem.
Very nice Holy cc .... Will be great if user can use by himself Trinquet .... my team are at 1.9 with ur cc well i want to use my trinquet by myself ..

Again great job
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