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TuanHA Monk - The Ultimate Experience

tuanha i have a opinion about the "Use Fists of Fury" to add if !Me.IsMoving , i dont see the point on acidentaly move and lose 3 chin ^^, pls correct me if im rong .special in pvp wish we are always moving
i guess he advices this step cause of the Mistweaver changes from patch 5.1 where Haste will be now 50% more effective for Mistweaver monks.

didn't saw many of the "top" MW's using it right now, but i'll give it a try. maybe CrazyJosh can tell us his opinion on this class change?

i just read this on Affiniti's facebook page (MW from Blood Legion)

thanks for the info. I was wondering what spell would get an extra tick. 1 more tick on RM for that much haste, ignoring other stats? I don't know, has it been proven to be an overall HPS increase?
Have to say I love how much the CR heals tsulong, very well done with coding :-)
Thanks =) Amazing what I can accomplish on boss fights when I have an evening with them.
+1 for this idea... sometimes mid raid i would need to change something quickly and i would change the wrong spec, resulting in me having to go back and change it again... So great idea.. well done.

How did you go with that parasite bug ? did my log help at all ?

Kind Regards.
Thanks =)

i tried to set a burst mode key for ww but it wont work (everytime it resets to None).
if u need a log for this i can post it but i think u can check this without a log :>

(using Special Edition r31, HB 518, clean install)

btw: i love this CR :>
Log please.
I asked this back on the paladin thread too, i identified it when i was on a heroic as ret and the tank was aggroin many packs on the run and my char would stop to face targets and do a spell (be it Exorcism, Hammer, anything), very bottish), but my request ended up forgotten in the pile of posts.

I would love a "Auto-face on/off" because i play almost always with the right mouse button clicked down and click the left for my walking short distances (both buttons down=running) and the facing makes the bot stop the running.

thanks as always for the great job.
It's in the build going out to testers tonight.
tuanha i have a opinion about the "Use Fists of Fury" to add if !Me.IsMoving , i dont see the point on acidentaly move and lose 3 chin ^^, pls correct me if im rong .special in pvp wish we are always moving
It already does check for if you are moving - but your post did give me an idea of a potential bug with FoF and AutoMovement - will get that handled tonight.
Thanks Josh! I hope the face mob thing goes to the pally side as well :)

So far im loving this CC, Monk is my Alt now because of you guys, thanks a bunch!
does this supports partybot? when i (the leader, monk is slave) pull 3 mobs e.g. he attack the first mob and than stand still till i pull a new grouppppppppp (not switching targets, dno y, move to target and movement enabled)
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pre-patch my monk was always @ full health when i did some grinding. Today i died even a few times, the cr doesnt seem to pick up all the healing sphere's!?! Anyone else got this problem?
pre-patch my monk was always @ full health when i did some grinding. Today i died even a few times, the cr doesnt seem to pick up all the healing sphere's!?! Anyone else got this problem?
Blizzard just changed Healing Sphere and Chi Sphere entry id in 5.1 therefore no CR able to find Healing Sphere, Chi Sphere yet.

We are trying to find out new entry and we hope it will work soon.
When ever i hold a strafe key (A or D) it won't attack, they also are set as my movement override keys, could that be the issue?
Any one else having issues with the current paid release ? Using kicks profiles ?

Use clu or singular profile works use this one and bot will not move... Not a biggy just wondering if anyone else has tried this... It worked find few releases ago leveled all the way to 90 no prob.
I just want to say thank you for this excellent bot. The best bot I have ever used in WoW. Even with low gear just brilliant
Any one else having issues with the current paid release ? Using kicks profiles ?

Use clu or singular profile works use this one and bot will not move... Not a biggy just wondering if anyone else has tried this... It worked find few releases ago leveled all the way to 90 no prob.
MY brew monk is questing at hyjal just fine atm with Kicks, just had a target problem with the crucible (or something like that) of air, fire etc in that ogre cave, but moving fine!

edit: Just to add that it seems my Brewmaster just stands there waiting for Clash to come off cooldown to charge mobs instead of walking, but i had walk to target and auto target turned OFF. I might have turned it off while doing dungeons, check your configs. when i turned it on, everything worked perfect again.
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loving this so far, if there i way to make it use envoloping mists as a chi dump instead of chi burst though? thanks
Any one else having issues with the current paid release ? Using kicks profiles ?

Use clu or singular profile works use this one and bot will not move... Not a biggy just wondering if anyone else has tried this... It worked find few releases ago leveled all the way to 90 no prob.

I talked to Taunha about this, it's a known issue with windwalkers. I'm still waiting for a fix, until then, I will just continue leveling as brewmaster. Hehe
Are people still having issues with bot not interrupting anything? i have to try and manually squeeze in interupts (paid version)
CrazyJosh said:
Log please.

Log: log.txt

what ive done:
- start hb
- click class-config
- goto general tab
- set "Use Trinket #1: Burst Mode" (in windwalker-section of general)
- set "Burst Mode: CTRL+B" (tried different keys) (in windwalker-section of general)
- click ok, class-config closed

everything saved, only "Burst Mode" resetted to "None"
For MW, I have checked Jab, BOK and TP and the dps stand, but when I am at 0 mana, the monk switch to dps stance and does nothing, and after a bit goes back to healing stance.

Shouldn't it dps while in the dps stance?


Lame they hot fixed soothing mist >.>

The mana costs of Jab, Spinning Crane Kick, Soothing Mist, *****ling Jade Lightning, and Renewing Mists have been increased by 30%.
Soothing Mist and *****ling Jade Lightning now have a 30% chance to generate Chi when they deal damage (was 35%).