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TuanHA Monk - The Ultimate Experience

Hi can I use this to help me with my brewmaster tanking, for example, can I set it to refresh the shuffle buff from blackout kick or really any other specified buff from move eg, tiger power from tiger palm..

But still let me have control of my movement and tanking and when I want to purify or use any ability I want that I have not set the bot to manage for me.

Would donate if this was in the VIP version.

Thanks you I'm advance

i tried to set a burst mode key for ww but it wont work (everytime it resets to None).
if u need a log for this i can post it but i think u can check this without a log :>

(using Special Edition r31, HB 518, clean install)

btw: i love this CR :>
All MW Monks players remeber get new haste cap :P

3148 with stance and 5% haste raid buff
4722 with stance without 5% haste raid buff
All MW Monks players remeber get new haste cap :P

3148 with stance and 5% haste raid buff
4722 with stance without 5% haste raid buff

Are you using askmrrobot for reforge advice? I am a bit of. N00b about it :-(
Tuan could you add the ability to disable auto-facing? Even when movement and auto targeting are disabled it still automatically faces the target. And when stunned it manages to force itself to turn around in a weird juddery motion that's pretty obvious.

I asked this back on the paladin thread too, i identified it when i was on a heroic as ret and the tank was aggroin many packs on the run and my char would stop to face targets and do a spell (be it Exorcism, Hammer, anything), very bottish), but my request ended up forgotten in the pile of posts.

I would love a "Auto-face on/off" because i play almost always with the right mouse button clicked down and click the left for my walking short distances (both buttons down=running) and the facing makes the bot stop the running.

thanks as always for the great job.
All MW Monks players remeber get new haste cap :P

3148 with stance and 5% haste raid buff
4722 with stance without 5% haste raid buff

Why 3148? That's a lot of haste. I thought the stance buff was intended to get players to 8.32% haste more quickly (gives extra tick on Renewing and Enveloping Mist)
I asked this back on the paladin thread too, i identified it when i was on a heroic as ret and the tank was aggroin many packs on the run and my char would stop to face targets and do a spell (be it Exorcism, Hammer, anything), very bottish), but my request ended up forgotten in the pile of posts.

I would love a "Auto-face on/off" because i play almost always with the right mouse button clicked down and click the left for my walking short distances (both buttons down=running) and the facing makes the bot stop the running.

thanks as always for the great job.
This is a long technical post but I'll try to explain to you.

Since first release of Monk CR, we introduce the Movement Override keys. That really useful for most people.

The good thing about Movement Override is when one of the key (or left+right mouse button) is pressed, we know that you are controlling your char and Combat Routine will stop all his movement and facing.

But there are rare case, some buddies like you prefer "Click to Move" that mean Movement Override keys is not pressed and we think you are not in control of your char and Combat Routine do his job on movement and facing...

Let me think about a check box that disable Facing and Movement if you don't like it.

Thank for suggestion rodxuxa :D
Why 3148? That's a lot of haste. I thought the stance buff was intended to get players to 8.32% haste more quickly (gives extra tick on Renewing and Enveloping Mist)

i guess he advices this step cause of the Mistweaver changes from patch 5.1 where Haste will be now 50% more effective for Mistweaver monks.

didn't saw many of the "top" MW's using it right now, but i'll give it a try. maybe CrazyJosh can tell us his opinion on this class change?

i just read this on Affiniti's facebook page (MW from Blood Legion)

Okay so to clarify on haste breakpoints for Mistweavers - If you reforge IN Wise Serpent, get 4722 haste. If you are NOT in Wise Serpent, reforge for 3148 -- this + 5% Haste buff is the 11th RM tick.
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This is a long technical post but I'll try to explain to you.

Since first release of Monk CR, we introduce the Movement Override keys. That really useful for most people.

The good thing about Movement Override is when one of the key (or left+right mouse button) is pressed, we know that you are controlling your char and Combat Routine will stop all his movement and facing.

But there are rare case, some buddies like you prefer "Click to Move" that mean Movement Override keys is not pressed and we think you are not in control of your char and Combat Routine do his job on movement and facing...

Let me think about a check box that disable Facing and Movement if you don't like it.

Thank for suggestion rodxuxa :D

Oh in fact tuanha i disable click to move every time i turn the bot on, i move the char (with or without the bot) with both mouse buttons pressed for short distances (between trash mobs in instances for example) instead of turning autorun. What i find weird, and i dont know if thats a CC problem or a Lazy raider poblem, is that he will stop mid run, face the target and try to start his rotation, instead of doing his spells on the run (or jumping hehe) like a normal player does. I hate click to move like every one else!!! =D
Will you be able to add a boxes for when to use Purifying brew, when to refresh shuffle, (if shuffle < 4 seconds remaining, BoK)

Also, i was doing Heroic feng, and wonderd are you able to detect if the boss is aggroed to us and use a different rotation to maximize shuffle duration.
I may have missed this in previous posts, but does the Special Edition of this CC (and the Paladin one for that matter) support Tyrael Bot?

Thanks in advance!
This cc have compatibility problem with lazy raider. This have targeting problem, the interface have lag, stopping healing and dps. I think the problem is lazy raider.
Why 3148? That's a lot of haste. I thought the stance buff was intended to get players to 8.32% haste more quickly (gives extra tick on Renewing and Enveloping Mist)
you get 2 ticks at that not just 1
so if your raid has got the 5% hast buff get 3148
The final number 16.65% haste is 7083 <--- thats what you want to have in a raid. that should be with your stance and 5% raid buff. its really easy to hit now Serpent Stance give 50% more hast now.
------Just turn Serpent Stance OFF, reforge so you have 3148 haste(or more NOT less), turn stance ON, now you have 4722 haste and with 5% haste buff you now have additional tick of ReM.---------
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3148 haste is not a lot to get.

Currently my monk is 473 ilvl with some pvp gear on I have 10,627 spirit, 3211 haste, and 4483 crit.

I have no problems so far with mana course we are still progressing through HOF only 3 bosses down right now.

I am always top healer and the pally I heal with is 490 ilvl.