Your settings depend GREATLY on: the size of your raid, quality of your raid (how many dumbasses you have and how are your other healers), your gear and what boss fight you are in.
When I started using this routine on my mw, I had to tweak the settings even during the fight to make it feel good (not too mana consuming but nice amount of healing) I only had mana problems once and thats because I wanted to try mana tea glyph but imo routine fked it up somehow, works better without the glyph.
For talents I MAINLY (not always) choose celerity, chi burst, chi brew, leg sweep, diffuse magic, xuen (sometimes RJW if raid stacked like imp fight etc) and Pool of mists.
Glyphs I always use are renewing mist and targeted expulsion. Third glyph depends on fight and what I feel suits the best.
I change the value on Chi burst from 3/85% to 4/85% depending on raid size.
I let the routine use Chi brew.
I use the detonation of healing spheres myself. Very mana consuming if u let routine to spam it. You can try config it if u want it automated.
I also use SCK/RJW myself. Don't let routine use it or you will go oom fast. Use it when raid is stacked and there is some aoe dmg goin on.
I made the routine to uplift more than the default value. I gain more mana stacks and very very rarely go oom even in intensive fight. I change the uplift value from 3/85% to 4/85% depending on raid size.
I use revival, xuen, detonate unit, SCK/RJW, cocoon and other defensives, racials etc etc by hand. I only let the routine to handle the basic rotation with my values. Routine is great at sniping heals. So use the cooldowns yourself when raid/you need them. If someone srsly needs heals I manual target heal him.
REMEMBER these are settings that I had great results and success with. Some might get better results with totally different settings and style. I like to do something by myself too, so if you are looking for 100% automated settings/routine, imo there is none. Its best to use cooldowns etc urself. I hope this helped some of you. Feel free to pm if you have something to ask or tips for me etc.