Hey Tuanha!
Just wanted to say great job with your Routine, i'm really enjoying it and i'm using at the moment to push Mythic progression in my guild. I was wondering if I could talk to you about some ideas I know that it's probably not as highly sought after, just wanted to see what you thought.
A lot of brewmasters are now using the 2 piece pvp bonus in PvE settings. Is there anyway for the routine to detect the buff and maximize the uptime by using Jab during this?
Control the minimum amount of shuffle time? There are points when fighting mythic bosses where the routine is not maintaining it's shuffle uptime causing a large amount of unmitigated damage to go through, important for fights such as Mythic Butcher
Smart usage of statue? Right now it's setting it down right by the monk which is great for fights like Ko'ragh, but the pause on manual key press is not ready me pressing a hotkey for the statue in order to move it for bosses like Imperator.
Also would be helpful to have an auto cancel hotkey for the statue.
Better usage of Chi explosion, and maximizing mitigation while using this talent? This could tie back in to the two piece bonus
Detect larger stacks of debuffs and possibly hold off on using guard on stagger or debuff detection rather than just damage?
I am not a programmer, I just would love to see this implemented and would be more than willing to donate more for your time!
Thank you again for your work