No, thank you!
Also... Not to add things to your plate or anything ... But hopefully this ones really simple? A checkbox next to the interrupts area where I can disable warstomp (tauren racial ability). Just basically disable warstomp but keep the other interrupts as an option. This could be a paid only feature if you wanted, or w/e you feel is fair. It would be much appreciated. Not many people choose a tauren monk but I guess I'm just weird like that.
The reason for this is that when it tries to warstomp it appears to try to cast other things at the same time or something because warstomp just repeatedly tries to cast over and over again cancelling itself until I either pause to manually cast warstomp (so it won't keep trying) or just go all manual. Kinda frustrating, maybe that is an easy fix without actually adding a checkbox or something?
Look like WW need some more tweak, thank guys
I hope new update tonight will bring monk to his place US Server down atm, I'll keep coding when it back.
Look like WW need some more tweak, thank guys
I hope new update tonight will bring monk to his place US Server down atm, I'll keep coding when it back.
Something is terribly wrong with the WW rotation and its usage of TEB stacks which is causing considerable DPS losses. It's not waiting for TEB10 when its @ TEB9 and is FoF'ing without TEB, and is using TEB when you're out of energy and Chi just because you're almost capped on TEB when it could have used it when you were just using chi earlier in the rotation. It also doesnt TEB on Chiex aoe/cleave.
Something is terribly wrong with the WW rotation and its usage of TEB stacks which is causing considerable DPS losses. It's not waiting for TEB10 when its @ TEB9 and is FoF'ing without TEB, and is using TEB when you're out of energy and Chi just because you're almost capped on TEB when it could have used it when you were just using chi earlier in the rotation. It also doesnt TEB on Chiex aoe/cleave.
Like Crucia said he is working on these thingsjust have to be like the rest of us and F5 this page impatiently till the update arrives
Something went bad...very bad...
Mistweaver rev. 47 15-18k hps in Raid
Mistweaver rev. 48 10-12k hps in Raid
both raids were the same and they are just one try away from another checked that again and again and after 8-10 trys with the same boss its still the same...rev. 48 heals not as good as rev. 47