Id be very interested to hear how/where you base this opinion from?
From all the +560 monks i know, they all basically say this : "use it at 10+ stacks, you don't want them to go to waste so avoid capping at 20 but at the same time it's a good idea to save your stacks for trinket procs"
More quotes :
It is used 10+ stacks unless, and then its used 6+
- raid cooldowns are popped (stormlash, hero, etc)
- trinket procs
- On-demand aoe, when no stacks collected ( when aoe is called situationally during encounter)
Prefered is 10+ stacks, but some situations deviate from this and then weakaura helps to keep track on this. I pretty much use it, when weakaura tells me to and its uptime is quite nice with it..
Id love to see a revamp of this, since its so huge a mechanic for us WW monks. I got a suggestion, but dont know if its too hard to code. Have you checked Demonic? Paul has coded, so the routine has a "Aura List". A list with all kinds of trinket procs, buffs and whatnot. So if "Dancing Steel, X trinket, Heroism or whatever" buff is active, it should use it. Allways use at 18 stacks, and pref around 10, unless the aura list requirements is met.