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TuanHA Monk - The Ultimate Experience

What logic has changed for the slider from 10 to 20? Or is it just better control over healing but same output.
Update for my Arena/RBG MW guide: RBG guide will almost positively (99.999999%) be posted by the end of this weekend, so stay tuned for that.

Also I wanted to inform you guys that if you currently don't have a Lvl 90 Resto Druid, you might want to boost one or start leveling one RIGHT NOW because I've had the honor to test Tuanha's new Druid CR (In the process of being perfected) as Resto in Arena and RBGs, let me tell you it's looking like becoming my new favorite CR. You guys are going to be blown away.


Anticipating the guide (:
Update for my Arena/RBG MW guide: RBG guide will almost positively (99.999999%) be posted by the end of this weekend, so stay tuned for that.

Also I wanted to inform you guys that if you currently don't have a Lvl 90 Resto Druid, you might want to boost one or start leveling one RIGHT NOW because I've had the honor to test Tuanha's new Druid CR (In the process of being perfected) as Resto in Arena and RBGs, let me tell you it's looking like becoming my new favorite CR. You guys are going to be blown away.

Nice to see a guide from a world top RBG team that beat the crap out of my team every time.

I love/hate you xD

For Resto Druid, it will not go public, it's a side (and fun) project for friend only >.< (count it as a special thank from me for everyone that helped me build so many decent Combat Routines)
For Resto Druid, it will not go public, it's a side (and fun) project for friend only >.< (count it as a special thank from me for everyone that helped me build so many decent Combat Routines)

Ahhh, thats a shame ... was already back on my druid, thinking we would have a long waited good PvP Routine. Sad...
Hello MW community, I'm happy to announce that I have officially put together a Mini RBG guide to make you a better MW in all aspects and help take you from that 1700 bracket you're stuck in to 2k+ brackets. Before I get started I want to state that on top of this General Public MW RBG Guide, I have an additional part to the guide. 1) Public RBG Guide, The extensive guide that has been released right here on the forums, studying and mastering this guide alone should improve game play. 2) Additional Trick/Tip Guide, This entails actual tips and tricks I personally use (And never tell anyone about) to Top Healing/Dispel/Interrupt charts each and every game AND little things that will make you stand out from every other MW! That being said, let's jump into this!


I'll be covering the actual Healing/Game play and how/why we should be using certain spells and why we should set them to certain values to get the most healing done. If you need help with gearing/talents/glyphs you can find that information from Google. Before we randomly start adjusting values in our Tuanha CR settings and hope to achieve Rank 1, let's get a little background information on our most valued Healing spells to assist us in determining how we should alter our settings...

*Note* These spells are in order from our most used spells that do the majority of our healing to the least amount, notice after #4 the spells below will sometimes differ from game to game so they aren't ranked.


1) Healing Spheres: Does a stupid amount of healing, it's instant (Can't get locked out) and only has a .5 second GCD compared to the normal 1.5 second GCD. The amount of healing we can burst to keep our team alive is unreal while using an Orb bot making us true Live Lords. Keep in mind though, Orbs don't generate any Chi. So as amazing as spamming orbs may seem, if you ONLY use Orbs to keep everyone topped you're going to OOM fairly quickly. They also work when the target are in Smoke Bomb, which makes Smoke Bomb next to useless against Mistweaver Monks unless we are in CC.

2) Renewing Mist: Mixture between Rejuvenation and Prayer of Mending. On the first tick it spreads to a second player, and continues to spread until it has healed a total of 3 players. Although it has a high mana cost it should still be used on cooldown as it generates 1 Chi AND does a massive amount of healing (This is why I asked Tuanha to add a setting to make Renewing used on CD) AND with the spread of Renewing this allows for the use of Uplift for some giant healing (See Uplift below). Only 8 sec cooldown. Works as a trash debuff for your Enveloping Mist. Whenever it gets dispelled you get 1 Mana Tea, another reason why if Renewing is always up on multiple teamates you're going to be getting Mana Tea stacks constantly basically making you to never OOM, allowing you to cast more Orbs therefore doing more healing. It also does the most healing when the other team has dot classes.

3) Chi Wave: Talent you must spec into in the second tier that bounces between friendly targets and enemy targets. The healing portion of Chi Wave is a smart heal, essentially that means it will heal low health players over players will more health. It has a 15 second CD and should be used on cooldown (In team fights) to get the most out of the spell. Chi Wave can also be used as a CC breaker, just as a Priest can use Shadow Word: Death to break incoming CC's. If you find yourself staying back with the FC on a Flag Carrying map, and you have an incoming, depending on the stack count on the FC, 1 CC could be the difference between keeping the FC alive or letting him Die (Although a decent/good FC will know how to manage his/her CDs properly knowing you are stuck in CC) so if you can predict the mage putting you into a Poly, or a hunter trying to scatter trap practice using Chi Wave to try and break those CCs.

4) Uplift: A potentially strong AoE heal that costs 2 Chi. Keep in mind RBGs is going to be the only place you'll actually be using this spell (I'll cover why we don't use Uplift in Arena later on in my MW Arena Guide). Picture this scenario: The enemy team has a DOT cleave, everyone is slowly melting, But since Renewing Mist is used on CD it's out on EVERYONE on our team with the use of Uplift, BAM everyone is basically topped again, let Renewing mist get casted out on everyone, repeat. Plus with the help of your other 2 healers no one is going to die. If you run into players like Thinkchair or Vosil (Affi Locks) that can melt teams by themselves you're going to need to be Orbing as well, luckily for myself I don't have to heal against them considering I'm on the same team =)

Expel Harm: Some say this spell is useless some say it's magical. As far the amount it heals you for, it's not the greatest but I don't use the spell for healing. With a fairly short CD of 15 seconds it generates 1 Chi, which is the reason I use Expel Harm even if I'm sitting at 100% hp. Use this spell on CD for the Chi, as it has a low mana cost of 7500. When you play teams with high damage output you're going to be burning though a lot more mana than normal, so to be as mana efficient as possible, this ability is important.

Soothing Mist: Our main way of gathering Chi. If your team isn't taking too much damage and you can afford to cast Soothing, then cast it. You'll want to use it as often as you can to stacks some Chi. be careful though, since it’s channeled you have the chance to get locked out, so I advise not casting Soothing if your team is taking heavy damage, 1 little spell lockout and someone could die.

Surging Mist: If you see a MW casting Surging Mist in desperate times you can pretty much assume his team has already lost. Don't use this spell as it's not worth the amount of mana it costs. You can change your settings to use Thunder Focus Tea before a Surging Mist cast, but it's not even worth it. Use TFT (Thunder Focus Tea) before an Uplift.

Enveloping Mist: Don't ever hard cast Enveloping, use the spell while you are channeling Soothing Mist (As it becomes an instant cast) and only if your target starts to take a little damage, any other time there isn't a reason to cast Enveloping as it's not one of our major healing spells.

Getting a vivid idea of how these spells work and which spells consist of the majority of our healing will now aid us in changing some values around and creating a perfect CR Settings that works best for us individually.


Transcendence: (Use manually) Similar to the Lock Portal, except you have to replace your portal after you use it. The transfer has a 30 sec. CD whereas the portal itself has a 45 sec. CD. Manually use Transcendence to avoid CC. *Tricks Using Transcendence in Additional Guide*

Nimble Brew: (Use manually) Clears you of all roots, stuns, fears and horror effects and reduces the duration of future such effects for 6 sec. The use of Nimble should be priority if you can before using your PvP Medallion.

Life Cocoon: (Use manually) Our major ”oh shit” button. Places the target in a cocoon, absorbing around 250k damage and increases all periodic healing taken by 50%. Can be used preemptively if you know you’re going to eat a CC or blanket silence from the enemy casters with Thunder Focus Tea on CD, this can be used to ruin the enemy team’s entire swap.

Revival: (Use manually) Huge instant AoE heal and dispel on a 3 minute CD. Can be used on targets out of your line of sight. Also works when a target is in Smoke Bomb. Learning how to properly use this defensively and offensively opens up the possibility to use it as a dispel for your partners when they're going offensive.

Let's get to breaking down the CR page by page to help you create your God settings:

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You can check the use of Paralysis and Spear Hand Strike if you would like the CR to interrupt for you. Personally, I manually use Paralysis, the proper use of Paralysis at key moments can land kills. If you set it to automatic then you'll just Para random targets casting random spells, which is useless *Tip using Spear Hand Strike in Additional Guide*. Kicking targets manually once again is what I prefer because instead of kicking a random frost bolt, I'd rather have my Kick up for when he's casting a Poly, or if the Destro Lock is casting Bolts and he doesn't have Aura Mastery up, the stopping of Bolts will eliminate the enemy teams burst and kill shots.

As MWs we don't have a reason to have Burst enabled, as it doesn't change anything the CR does for us. If you have Engineering, you'll have synapse springs. Set Prof. Buff to "Cooldown" If you don't have professions I advise you go grab Blacksmithing/Enchanting or BS/Eng or even BS/JC. The extra 2 gem sockets are a 100% must. Set both Trinkets to "Never" as you should be using your Medallion manually for obvious reasons and Insignia Of Dominance doesn't have an on use.

In the Survive category, If you recall what I said about Expel Harm using it on CD for the Chi, so if you know you won't remember to press the spell on CD, check the box and set to 100% which will cast the spell on CD for you.
Fortifying Brew, again I personally use this manually as I can predict when big damage is coming my way, if you are still learning and don't always know when a swap is coming your way or big damage is coming, check the box and set a desired value you feel comfortable with (50%-75%).
Check box next to "Grapple Weapon Enemy Bursting", if you aren't familiar with knowing when melee are popping CDs, if you are, then use Grapple manually.
Use your health stone manually, and place your Standard down manually, communicate with your team so you don't stack standards, and also place them LOS from the other team (Inside houses etc).
Nimble Brew manually for obvious reasons. The rest of the options in Survive should be left unchecked, you don't need to Zen Med and you definitely do not want to auto Transcendence.

Control category, The only 2 boxes you want checked is the "Auto Buff" and "Pickup/Return Flag". When the EFC is getting close to being killed, stack on top of him and right when he dies and the flag is dropped don't press anything (stop moving and don't hold down your mouse keys) I've noticed that when you are running with the EFC and he dies if you are holding down right click it's slower and doesn't always click the flag, if you basically just let go of your mouse the CR always picks it up. You need to be setting your own focus targets to keep an eye on the other team.
The hot keys for Orbs are strictly preference, clearly. A little tip though, is to not worry about target spheres, but rather your mouse over spheres. It's so much more versatile to hover your mouse over your raid frames on targets that are taking damage rather than target each one separately. As I'm sure you all have experienced when orbing a teammate and you go to click on someone else frame you have to right click or find a fast way to untarget your current target due to the sticking while spamming orbs. Another tip, keep your FC on focus when playing on FC maps make sure you have a Healing Sphere on Focus key bind, this is huge!

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Tier 1: Check Tigers Lust and check Melee, you want your melee root free as much as possible.
Tier 2: Since we have the talent Chi Wave, You can either check the box or leave it unchecked. Check it if you aren't confident that you can use the spell to get out of CC, and would just prefer to use it as a team fight heal.
Tier 3: Chi Brew talent, check the box and set value to 0 or 1.
Tier 4: I spec RoP (Ring of Peace) as I feel this is a far more useful spell than the other 2, if you tend to always stand in the middle of a melee fight you can spec Leg Sweep, or if you want to have some fun spec Leg Sweep but keep the box unchecked. I check and uncheck "Ring of Peace if Friend HP Below" If it's getting late and I can tell my reaction timing is slowing down, I'll check the box so that's one less thing I need to worry about. But during my prime time playing, I cast RoP manually when were going for kills. Healer is at 10% HP and can die, cast Ring on a melee that is on the target or if there aren't any melee, cast it on yourself and just stand on the enemy silencing him/her.
Tier 5: We spec Healing Elixirs so this tier is irrelevant.
Tier 6: I spec Chi Torpedo MOST of the time, not for the healing aspect, but to peel out faster and also help spin flags (As a MW you should be helping with the spin of flags as Spinning Crane Kick is a strong flag spinner ability) just torpedo through the flag and it does damage to enemies trying to cap. *Trick Using Chi Torpedo in Additional Guide* Randomly I'll spec Invoke Xuen to help deal damage. Regardless of talent, I leave them both unchecked.

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*Note* There are a few tricks (Some are scummy, but they work) I use to ensure I'm top healer every game in my Additional Guide

Heal Balancing Bar, with the new update this allows us to slide all the way to 20 now instead of 10, set to 20.
Detox (Our dispel ability), check "Detox Important Debuff Immediately" *Tip Using Detox in Additional Guide*.
Check "Disable Player & Fleeing Mob" Also Tuanha if you read this part, I notice the CR doesn't keep Disable up up on the EFC when you are in range, I thought that maybe it didn't cast Disable due to a slow already on the EFC but even when there are NO slows currently on him, it still doesn't cast Disable forcing us to press it manually, which of course isn't a huge issue but always nice to have 1 less spell to keep up.

Check "Enveloping Mist Unit HP Below" Remember that Enveloping isn't one of our top healing spells, it's more of a filler so the value you insert here isn't top priority. Keep in mind if you set the number too high the CR will hard cast the spell which is a complete waste of time and global CDs. So set the value low and work your way up. Leave "Enveloping Mist Tank HP Below" unchecked, if you happen to be the healer sitting with your FC (Which honestly MW should always be offensive healers) you still don't want to check this because in the time it takes to cast Enveloping you could toss a couple orbs down making Enveloping completely useless to cast.

Now this setting is going to be the most debated of them all, Healing Sphere. Yes you should keep "Healing Sphere Unit HP Below" checked, but what value do you input? This # value changes constantly for me. Factors that contribute are your other healers, and the enemy team. If your 2 other healers aren't strong and you set your Orb value too high (Let's say 99%), yes you'll do more healing due to the fact that the other healers aren't doing much but you'll OOM way too fast. So in the first 30 seconds of the team fight, you might be top healer but OOM, so as the fight continues to drag on and people start getting low in HP, you'll be trying to orb spam that teammate but won't be able to keep them alive due to you being OOM from the Orb spam in the beginning of the fight on everyone that was below 95% health. As much as you want to always be the top healer in the game, you need to keep in mind that the best way to be top heals isn't always the smartest. When your team is at 99% HP you don't need to spam orbs on everyone to top them off, rather make sure Renewing is out on everyone and just Sooth everyone fairly fast. If you are playing with 2 other healers that are strong and and you want to show them up on the meter because even if you OOM your team will be fine, then that's the time to show off and set your value super high. Many people don't always play with the same team so you might not know how strong your other healers are until you play, so in this case start with a lower value on your Orbs and work your way up until you find that happy point. This specific setting will make or break you as a healer, if you learn how to alter the value properly you'll almost always be top. If you set the value poorly and its too high or even too low, either way your team will die, either due to being OOM or not healing enough (Which if that happens, you should probably reroll). If you happen to be staying back with the FC, you can check the "Healing Sphere tank Every Sec" box and set a value, start with 10 and work your way down.

If you find yourself standing in the middle of team fights constantly you could check the Jab box which will help you generate some extra Chi.

Do not check "Life Cocoon Unit HP Below" this is a game breaker as well. You need to learn to manually cast this so you don't overlap CDs. Your team needs to be very vocal when it comes to using CDs, if each healer uses a defensive on the tank and the tank pops a defensive as well, you guys are going to be in a very very vulnerable position. The other team will take notice that you all blew defensives and can easily set up a kill.

Don't check "Mana Tea Below" here's why and here's some tips on using Mana tea more effectively... *Trick/Tip Using Mana Tea in Additional Guide*

Mana Tea tips: Mana Tea can be used while silenced or interrupted. While locked out or blanket silenced you should almost always be using Mana Tea (Assuming that you aren't at 100% mana) UNLESS you are spinning a flag, because Spinning Crane Kick can also be used while silenced and if people are trying to cap your node, spinning the node is a higher priority than drinking tea. During most team fights, you aren't going to have lots of down time to sit there and chug stacks of Mana Tea. Another note, nothing is worse than having 20 stacks of Mana Tea and being OOM and letting your team die, that's unacceptable. I start using Mana Tea even if I'm sitting at 85% mana, never let yourself get too low on mana before you start using Mana Tea. Remember, if you have a small window of downtime when no one needs to be healed, drink tea... if you are silenced for 4 seconds, drink tea. Get into habit of always drinking your tea anytime your team is topped or you're silenced it'll help in the long run. Don't drink your tea for too long at one time, it's best used in little short bursts.

Spells that allow you to get stacks of Mana Tea: Enveloping Mist, Uplift, Blackout Kick, and Tiger Palm. You can also get stacks of Mana Tea back from using Chi Brew (Which you should be specced into). Besides having our Renewing Mists dispelled (Each time ones dispelled we get a stack of tea) Enveloping mist is by far the main spell that we can use to collect mana tea stacks, every 4 Chi that we use we gain a stack of Mana tea. Mana Tea has no CD and is uninterruptable (I still laugh when I get kicked while using Mana tea) *Tips on Almost Never OOMing in Additional Guide*

"Renewing Mist" should be checked. Check the Renewing Mist spell at the top to understand why.

"Revival" Should be pressed manually, for obvious reasons. There is always a window of opportunity to use Revival and you must know when that time comes, also just like Life Cocoon, you don't want to overlap raid CDs. Casting Revival while your Druid is Tranqing and right after your Shaman's Mana Tide was just put down is a waste of raid CD usage, remember be VOCAL. Also which I can guarantee some of you have done this, when the other team has an Affliction Lock and has more than 3 UA's up do not Revival, you'll just 1 shot yourself, play smart.
"Soothing Mist Unit HP Below" Check this box, if there's a lot of spread damage going out, it's not wise to be channeling Soothing while everyone's sitting at 50% HP, you could be orbing and actually saving your team. Once again, this is a filler spell, so set value appropriately.

Keep "SCK" and "Spinning Crane Kick While Silenced" unchecked you don't need to cast SCK to heal, save that for when you need to spin nodes. And while silenced SCK is most of the time not going to be a priority, you're better off drinking Mana Tea during this silence. Also I've spoken to Tuanha about adding a new feature with Mana Tea, he's going to implement the option to drink tea while silenced, so when this feature is built into the CR, check that box.

"Summon Jade Serpent Statue Distance" If you are lazy go ahead and check this box, I place mine down manually for special reasons. *Multiple Tricks with Statue in Additional Guide*

"Surging Mist" Unchecked, clearly. "Thunder Focus Tea Before Surging Mist" Unchecked.

"Thunder Focus tea Before Uplift" Check this box. I only use Uplift when everyone has Renewing and when some heavy raid damage is going out, which will help top the raid while keeping Renewing up up still. "Thunder Focus tea Incoming Silence" You can check this box if you wish, basically it'll cast TFT right before a silence, so right when you are out of the silence you can throw out big heals to keep your team topped.

"Tiger Palm" Unchecked unless you want to help your team deal minimal damage. "To 5 stack Vital Mists" Unchecked unless you check Tiger Palm, then check this box as well.

"Uplift" I cast this manually as you could probably tell by the way I described how I use it. To get the most healing done you'll need to cast this manually, let the CR get Renewing out on multiple targets, if not all and use Uplift when raid damage comes out. If you are going to check this box, have it set to 4+ units and anywhere from 50%-75% to get the most out of the spell.

This basically covers the important spells that we want checked and the importance of why we don't want certain spells checked. And how we should go about figuring out the proper values to set a specific spell at. Over the next couple of days I'll be editing and adding information into the guide that I missed, I decided to go ahead and get this written up for the most part and get it posted here today so people can ask questions and add input all through out the weekend, instead of posting it Sunday night since people are busy with work and RL things. please feel free to add anything you want if you feel like contributing. This is a very broad approach at the moment, I know many people hands down just want screen shots of my settings (Check signature) but it's best to at least understand why the specific number values were chosen.

My main purpose is trying to help every MW out there to become a stronger healer than you already are, I hope I can assist everyone out there and if you are already decent at healing, hopefully you learned at least 1 new tip.

Cheers team!
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Hey Tuanha I have a suggestion for you, could you make some print functionalities for the Combat Routines ? Like when using Burst and stuff like that printed on Screen.
Does anyone else have a problem at Peak of Serenity for the daily monk quest?
I can't get the CR to do anything while there, I have play manually. :/
Nice to see a guide from a world top RBG team that beat the crap out of my team every time.

I love/hate you xD

For Resto Druid, it will not go public, it's a side (and fun) project for friend only >.< (count it as a special thank from me for everyone that helped me build so many decent Combat Routines)

tuanha i sent you a pm
Has anybody had any luck with WW in arena using this CR? I have the advanced edition and have tried it out using the default PVP settings but they just seem a bit off. First of all, the burst mode settings don't seem to actually do anything. When I turn on burst mode, I can't tell that anything changes. Second, it never waits for a full stack of 10 tigerseye brews before using it, then it immediately uses it again after the buff wears off, even if you only have 2-3 stacks.

If someone who has had success could post their settings or PM me, I would forever be in your debt. Thanks for any help you can give :)
Has anybody had any luck with WW in arena using this CR? I have the advanced edition and have tried it out using the default PVP settings but they just seem a bit off. First of all, the burst mode settings don't seem to actually do anything. When I turn on burst mode, I can't tell that anything changes. Second, it never waits for a full stack of 10 tigerseye brews before using it, then it immediately uses it again after the buff wears off, even if you only have 2-3 stacks.

If someone who has had success could post their settings or PM me, I would forever be in your debt. Thanks for any help you can give :)

:cool:someone can help us with a little guide for ww monk arena ???
Has anybody had any luck with WW in arena using this CR? I have the advanced edition and have tried it out using the default PVP settings but they just seem a bit off. First of all, the burst mode settings don't seem to actually do anything. When I turn on burst mode, I can't tell that anything changes. Second, it never waits for a full stack of 10 tigerseye brews before using it, then it immediately uses it again after the buff wears off, even if you only have 2-3 stacks.

If someone who has had success could post their settings or PM me, I would forever be in your debt. Thanks for any help you can give :)

There are some skills that I have and I use it manually disabled ....
For example tigerseye brew on 10 stacks, fist of fury, rushing wind jade, paralysis, leg sweep to stun ... and maximize the damage ....