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TuanHA Monk - The Ultimate Experience

Yeah.. the trick is .. make sure you're logged in before it starts.. It wont kick your toon out of the CR
RBG Setup

I run full PVP default. I transcendance manually, lust manual, set dispell target to 1 debuff, and use V as orb spam on target. When you orb spam strafe around so your toon doesn't try to over ride the spam with a mist.

When you proc a mana tea move your character slightly. This will force the CR to use that tea.

The healing slider should be set to to 10.

Use your chi torpedo whenever you have 2 up as AOE healing. I dive into the middle of team fights and back out and it tops off nearly everyone. Your a monk - don't worry about hard swaps.

Use your emergency bubble manually or above 2k pallys will laugh at your stack of bubble and bop.

You should be reforged entirely into CRIT.

I am now over 2200 and the CR does almost all the work. It is rare that I am not the top healer overall.

PM any other questions
RBG Setup

I run full PVP default. I transcendance manually, lust manual, set dispell target to 1 debuff, and use V as orb spam on target. When you orb spam strafe around so your toon doesn't try to over ride the spam with a mist.

When you proc a mana tea move your character slightly. This will force the CR to use that tea.

The healing slider should be set to to 10.

Use your chi torpedo whenever you have 2 up as AOE healing. I dive into the middle of team fights and back out and it tops off nearly everyone. Your a monk - don't worry about hard swaps.

Use your emergency bubble manually or above 2k pallys will laugh at your stack of bubble and bop.

You should be reforged entirely into CRIT.

I am now over 2200 and the CR does almost all the work. It is rare that I am not the top healer overall.

PM any other questions

what gems do you use? and what % do you have surging mist unit hp below? i have it on 50 atm
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I guys,

Old server wasn't stable, I've upgrade to the top tier and it still fail sometimes.

Therefore, Cision just helped me rent a new better server today, it's a cloud based hosting service.

Basically there are a few server running at the same time and when 1 server fail, service jump to the next one so down time should be zero (on theory)

I hope thing will go better soon, I'm trying my best to improve the service.

I wrote a few problems about ww monk. Did you check them?
can I ask somebody, do they have any luck in pve with premium routine? I feel like I should be pulling more dps with ww looking at my ilvl
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>>Would not recommend this CR for ww PVE. Mw pve is good as well as pvp for both mw & ww.

I've been using it for raiding. for multi-mob fights with our cleave I do reasonable damage. Which CR would you recommend for WW SOO raiding?
Does anyone have a Fistweaver (Healer) setup? I am looking for one :) I hope someone can help. Thank you!
>>Would not recommend this CR for ww PVE. Mw pve is good as well as pvp for both mw & ww.

I've been using it for raiding. for multi-mob fights with our cleave I do reasonable damage. Which CR would you recommend for WW SOO raiding?

PR2 my best guess
>>Would not recommend this CR for ww PVE. Mw pve is good as well as pvp for both mw & ww.

I've been using it for raiding. for multi-mob fights with our cleave I do reasonable damage. Which CR would you recommend for WW SOO raiding?

I don't know if this has been asked before but with over 600 pages to go through I thought I'd just ask here.
Me and a friend have bought the Special addition and to help set thinks up to how we want it we thought we'd have a couple of DUAL'S together,
But for some reason no matter what botbase we use are toons will not fight each other in dual, any helps in this would be most helpful.
Tuanha - can you address the Detox and Provoke issues posted earlier? Both are very useful PVP additions. I'm doing fine doing it manually on my WW, but it'd be nice to have options.

WW can (and probably should) use Detox very liberally. It doesn't cost much and many effects are worthwhile dispelling if your dispel isn't that important or have to be saved for clutch situations like a healer. Adding the same options or coding like you have on other healers for debuff stack > XX or always for important debuffs would be great and you already have the code for it.
Build 5.4.5237
MistWeaver Will Dispel Healer in Battle Ground/Arena if they have debuff that last longer than 3 seconds and doesn't count if they have Vampiric Touch/Unstable Affliction (debuff that Silence the Dispeller)
Fix issue BrewMaster don't use Elusive Brew
Improve performance and bug fix.
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I'm rewriting WW PvP rotation. WW PvE rotation is pretty decent and PvP is not on what it should be (sorry I play MistWeaver this season and I didn't invest enough time on WindWalker but soon... :D)

BTW, I've update a bit monk on talent Invoke Xuen.

Now we have 3 separate setting:

On BrewMaster: Use on Tank Below X
On MistWeaver: Use on Friend Below X
on WindWalker: Use on Target Below X or you are Bursting.

Please update and let me know.