do you have these settings for 25M raiding ?
And i asked a fucking question i dont know what peoples problem here at HB forums is but your a bunch of stuck up assholes to tell the truth you fuckers act like someone is gonna doing something better then you i asked if he had a file setting so if you wouldnt mind go fuck ya self youll be the first to call someone out on something but not the first to be a community member and say sure ill help thats what a fucking fourms community does maybe you forgot that over the years or maybe you never fucking had it to begin with
English isnt a hard language to learn though, and its universal!That being said I'd love to learn Chinese/Spanish.
Does anyone else have an issue of the bot randomly stopping player attack? I do RBGs and arenas, one game it'll work fine, then suddenly the bot COMPLETELY stops attacking players. All it does is healing/supporting stuff such as cast healing spheres on myself/my teammates or chi brew or expel harm. If I target a hunter/lock/mage pet though, it'll start attacking again but as soon as I switch back to a player it stops. Stopping/starting the bot doesn't fix it, I have to completely close honorbuddy and start it back up, and sometimes it still doesn't work first try.
WW monk by the way, if it wasn't obvious. The logs don't show anything in particular happening.
It just goes from working normally to just casting spheres.
Only cast spheres on yourself as a WW? Fck your partner he'll have to learn how to survive on his own! No, but seriously, I have only spheres on me and I have no problems at all, I also got to 1.5k in a day so if you got a good teammate (doesn't even have to be a healer, mine was a rogue), doesn't matter much if u put spheres down for him or not.
Having this issue.......
The class profile currently loaded is Monk - Windwalker, but the current toon is Monk - Brewmaster. Please respec the toon, or select a proper class profile under settings before starting the bot.