- Expel Harm on everyone who needs healing. (Not only on myself) Cause nearly all top healers uses the [Glyph of Targeted Expulsion] on Heroic modes.
Hey Tuanha, a smart Question to you:
I came from PQR to your awesome Profile, but now the Question is do you also support Boss Mechanics? In PQR most added Boss Mechanics like Dispell only with Buff @Sha of Pride, do you support such thinks?
Enveloping Mist on Tanks - last few revision update: it always likely Enveloping Mist on tank unless other people in raid is really low. (below your Enveloping Mist HP Setting)I asked you in the past and I will ask you again now TuanHA.
Please make these options:
- Enveloping Mist on Tanks only
- Expel Harm on everyone who needs healing. (Not only on myself) Cause nearly all top healers uses the [Glyph of Targeted Expulsion] on Heroic modes.
CR only heal the following NPCCan I heal NPC's? I didn't find it yet. Just for Immerseus and Norushen. And yes I read that its PvP Focused, just asking, because seems he/she add a lot PvE Stuff =)
Sorry for this Dumb Questions
thx for the real quick update on this. but can we have seperate settings for tank and rest of the raid? i'd like to envelope tank at much higher percentage than the rest of the raid, since we can heal them with our AE heals. like env. tanks at 70% hp and rest of raid only at 35% hp. i know, this will give you headache, but would improve this spell a lot ^^Enveloping Mist on tank when you have full chi or tank below your setting percent (only activate in Raid/Dungeon/Proving Ground)
As you wished:thx for the real quick update on this. but can we have seperate settings for tank and rest of the raid? i'd like to envelope tank at much higher percentage than the rest of the raid, since we can heal them with our AE heals. like env. tanks at 70% hp and rest of raid only at 35% hp. i know, this will give you headache, but would improve this spell a lot ^^
Hmm, that strangle... The code exactly similar to paladinThuanHa, the cr Hpally heal the bubble in immersus fight when is targeted, because Mistmonk cr no ??? is mechanic similar at "heal the target ( for me is tank)... is possible add this feature because when start the phase i pause the cr...