Don't think so. Looks like your settings for WW wrong. I'm 543 offspec WW and doing around 210-230k dps in raids. Check your settingsHI tuanhare
iam using ur SE from day1 and iam loving it
but for now it feels not ok on dps WW iam item lvl 528 and on raid dummy dps is 115k and in 10 man raids 100k iam i doing something wrong or are this normal numbers.
Don't think so. Looks like your settings for WW wrong. I'm 543 offspec WW and doing around 210-230k dps in raids. Check your settings
Hi tuanha,
i would like to thank you for your hard work, i really apreciate it! I use your routine primary for my brewmaster Monk
and there are 2 things i noticed.
1. At the start of the fight it should be the highest priority to keep up shuffle.
so the ideal priority would be: Keg Smash, Blackoutkick, Jab, Jab, Blackoutkick etc.
2. Shuffle seems to has a low priority in AoE situations. I often see it falls off and the toon casts Breath of Fire instead.
Overall i think you should have a look at the priority of shuffle. it should always be higher than Breath of Fire, Guard, Purify etc.
greets burnaz
I;m working on it man, it not yet ready today though.shameless selfquote
Any chance you could take a look at this?
I also would like to ask for another checkbox under "use elusive on stacks x" --> Just use stacks if targeted by mob/boss/player. This would be awesome, because he would not waste stacks if offtanking the boss.
greets burnaz
Hmm, I have no lag/framedrop.Something about Framelock problems fixes Tuanha? still huge fps loss...
Any way you could create a "Lightningweaver" routine or implement it into your MW routine.
Here is some more background info on it: [MW]WeakAuras string for Lightning Weaver Rotation.
Basically stacking int > haste > crit, you can achieve 100k+ DPS AND 100k+ HPS.
I would be willing to test/donate again for this.
TuanHA , I get today 2051 Rating with the monk!!(ofc with special monk edition, my hands dont have skill lol)Thank you again, latests revs has been amazing, I feel a lot of improvements there, now is time to reach 2k with rogue, obviously with tuanha special too, lol
Thanks bro!
I think he mean 2v2 or 3v3 Arena Rating.Which "Rating"?
Can you please disable plug in DrinkPotions?Here is one of the latests logs. It says .699 HB but i have installed the latest, .702, is just that i still didn't updated the folder in my desktop name.
Btw, I use Tyrael and LazyRaider and Framelock blocked at 15FPS.