Can anyone tell me what is the difference between donor version and public release?
its 300pages, its hard to find anything.
private version special edition has more features unlocked and quicker updates then the public version
Can anyone tell me what is the difference between donor version and public release?
its 300pages, its hard to find anything.
10% more healing and dps, and better tanking logic. Those things mentioned are in the donor version.Can anyone tell me what is the difference between donor version and public release?
its 300pages, its hard to find anything.
My report on MistWeaver 25 (HC) by maceyp.
My background:
I am a Mistweaver (506 ilvl) for a decently well progressed guild. We are currently 13/14 HM. I've used the Paladin CC extensively on my alt, however i prefer to manually heal on my main, otherwise whats the point in playing. I decided to test this CC in a hard mode environment, mainly because i get bored on farm content.
I've always played ranged Monk healer only to enter melee if there's nothing to heal or to spin kick on melee. I generally Jab only when im in melee but rarely stay in melee. I was interested in this 25man Fistweaving Setting suggested for 25man Hardmode healing so i decided to try it.
Results: "Bolded HPS is the Bot this week, Unbolded is my manual results last week. aka CR fistweaver setting / Manual ranged. (Theese are ALL HEROIC)
Stone Guard: 74k / 81k
Feng the Accursed: 51k / 59k
Gara'jal: 44k / 43k (I had to manually heal in spirit realm as... uh.. cant really fistweave, i almost failed healing down there cause i didnt really think about it.)
Spirit Kings: 33k / 37k (almost forgot to pause for shield)
Elegon: 67k /74k
Will: 68k / 78k
Imperial Vizier: 31k / 43k (really struggles last phase to keep up in melee might have just been my ability to follow the boss and dodge disks.. but none the less)
Blade Lord: 21k / 58k (Failed abysmally, as you cant stack in melee and even in p2 theres not much time in melee.)
Garalon: 80k / 107k (was doing 90ish hitting legs untill i had to do pheremones)
Wind lord: 25k / 48k (Cant stack melee once wind bombs etc)
Amber Shaper: 38k / 65k (honestly there's not much to heal, its just a snipefest)
Grand Emporess: was doing 20-30k... Was unhealable with this setting
I did not alter the setting in anyway shape or form.
I have made sure none of the HPS logs i have posted are any of my ranked parses as i do not want to be identified that could lead to my account being compromised.
The manual heals are an average between a few weeks of reviewing logs.
It is Very important to note that myself and my raid team are VERY geared and this was performed on FARM content, At the Rate that we play at now many fights are just Snipe fests at healing. This means its pretty much who ever lands the heals 1st, there are only a few fights that are Huge required healing that are not snipe fests. This is pretty much just Garalon and Empress.
With that in mind my results may not be the results a lesser geared player/guild may find. Meaning a new to 25man heroic may have better or worse results. I am just Sharing what my results are.
My Opinion:
Personally i think this style is interesting and may help quite a few people at the entry of 25man heroic. However it is important to note this setting will not work for fights that you can not stay in melee for such as Grand Empress and Blade Lord. I believe that it could be viable to use if you edited it to have more capable ranged healing for those fights though.
Personally i am of the opinion that Ranged Monk > Melee Monk healing how ever as far as this CR settings, i could be wrong as i have not tested a Ranged monk setting.
This setting is not Viable for a Few Fights on its own such as emporess it is 100% cannot do it, and Garajal you need to manually heal if you need to enter the spirit realm.
I manually heal better than this Setting. However i am confident there are settings out there that will destroy me, as there are with the Paladin CR.
I am willing to test any settings anyone may have in a 25man Heroic setting if people wish for me to test them or specific fight settings.
I hope this helped people.
noone said that maceyp settings only for fistweave.
All settings provided can be used for range and melee healing.
You also should know that the settings can't fit every char from the start so they need adjustments by yourself as u said u left everything like it was.
And i guess u know that monks have to mix ranged and melee healing in fights.
Just to make stuff a bit clearly
and i think bots and cr's aren't made for ppl which can "easily" play hc mode with legit play![]()
noone said that maceyp settings only for fistweave.
All settings provided can be used for range and melee healing.
You also should know that the settings can't fit every char from the start so they need adjustments by yourself as u said u left everything like it was.
And i guess u know that monks have to mix ranged and melee healing in fights.
Just to make stuff a bit clearly
and i think bots and cr's aren't made for ppl which can "easily" play hc mode with legit play![]()
you can start with testing maceyp's 25HC mistweaver settings.
you can find them in your TuanHAMonkSpecialEdition folder in the folder "User Settings".
they are based on melee healing style what seems to be the best for 25m raids.
you should use any raid cd like Revival, Zen Meditation, Diffuse Magic / Dampen Harm by your own.
Many of the fights are not friendly for Ranged/Healers to be in melee range due to mechanics to adjust for this i would change for more ranged style settings.
Mistweaver monks are considered melee by Blizzards systems. As such you don't actually need to spread from melee for mechanics such as Arcane Resonance or Wind Step -- they will never actually be applied to you as the primary target. There are some fights where it isn't particularly safe, but the mechanics don't specifically single you out.
As Deathshiver has said here, Monks are treated as melee and therefore dont have the same respect to other ranged players. Hence why you will never have windbomb on you during windlord. Im going to link a world of logs report here of melee monk healing on windlord 25 heroic.
Healing done - 24-01 20:50 - Ladies First - World of Logs
Once damamge buff procs the healing is ridiculous ;D
Holy shit.. i never knew they had an exception to be in melee.. Ill retest next week for my results.
cr don'theals parasitic growth since 2.0 beta start
And i didn't See any disonance healing last week.
Before someone asks:
Parasitic growth affected players could still getan renewing mist jump from another player but that is spell not cr based. Cr won't cast anything on pg affected players