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TuanHA Monk - The Ultimate Experience

@mosuri --
Hey, would you consider doing an optimized "All In One" type of config .xml for heroic dungeons? Seems the default settings for "Dungeon" are a bit intense. Maybe that's not the right word. What I'm trying to say is that when I run heroics I often find myself going OOM when I use the "Dungeon" button to set my defaults, so I fall back on clicking the "Raid" button, then tweaking for dungeon party member numbers instead of raid party member numbers (i.e. changing SCK from 6 party members to 3, etc).

My spirit on my monk is between 7k-8k, and my ilvl is around 470 (in the bag) and 465 (equipped).

Set you Enveloping Mist 95% in dungeons you get fast Mana tea's stacks
that has helped me be. so that he can use smoothing mist channels, Enveloping mist can be used
Hello tuanha,

there might also user profile setting that MSV10 Normal can completely heal.
And then I had problem on the boss Gara'jal the Spirit Binder that is if you go to the spirit world then you have people each to 100% healing and bone healing only does not entirely well. Or maybe I should heal settings differently only place I do not know what and how.

Sorry litte bit bad english

Do you use my settings?.
I never got problems in the spirit world, but sometimes i manually use Surging Mist / Enveloping Mist while Soothing Mist is cast to get it faster done.
Mosuri, i tried to reply to your private message but your inbox is full :)

Anyway to your request.


I vary diffuse magic and dampen harm depending on the fight.
Mosuri, i tried to reply to your private message but your inbox is full :)

Anyway to your request.


I vary diffuse magic and dampen harm depending on the fight.

added maceyp's Talents and Glyphs.txt to the User Settings folder
Do you use my settings?.
I never got problems in the spirit world, but sometimes i manually use Surging Mist / Enveloping Mist while Soothing Mist is cast to get it faster done.

No but you help litte bit bot with use surging mist / Enveloping mist in Smoothing mist channeling..
I will see it next week if I do go back MSV10
While I wait on mosuri to do a work-up for a general heroic 5-man setup, could someone suggest decent settings for Mistweaver? As it stands, if I click the "Dungeon" button to use the generic dungeon settings, I go OOM within the first quarter of a dungeon (all trash up to, and including first boss). I often have to then click the "Raid" button, which in turn causes me to do less healing, but also causes me to keep at least 70% mana during all fights. My anonymous armory link is this: Level 90 Pandaren Monk | WoW World of Warcraft Armory Profiles | Masked Armory so some settings that would offset that stat setup would be nice. I do have an on use trinket that boosts my spirit by around 4500, and I have that set to be used when my mana reaches 40%.
have you ever used Zen Sphere? If used right, you can get a lot of healing from it if you detonate it. Then with the new patch 5.2 you can have two of them up, DPS and range could have them up. You think it will be better then wave or burst?
So I have the paid version of this Routine and I've been using it for a while. I've had amazing dps. Now that it's updated, there's a bunch of stuff that I don't understand (Windwalker).

1. Burst Mode? What is it?? How should I know when I want to use it? (Cooldown, Cooldown boss only?) I mean.. WHAT IS IT??

2. Prof. Buff? Wtf is this? Only thing I can think of is "Profession Buff" and that makes absolutely no sense.

3. Numbers - are these percentages? If so, percentages of what!? My health? Target's health? Energy?

4. Attack Out Combat - what are talking about? is this even English?

5. Fists of Fury Max Energy - What's this for? Mine is set at 40. It will never use FoF if energy is above 40? It won't use FoF unless Energy is at 40? Explain!

This routine also isn't using Chi Wave when my health is low anymore, even though I have "Chiwave me below 30"... I'm guessing that's 30% health? Someone explain these things! :D

Edit: Oh yeah, and my character says "Ability not ready yet" a lot. What is it trying to do that won't work? :/
So I have the paid version of this Routine and I've been using it for a while. I've had amazing dps. Now that it's updated, there's a bunch of stuff that I don't understand (Windwalker).

1. Burst Mode? What is it?? How should I know when I want to use it? (Cooldown, Cooldown boss only?) I mean.. WHAT IS IT??

2. Prof. Buff? Wtf is this? Only thing I can think of is "Profession Buff" and that makes absolutely no sense.

3. Numbers - are these percentages? If so, percentages of what!? My health? Target's health? Energy?

4. Attack Out Combat - what are talking about? is this even English?

5. Fists of Fury Max Energy - What's this for? Mine is set at 40. It will never use FoF if energy is above 40? It won't use FoF unless Energy is at 40? Explain!

This routine also isn't using Chi Wave when my health is low anymore, even though I have "Chiwave me below 30"... I'm guessing that's 30% health? Someone explain these things! :D

Edit: Oh yeah, and my character says "Ability not ready yet" a lot. What is it trying to do that won't work? :/
1. I can't explain that either because I'm still trying to figure it out too.
2. Prof. Buff is exactly what you said it is. It's the buff you get from engineering or herbalism (golves/belt trink from Engi and Lifebloom from herbalism)
3. They are percentages, yes. Health percentages unless otherwise stated.
4. Attack Out of Combat -- I think that should have read Heal Out of Combat because you can't attack out of combat. Heal out of combat means your healer will heal the group members even when there is no combat going on, like before or after a pull, to top people off to full health.
5. FoF Max Energy is, I think, the amount of energy it that it will no longer use FoF upon reaching (i.e. if it's set to 40% then it will not use FoF above 40% energy), but I'm not certain. I believe that's what it means.

I also noticed that the self-healing is a little odd now. It does some things better in 2.0 than 1.0 did, but also 1.0 did some things better than 2.0 is doing now.

Sorry, I hope I helped out. I only put what I understood. For a complete explanation you'd have to get TuanHA, or one of his helpers, to explain to you in more detail.

98% of the users got the setting meanings with logical thinking and even new users who didnt use v1.
This is no offense, but normally mosts stuff should be clear enough to understand.


i don't know yet. Will have to test it. For 10men it could be fine, but don't know if it will be an option for 25men, because even with detonate it's more single target based than wave /burst.
In 10men it could be a good talent to use on both tanks (hi disc priest hps, how is it down there?)

98% of the users got the setting meanings with logical thinking and even new users who didnt use v1.
This is no offense, but normally mosts stuff should be clear enough to understand.

Oh you've got the statistics on who understands this stuff, eh? Then please, by all means, explain everything to me. Tell me why I went from 97k-100k dps down to 59-62k dps when I updated it. The routine is now slow. Sometimes it sits there for a second or two before it casts the next spell. It never uses Fists of Fury anymore either, no matter what number I change the "max energy" thing to. And you're right.. normally most stuff SHOULD be clear enough to understand, but its not.

This routine used to be lightning fast. There were times when I couldn't even tell what spells it was using. They used to get fired off in quick succession.. bam bam bam! I went from Rank 1 to Rank 7 with the Brawler's Guild in a single night with this routine. Now it just sits there and leisurely casts. I was doing 59k dps in tonight's raid. Terrible! People were asking me what was wrong. Saying things like, "aw c'mon man... why are you slacking? Kick up the heat, dude! Do some dmg!"

Maybe the routine was updated too much? It's got too many options now that it thinks too slowly.
Why does there even need to be an option for max energy? It should just be able to autocalculate how fast your energy regens based on your haste and decide the necessary max energy.
Vastator, can't tell you why you went down to this dps. But i can tell you that most users got a really good dps increase. And even 'i doing 30-35k dps with second spec ilvl 442 in lfr.

So if you could post your current settings + some basic informations like agility expertise cap etc etc, the WW users could start to help you figuring out your problem
Oh you've got the statistics on who understands this stuff, eh? Then please, by all means, explain everything to me. Tell me why I went from 97k-100k dps down to 59-62k dps when I updated it. The routine is now slow. Sometimes it sits there for a second or two before it casts the next spell. It never uses Fists of Fury anymore either, no matter what number I change the "max energy" thing to. And you're right.. normally most stuff SHOULD be clear enough to understand, but its not.

This routine used to be lightning fast. There were times when I couldn't even tell what spells it was using. They used to get fired off in quick succession.. bam bam bam! I went from Rank 1 to Rank 7 with the Brawler's Guild in a single night with this routine. Now it just sits there and leisurely casts. I was doing 59k dps in tonight's raid. Terrible! People were asking me what was wrong. Saying things like, "aw c'mon man... why are you slacking? Kick up the heat, dude! Do some dmg!"

Maybe the routine was updated too much? It's got too many options now that it thinks too slowly.

For one, turn of fists of fury and manually use it if you must. Remember 99% of the time fists of fury will be a dps decrease. You will rarely see it be cast by the bot because for it to be a dps increase many conditions need to be met, on top of the fact that you can't move once it is cast. I know the tier gear has a fist of fury set bonus but sadly blizzard hooped us with that. And what ilvl gear and what fights were you getting 100k on?

If I get some free time next week I can do some tests in lfr on dps. Ill do a run manual with default settings and post up some logs and the settings used.

P.S. Thank you for adding in aoe mode toggle Tua!
Anyone noticed something weird with RM usage? If set on 100% it still doesnt cast it whenever it's off CD. Does one single cast, wait till the whole HoT disappeared (on all targets) then after a few seconds it does a new cast.

Also getting chi capped once in a while, even when putting the settings on 1(player) / 97% or so.

I'll add a log later tonight.