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TuanHA Monk - The Ultimate Experience


New revison, now we have Portuguese language set - Credit moothz

@moothz: If you want to change text length... pls send me. Also you can preview your change by open THMonkGUI.cs in notepad and look for the end part of the file to edit. And I was top healing on Tsulong just now, all you need to do is set him in focus.

Again, thank you for your support.
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my mistweaver monk is broken... really broken...

tested holydiscords 10m HC settings and tweaked the %'s a bit up. so for Mogu HC the result with 12k base spirit + int flask and int food is:

melee healing most time, tier 90 talent: Xuen
92 Renewing Mist,
90 Soothing Mist,
2 @ 90 Uplift (used it manually sometimes too)

Stone Guards HC:
80k HPS, around 85-100% mana all over the fight, 94% mana when boss was down.
Uplift, Renewing Mist, Eminence top3 spells

Feng HC:
69k HPS, around 75-100% mana all over the fight, 86% mana when boss was down
Uplift, Renewing Mist, Spinning Crane Kick top 3 spells

Gara'jal HC:
48k HPS, around 80-100% mana all over the fight (without the the mana buff from the ghost phase), 92% when boss was down
Renewing Mist, Eminence, Uplift top 3 spells.

i think i have to go uber-roflcopter-lolol-#YOLO settings to go down to 20% :/

HAHA I am with tuanha! Your mama is broken....but dont change a thing! :cool:. I will put in those settings and see what happens with my guy. Are you dpsing at all and how are your other healers?
Feng and Elegon is mixed style,

Disc Priest ilvl 496 ~5% lower in healing than me
Shaman ilvl 497 ~7% lower in healing than me.

me ilvl 493
Ok guys !

first of all tuanha did a change in Renewing Mist logic:

beside of what amount you set Renewing Mist in %, if no player in your raid is below 95% health the CR will cast Renewing Mist on the tank. So your tank is most times always effected bei Renewing Mist which could give you a huge Chi generation boost.

second change:

i updated the "User Settings" folder

deleted my old settings and added the new ones "MistWeaver 10 (HC) Mogu-mixed style by mosuri.xml" (mixed-style: useable for melee and range healing)
renamed maceyp's settings into "MistWeaver 25 (HC) by maceyp.xml" - so if you want his settings, use this file.

have fun and enjoy your mistweaver.
is it possible to use this with quest helper? Targeting seems to be an issue the bot does not move to face the target...

if not does any one know another decent CC until i hit 90!@
Oh, thanks. Didn't know about the focus. I'll try to reduce the text lenght by checking it on the GUI file (:
Ok guys !

first of all tuanha did a change in Renewing Mist logic:

beside of what amount you set Renewing Mist in %, if no player in your raid is below 95% health the CR will cast Renewing Mist on the tank. So your tank is most times always effected bei Renewing Mist which could give you a huge Chi generation boost.

second change:

i updated the "User Settings" folder

deleted my old settings and added the new ones "MistWeaver 10 (HC) Mogu-mixed style by mosuri.xml" (mixed-style: useable for melee and range healing)
renamed maceyp's settings into "MistWeaver 25 (HC) by maceyp.xml" - so if you want his settings, use this file.

have fun and enjoy your mistweaver.
Hey mosuri, would you mind telling me a little more about this "settings replacement" you're doing? Are there buttons within the CR's GUI that allow you to click them to load certain settings? Or, are you renaming a default set of settings that the CR defaults to so that the CR picks up on the new file?

Maybe a small step-by-step type of guide? If it's not too much trouble?
Hey mosuri, would you mind telling me a little more about this "settings replacement" you're doing? Are there buttons within the CR's GUI that allow you to click them to load certain settings? Or, are you renaming a default set of settings that the CR defaults to so that the CR picks up on the new file?

Maybe a small step-by-step type of guide? If it's not too much trouble?

You have a "Load Settings" and "Save Settings" button in the GUI where you can load a .xml settings file or save your current settings into a .xml file.
So let's say you wanna use "MistWeaver (10) HC Mogu-mixed style by mosuri.xml":
- open "Class config"
- click "Load Settings"
- navigate to your Honorbuddy folder -> Routines -> TuanHAMonkSpecialEdition -> "User Settings" -> find the .xml and load it
- now the settings of the .xml should be successfully be added into your GUI/CR
- click apply -> start and enjoy :)
You have a "Load Settings" and "Save Settings" button in the GUI where you can load a .xml settings file or save your current settings into a .xml file.
So let's say you wanna use "MistWeaver (10) HC Mogu-mixed style by mosuri.xml":
- open "Class config"
- click "Load Settings"
- navigate to your Honorbuddy folder -> Routines -> TuanHAMonkSpecialEdition -> "User Settings" -> find the .xml and load it
- now the settings of the .xml should be successfully be added into your GUI/CR
- click apply -> start and enjoy :)
Oh! That's awesome. Much simpler than it first sounded, lol. I saw the save and load settings buttons, but I had never used them, so I didn't know exactly what they did. Now that you've explained it I can finally say I understand what they do.

Since you're pretty good at playing MW monk, could I ask a favor? Could you build a settings .xml for running heroics that's general? I can't remember my spirit, int, and other such things like that, but I do know that my ilevel is roughly 465-470. I think that my spirit is around 7k unbuffed, maybe 8k. Just something that's sort of all-encompassing, something that pretty much everyone can download and use. Just a general .xml file for running heroics while gearing up to run raids.
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You're welcome :)

for our mistweavers:

i added a "mosuri's Talents and Glyphs.txt" file into the User Settings folder.
Thank you mosuri...i was just thinking...god this is information overload..im starting to get confused...

then u save me :)

U guys rock!
Fixed all the portuguese issues. It's a bit tricky to adapt it when stuff like "Uplift" (6) are translated to "Corrente Ascendente" (19)...

case 3: //Portugu?s
		    Logging.Write("Usando idioma: Portugu?s (BR)");
                    tabPage1.Text = "Bem vindo";
                    tabPage2.Text = "Geral";
                    AFK.Text = "AFK";
                    Quest.Text = "Quest";
                    PvP.Text = "PvP";
                    Raid.Text = "Raid";
                    Dungeon.Text = "Dungeon";
                    Apply.Text = "Confirmar";
                    OK.Text = "OK";
                    groupBox3.Text = "Control";
                    label17.Text = "Esquerda";
                    label16.Text = "Tr?s";
                    label15.Text = "Direita";
                    label4.Text = "Esquerda Strafe";
                    label5.Text = "Frente";
                    label6.Text = "Direita Strafe";
                    label10.Text = "Tecla de Pause";
                    label7.Text = "Desabilita o movimento do bot enquanto estas\r\nteclas estiverem sendo pressionadas.";
                    AttackOOC.Text = "Atacar sem combate";
                    AutoFace.Text = "Virar automatico";
                    AutoRacial.Text = "Racial autom?tica";
                    AutoBuff.Text = "Buffs autom?ticos";
                    AutoMove.Text = "Mover autom?tico";
                    AutoTarget.Text = "Target automatico";
                    tabPage3.Text = "Mestre Cervejeiro";
                    tabPage4.Text = "Tecel?o da N?voa";
                    tabPage5.Text = "Andarilho do Vento";
                    tabPage7.Text = "Agradecimentos especiais (em ingl?s)";
                    HealthStone.Text = "Pedra de Vida ou\r\nEstandarte de Batalha";
                    FortifyingBrew.Text = "Ceva Fortific., meu HP abaixo de";
                    GrappleWeapon.Text = "Disarm, HP de aliado abaixo de\r\n(ou desarmado)";
                    PickChiSphere.Text = "Pegar Esfera de Chi (dist. m?x)";
                    PickHealingSphere.Text = "Pegar Esfera Curativa (dist. m?x)";
                    Provoke.Text = "Provocar Min (dist min)";
                    Disable.Text = "Desabilitar Jogadores e Mobs Fugindo";
                    EnergizingBrew.Text = "Ceva Energizante abaixo de";
                    FlyingSerpentKick.Text = "Chute Voador da Serp. (dist min)";
                    FistsofFury.Text = "Punhos da F?ria (Energia m?xima)";
                    Roll.Text = "Rolar (dist m?nima)";
                    TigereyeBrew.Text = "Stacks p/ Ceva Olho de Tigre";
                    TouchofDeath.Text = "Toque da Morte";
                    TouchofKarma.Text = "Toque do Karma, HP abaixo de";
                    SpinningCraneKick.Text = "Chute Girat?rio, qtd de alvos";
                    SpinningFireBlossom.Text = "Flor de Fogo Girat?ria (dist m?nima)";
                    tabPage6.Text = "Talento";
                    TigersLustCaster.Text = "Caster";
                    TigersLustMelee.Text = "Melee";
                    TigersLustMe.Text = "Eu";
                    LegSweepMe.Text = "Onda de Boi - Rasteira\r\nSe HP de aliado abaixo de";
                    ChiBrew.Text = "Ceva de Chi quando estiver\r\ncom esta quantia de chi";
                    label2.Text = "Unidade abaixo de";
                    ChiBurst.Text = "Estouro de Chi\r\n(Healer)";
                    label1.Text = "Unidade abaixo de";
                    ZenSphereDetonate.Text = "Detonar\r\n(Healer)";
                    ZenSphere.Text = "Esfera Zen, aliado abaixo de\r\n(Healer)";
                    ZenSphereMe.Text = "Esfera Zen, meu HP abaixo de\r\n(Tank && DPS)";
                    ChiWave.Text = "Chi Wave, aliado abaixo de:\r\n(Healer)";
                    ChiWaveMe.Text = "Chi Wave, meu HP abaixo de:\r\n(Tank && DPS)";
                    LegSweepInterrupt.Text = "Onda de Boi - Leg Sweep \r\nCast do inimigo faltando (ms)";
                    LegSweepEnemy.Text = "Onda de Boi - Rasteira\r\nSe HP de inimigo menor que";
                    TigersLust.Text = "Lux?ria do Tigre";
                    groupBox7.Text = "Talento";
                    TigersLustHealer.Text = "Healer";
                    DampenHam.Text = "Atenuar Ferimento,\r\nse meu HP abaixo de:";
                    RushingJadeWind.Text = "Vento Impetuoso com essa quantia\r\nde inimigos (Tank && DPS)";
                    label3.Text = "Apenas com esta quantia de debuffs: ";
                    DiffuseMagic.Text = "Magia Difusa, meu HP abaixo de:";
                    RushingJadeWindMist.Text = "Vento Impetuoso de Jade (Healer)";
                    label8.Text = "aliados com menos de";
                    InvokeXuenTank.Text = "Evocar Xuen, meu HP menor que:\r\n(Tank)";
                    InvokeXuen.Text = "Invoke Xuen, inimigo abaixo de:";
                    ChiTorpedoMist.Text = "Torpedo de Chi (Healer)";
                    label9.Text = "Unidade aliada abaixo";
                    ChiTorpedo.Text = "Torpedo de Chi em\r\nx inimigos (Tank && DPS)";
                    groupBox8.Text = "Sobreviver";
                    label11.Text = "M?x";
                    InvokeXuenBurst.Text = "Somente evocar Xuen no Burst Mode";
                    BlockInputRoll.Text = "Rolar";
                    BlockInputFSK.Text = "Chute Voador";
                    BlockInputFoF.Text = "Punhos da\r\nf?ria";
                    label19.Text = "Bloquear usu?rio antes de (ms)";
                    UseFoodDrink.Text = "Usar Comida - Bebida abaixo de:";
                    label22.Text = "______________TALENTO 90______________";
                    label25.Text = "______________TALENTO 75______________";
                    label24.Text = "______________TALENTO 60______________";
                    label23.Text = "______________TALENTO 45______________";
                    label21.Text = "______________TALENTO 30______________";
                    label20.Text = "______________TALENTO 15______________";
                    DropHealingSphereCombat.Text = "Esfera Curativa, HP abaixo de:";
                    DropHealingSphereMovingToEnemy.Text = "Esfera Curativa caminhando pro alvo";
                    groupBox1.Text = "Interromper && Trinket";
                    ParalysisInterrupt.Text = "Paralisia cast faltando (ms)";
                    label18.Text = "Burst";
                    label12.Text = "Trinket 1";
                    label13.Text = "Trinket 2";
                    label14.Text = "Buff Prof.";
                    SpearHandStrikeSilence.Text = "Golpe de Lan?a\r\nHP do Healer ou Caster";
                    *****lingJadeLightning.Text = "Raio de Jade, meu HP abaixo de:";
                    SpearHandStrike.Text = "Spearhand, cast faltando (ms)";
                    ParalysisMeLowHP.Text = "Paralisia, meu aliado abaixo de";
                    Transcendence.Text = "Transcend, meu aliado abaixo de";
                    label26.Text = "Quando esp?rito em vista ou dist >";
                    InvokeXuenElite.Text = "Elite";
                    InvokeXuenPlayer.Text = "PvP";
                    InvokeXuenAll.Text = "All";
                    InvokeXuenBoss.Text = "Boss";
                    SummonJadeSerpentStatue.Text = "Evocar Est?tua da Serpente de Jade";
                    label29.Text = "HP abaixo";
                    LifeCocoon.Text = "Casulo da Vida, HP abaixo de";
                    ThunderFocusTeaSurgingMist.Text = "Ch? do Trov?o + Bruma Ascendente";
                    label28.Text = "pessoas, %";
                    ThunderFocusTeaUplift.Text = "Ch? do Trov?o + Corrente Ascendente";
                    label27.Text = "pessoas, %";
                    Uplift.Text = "Corr. Asc.";
                    RenewingMist.Text = "N?v. Renovadoras, HP abaixo de";
                    HealingSphereMistTank.Text = "Esfera Curativa Tank Every Sec";
                    HealingSphereMist.Text = "Esfera Curativa, HP abaixo de";
                    SurgingMist.Text = "Bruma Ascendente, HP abaixo de";
                    EnvelopingMist.Text = "Enveloping Mist, HP abaixo de";
                    SoothingMist.Text = "Bruma Calmante, HP abaixo de";
                    TigerPalmMist.Text = "Palma do Tigre, mana acima de";
                    BlackoutKickMist.Text = "Blackout Kick, mana acima de";
                    JabMist.Text = "Jabe at? essa quantia de Chi";
                    label31.Text = "pessoas %";
                    *****lingJadeLightningMist.Text = "Raio de Jade, mana acima de";
                    Revival.Text = "Reviver";
                    label30.Text = "pessoas %";
                    SpinningCraneKickMist.Text = "Chute Girat?rio da Gar?a";
                    ExpelHarm.Text = "Expelir o Mau, meu HP abaixo de";
                    ManaTea.Text = "Ch? de mana, quando abaixo de";
                    label33.Text = "N?v. Renov. todos. Mana acima de";
                    label32.Text = "s? qdo mana acima";
                    TigerPalmMistTigerPower.Text = "Poder do Tigre";
                    TigerPalmMistVitalMists.Text = "N?voas Vitais";
                    label34.Text = "pessoas %";
                    AvertHarm.Text = "Evi. Amea?a";
                    Clash.Text = "Colis?o";
                    BreathofFire.Text = "Bafo de On?a, qtd de unidades";
                    DisableBrew.Text = "Desabilitar Jogadores e Mobs Fugindo";
                    DizzyingHaze.Text = "N?voa Estonteante";
                    ProvokeBrew.Text = "Provocar Taunt";
                    PurifyingBrew.Text = "Ceva Purificadora";
                    SummonBlackOxStatue.Text = "Evocar Est?tua do Boi";
                    Guard.Text = "Guarda quando meu HP abaixo de";
                    KegSmash.Text = "Barril, debuff ou quando X Unidades";
                    SpinningFireBlossomBrew.Text = "Flor de Fogo Girat?ria (dist m?nima)";
                    TouchofDeathrew.Text = "Toque da Morte";
                    SpinningCraneKickBrew.Text = "Chute Girat?rio, qtd de unidades";
                    label35.Text = "Evocar se mais longe de";
                    LeeroftheOxBrew.Text = "Olho de Boi";
                    label36.Text = "Evocar se mais longe de";
                    DetoxCC.Text = "Dispellar CC imediatamente";
                    DisableMist.Text = "Desabilitar Jogadores e Mobs Fugindo";
                    DetoxDebuff.Text = "Dispellar, quantia de debuffs";
                    LoadSetting.Text = "Carregar Configura??o";
                    SaveSetting.Text = "Guardar Configura??o";
                    ElusiveBrew.Text = "Ceva Elusiva, meu HP abaixo de";
                    label37.Text = "abaixo de";
                    ZenMed.Text = "Zen Med";
                    PathofBlossomsMist.Text = "Caminho de Flores, mana acima de";
                    label38.Text = "m?x";
                    RollBrew.Text = "Rolar (dist m?nima)";
                    ElusiveBrewStack.Text = "Stacks pra usar Ceva Elusiva";
                    label39.Text = "Tecla de AoE";
What kind of luck are you guys having as WW PvP'n with this cc? I can't seem to stay consistent with it.
I would like to ask, is WW real crap for botting or isn't there any good cc for it? I can get more than 10k DPS playing by myself than any CC.. They seem really slow and unresponsive, including this one.
I haz a crap gear WW OS (355 ilvl) & I do 40k dps.

Edit: This cc actually got me playing my Monk. Other cc's that I tried just didn't perform at the level I wanted so I stopped playing my monk months ago. After revisiting this cc recently I was very impressed. I was so impressed that actually bought the special edition - which says a lot.

Now I just sit back & watch this little fat monk out heal folks 20 ilvl more than him...shit is just too funny.
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User Settings Update!

Good news for our PvP Mistweavers, we now got a good profile to share. Credits to ttrapg.

You can find the PvP settings in your "User Settings" folder.
"MistWeaver (PvP) RBG 2,4k by ttrapg.xml"

Note: You may have to activate CC abilities if you want them be used by the CR. ttrapg uses CC abilities by himself.
User Settings Update!

Good news for our PvP Mistweavers, we now got a good profile to share. Credits to ttrapg.

You can find the PvP settings in your "User Settings" folder.
"MistWeaver (PvP) RBG 2,4k by ttrapg.xml"

Note: You may have to activate CC abilities if you want them be used by the CR. ttrapg uses CC abilities by himself.
Will try this asap when I can get home this lol.

2k4 rbg is a serious business!
Will try this asap when I can get home this lol.

2k4 rbg is a serious business!

if theres problems lemme know...for me its working pretty much flawless everyone is like 'omg your an amazing healer better than most we had with full elite!... xD