Ok, just a bit of code and I can do it later today when I get home.Love the updates as usual TuanHA, can you please add back the AoE ON/OFF keybinds for Windwalker?
I have my 25 man Heroic Settings that I can share, my recommendation is to use chi burst instead of wave. Also most of my settings is adapted from Mosuri to a 25 man heroic.
For those that would like settings here you go. Chi Torpedo is done Manually. Same as Revival if raid requires the CD Auras to be used at certain times.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/r5c181g0di1mx6t/Healing 25 HC.xml
Time to try new Mist 2.0 rev 75.
I try your build, i wish that Upflit work now better
P.D : No working loads profiles, i cant load any profile ( me or the others players)
P.D2: Too many crash, if i use raid button config and pulse other time, he crash... if put configuration manually and try to save...crash
Rev. 77
AoE Mode Toggle is back, default key is Control + 8 (You need to HOLD 2 button for 1 second to toggle on/off)
Add Maceyp to User Preset
@CLubwar: I made stupid change to variable type so all old preset is broken, but I guess u still remember your old setting. Sorry for inconvenience (and my stupidity)
Please update to latest svn (rev 75 onward)
I have huge dps increase as WindWalker (65k dps on ilevel 466 - was only 55k on previous build)
Holydiscord u should tell the ppl what flasks food and trinkets u r using. Can make big differences.
I have 12k base spirit with spirits of the sun and qin xis trinket and i use int flask and food .
But i also use sun trinket with chi ji trinket more often last times because i like static int k+ spirit proc > static spirit + int proc
the reason: spirit proc is always nice but if int proc comes wrong times its just used on overheal for example
if i use two int trinkets i use spirit flask and int food. So im around 12k spirit with both combos
+1, but one moment. WW use Expel Harm, but only then Karma on CD.I've noticed that Expel Harm isn't being used as WW, doesn't matter what settings you use.
Tried setting it to 99%, but nothing changed.