There a compromise in Fist of Fury coding.I turn on FoF and set max energy to 50, but I don't know if this is ideal. The logic wasn't really implemented the way we requested. I know it's a complicated logic, but it should not be used if RSK will come off cooldown before it ends or if you will reach max energy before it ends. To make it easy, just have the bot cast FoF right after RSK to eliminate the risk of either of these things happening. You could probably hardcode the rotation to FSK-Jab-FoF (if FoF isn't on cooldown).
I'm trying 2.0 for the first time in LFR tonight and I'm not seeing any dps increase, but I'm lagging a bit tonight so it's hard to tell. I wish I still had 1.0 so I could spend 10 minutes on a dummy with both and see which comes out on top.
It supported in version 1.0But I cant use it with BGbuddy? When I try it tells me this combat routine is not supported
Please delete all file except the .svn folder and update again.Hi TuanHA sorry to be a pain but I have just updated my SVN today and now HB won't use your CC at all, it just goes straight to Singular :-( I have attached a log please let me know what you think. I updated it just like I normally would so no idea what is wrong.
EDIT: I updated the SVN at a friends place and it works fine now, seems there was some code missing, no idea why it wont update properly at my place :/
Please delete all file except the .svn folder and update again.Sorry to be a pain as well, was just wondering if the public version is crashing HB cause it's not done yet or is it my error and i've done something wrong. The crash msg im getting is "the type initializer for 'TuanHAMonk.THSettings"threw an exception. if that helps
Advertising is not allowed on HB do i go about getting the donor version to btw?
Please give me your setting (if you are comfortable with it) so I can add it to the user setting section.I will have to post a picture of my settings with 2.0. We did vaults on H model 10 man (first boss with the dogs) and I did 80 HPS! Also I still had about 100k mana left at the end of the fight. If you take the time to play with the settings and just change little things, you can find a sweet balance between out put and mana. Thanks again Tuna for making me an amazing healer.
Any Thoughts on patch 5.2? Will the changes for mistweavers be ready when it comes out? I know if you have anything, my guild is getting ready to run bosses on the PTR and I could help out with what I see.
Please update to latest svn (rev 75 onward)I'm trying 2.0 for the first time in LFR tonight and I'm not seeing any dps increase, but I'm lagging a bit tonight so it's hard to tell. I wish I still had 1.0 so I could spend 10 minutes on a dummy with both and see which comes out on top.