i cant download tuanha Monk it only trys to open an img nothing happens ? what can i do ? help pls ?
Honorbuddy just having an DDOS or internal issue and uploaded file lost...Same thing is happening to me, except no image. Just goes to this link http://www.thebuddyforum.com/attachments/honorbuddy-forum/combat-routines/monk/70531d1354160455-tuanha-monk-ultimate-experience-tuanhamonk.public.release.zip.html
On Google Chrome latest version.
Please enable Framelock in lazyraidernice, but somtimes i have wow freeze. Click stop on HB and freez stops.
When change prio WoW and HB at Realtime, is better, but somtimes WoW have "microfreeze" 0,2 - 0,5sec - at trash/many mobs
testing in progress ;>
Please enable Framelock in lazyraider
so the beta is only available for donors?
Look like WindWalker work fine.yes.
but hey, take it from the good side: the public version will be nearly 99% free of bugs when it will be released ;D
i'm wondering, i'm using fistweave right now with Jab to 3 Chi and Tiger Palm enabled. Tiger Palm stacks up to 5 stacks autom. , that's fine.
but then it uses Surging Mist instant, even if the target is 100% hp, so it seems the CC don't cares if i set surging mist to 37% in the settings when the 5 stacks of tiger palm are up it just instant casts it :/
so i use Tiger Palm manually for now.
Look like WindWalker work fine.
I'm start working on MistWeaver 2.0, all bug in version 1.0 will be fixed plus adding the new drop healing sphere feature.
do you think tyrael is safe?tested tyrael now for a bit. works fine on wow.exe high priority, tyrael @ 200tps.
only "problem" i figured out are the lags when u enable "Detox Debuffs immediately". didn't got lags with enabled debuff with lazyraider. so i don't know what i'll use.
do you think tyrael is safe?
when i pause tyrael he send msg to my wow chat window, that gave me a weird vibe
tested tyrael now for a bit. works fine on wow.exe high priority, tyrael @ 200tps.
only "problem" i figured out are the lags when u enable "Detox Debuffs immediately". didn't got lags with enabled debuff with lazyraider. so i don't know what i'll use.
do you think tyrael is safe?
when i pause tyrael he send msg to my wow chat window, that gave me a weird vibe