Hey guy, sorry for not giving enough user support last 2 days because I was busy on Monk 2.0, the new version will not let you disappointed (I hope) and there are many improvement.
We start with the new GUI.
General Settings
Interrupt part now have 4 part.
*****ing Jade Lighting: You can now interrupt spell with *****ing Jade Lighting because it have the Push Back effect if target within melee range.
Paralysis interrupt was not coded in previous version, it's now in version 2.0
Spear Hand Strike interupt ofc
Spear Hand Strike Healer/Caster low HP: When you Spear Hand Strike target facing you, you also silence them for 3 sec. So if you Spear Hand Strike a Mage when his HP at 30%, he can't iceblock. Great for PvP
Trinket Part now have option to use big cooldown on boss, not on trash.
Survive part is the all new, introduce in 2.0
Now you can pick sphere around you to get more chi.
Now you can pick healing sphere around you to heal, it's just great for leveling, farming because you never need to use food, down time is close to zero. While leveling, once you get talent Healing Sphere, you can remove all food in your bag because it now not needed.
Now you can grapple weapon if your hp is low (only grapple weapon melee) - or a rogue Dismante you, combat routine INSTANTLY grapple his xD
Paralysis also code in 2.0 for smarter logic. Beside the interrupt part, you can parasite enemy if you are low hp, drop some healing sphere on your feet and WIN

Transcendence: NEW on 2.0. Now combat routine automatically teleport you to safe locacion if your hp is low. But it smart to never teleport if you about to kill your target.
Talent Setting
Talent now on a separate tab.
In 2.0 ALL talent will be supported including Tiger's Lust, a powerfull PvP talent.
WindWalker Setting
WindWalker now under major improvement and will have full PvP Support.
New in 2.0:
Drop healing sphere if you hp low
Pre drop healing sphere on enemy location while moving to them, that really great because when you can reach enemy, you might need some heal and healing sphere are all around already.
Fist of Fury have major logic improvement, now have 2 separate logic on PvE and PvP
Touch of Death now work on PvP if you have 4 WindWalker set that can instantly kill enemy player below 10%
Spinning Fire Blosson now supported, it will root enemy is they kite 10 yard away from you.
INTRODUCE THE BRANDNEW LOGIC (First of it kind on any Combat Routine - Correct me if i'm wrong xD) - BLOCK USER INPUT.
When combat routine start Fist of Fury or any channel spell, you may move and totally waste it. Now Combat Routine will LOCK your keyboard for 1 sec just to make sure you don't click to move or press the move key to break it.
So when 2.0 ready?
The new version 2.0 is really complicated with improvement in everything therefore it also hard to code and take a lot of time.
I hope WindWalker 2.0 will be ready for TEST this weekend and MistWeaver 1 week later, BrewMaster 2 week later.
When do I know he beta is ready to test?
When Beta 2.0 is ready, I'll send SVN link and .zip file via the existing svn for donor so you will see a new file with the setup guide.
Thank you for your support and happy slaying.