no one's arguing that fester is BETTER, there's just situations for both. and all high ranked players should use both interchangeably. dispels are incredibly powerful and should be used frequently, my point was that you don't need to dispel 10x for each important buff that pops up which is what an exclusive icy rotation would do. using fester doesn't mean you can never chains or icy dispel anyone ever. i would say that if ur only going to let the bot full auto and you have to pick one or the other, 100% icy rotation is for sure better. being able to do both is still ideal.
the fact that there were multiple threads on this on arena junkies and MMOchampion shows that the answer isn't black and white. at any given time, if there's nothing to dispel and ur target is right next to you while you already have a high AP dot stack going, obviously spamming icy/boil is *not* better. at the same time, if you can't reach a target or someone just used divine plea cuz they're running OOM, spamming fester instead of icy is a horrible ideal.
this is why in this part of this thread and previously, i've commented that there should be priority logic for icy dispels and fester. even if the dispel ruins the whole rotation, uses up precious death runes, etc, sometimes it's so important it's still worth it.
so in short, if the CR can only do ONE style, i fully agree icy is better. if it can do both at the right times, then this is ideal. the more gladiators you talk to the more opinions you'll get, but i guarantee they do both. reinhart was one of the earlier ones pushing festerblight while at the same time others equally skilled and ranked were saying they don't even have fester on their action bars -- shows that either can work exclusively, or both can work even better together