editing your routine to fit my play-style is breaking it a little TuanHa.
Do me a favour and an option to take festering out, its so damn bad.
Thank, I've tweak rotation base on class that can kite.i've played around with both rotation types up to 2k manually, and there's a time for each of them. giving options in the CR would be nice.
if you are fighting a melee cleave such as TSG, you can have potentially 100% uptime on both dps targets the highest possible Dot stack as well as doing more single target dmg throughout the fight. The 100x spam dispels are also minimally useful against some of these types of comps, and your kill target is very unlikely to kite you for a significant portion of the fight. for this style fight i would say tuanha's current festerblight type of style is vastly superior - more single target dmg and way higher total dmg with no one kiting you and not much to dispel.
i've gone the other extreme to use a purely icy/boil rotation and even changed to chillblains against resto druid teams when we decide to ride the druid the whole match. this is also shockingly effective as you are constantly dispelling hots and he is re-snared within seconds every form change to break snare/root. this is the extreme opposite style and yet much more effective for some comps to use the icy rotation.
so i wouldn't conclude that the current rotations is always bad, if you could add an option to go back and forth between the two or even hotkey it on the fly that would be perfect. if you want the CR to auto-everything, let it pick rotation based on target class. IMO icy/boil rotation is better if you're killing a druid, mage, priest, hunter (any class that can kite you well or have a lot of important things to spam dispel). against melee i personally like fester-style more.
I guys,
Old server wasn't stable, I've upgrade to the top tier and it still fail sometimes.
Therefore, Cision just helped me rent a new better server today, it's a cloud based hosting service.
Basically there are a few server running at the same time and when 1 server fail, service jump to the next one so down time should be zero (on theory)
I hope thing will go better soon.
i've played around with both rotation types up to 2k manually, and there's a time for each of them. giving options in the CR would be nice.
if you are fighting a melee cleave such as TSG, you can have potentially 100% uptime on both dps targets the highest possible Dot stack as well as doing more single target dmg throughout the fight. The 100x spam dispels are also minimally useful against some of these types of comps, and your kill target is very unlikely to kite you for a significant portion of the fight. for this style fight i would say tuanha's current festerblight type of style is vastly superior - more single target dmg and way higher total dmg with no one kiting you and not much to dispel.
i've gone the other extreme to use a purely icy/boil rotation and even changed to chillblains against resto druid teams when we decide to ride the druid the whole match. this is also shockingly effective as you are constantly dispelling hots and he is re-snared within seconds every form change to break snare/root. this is the extreme opposite style and yet much more effective for some comps to use the icy rotation.
so i wouldn't conclude that the current rotations is always bad, if you could add an option to go back and forth between the two or even hotkey it on the fly that would be perfect. if you want the CR to auto-everything, let it pick rotation based on target class. IMO icy/boil rotation is better if you're killing a druid, mage, priest, hunter (any class that can kite you well or have a lot of important things to spam dispel). against melee i personally like fester-style more.
I've played with the rotation to 2200 last season in multiple brackets, and I've done it again this season in multiple brackets so it's not that I can't play with it I just know that it can be improved.
In regards to your point on the comp you're up against even running the current fester-blight rotation is just not good. The way it plays out in arena is that you're using Chains of Ice pretty often which just screws with the whole fester rotation of the bat, the fester blight rotation is something that PvE players use because they never need to use chains of ice and to a lesser extent blood boil/blood strike. Therefore it works perfectly in PvE cos the two runes you need are always going to be up.
However this is not PvE. This is PvP and the way it works in PvP is that you are using chains of ice a hell of a lot, you're using blood boil a hell of a lot. Even against a TSG (heavy melee team) you are still using chains of ice often enuf to mess up the festerblight rotation. Warrior leaps, charges, intervenes, freedoms (windwalk, tigers lust etc), trinket or if you get cc'ed or snared then you end up using chains of ice ALOT. Now bare in mind I only covered the warriors abilities there, there are still two other classes in the arena that could be potential swaps and you'd need to use chains of ice on them. Now just think about that, Chains of Ice on its own is inherently giving TuanHa's current routine a problem its using the frost runes we need for Festering strike, now I've seen the routine use icy toych/blood strike and blood boil in between but I've also seen it wait upwards of 3-4 seconds to get the runes for festering strike in which time I've had to use the blood/frost runes for something else which in essence is losing dps.
And just a heads up, even against TSG the ONLY time you the glyph of Icy Touch would be useless is if they ran with a MW monk as healer. Any other healer gives the DK/Warrior important enuf buffs to warrant thier removal via the Glyph of Icy Touch. So all in all it's a pretty staple glyph that only gets changed in RARE occasions, and even when it gets changed there are often many times using Icy Touch would be better than Festering Strike. Remember melee range is only 5 yards.
Like I said this is my opinion after playing the Routine and the Class to 2.2k+ several times. This is also what I've seen and talked about with 2-3 Multi-Gladiator DK's.
TLDR: Give an option to take Festering Out or Put Festering in to our rotation.
Does the auto path of frost work for anyone? Would be nice on battle for gilneas, but it has never cast it for me.
I've played with the rotation to 2200 last season in multiple brackets, and I've done it again this season in multiple brackets so it's not that I can't play with it I just know that it can be improved.
In regards to your point on the comp you're up against even running the current fester-blight rotation is just not good. The way it plays out in arena is that you're using Chains of Ice pretty often which just screws with the whole fester rotation of the bat, the fester blight rotation is something that PvE players use because they never need to use chains of ice and to a lesser extent blood boil/blood strike. Therefore it works perfectly in PvE cos the two runes you need are always going to be up.
However this is not PvE. This is PvP and the way it works in PvP is that you are using chains of ice a hell of a lot, you're using blood boil a hell of a lot. Even against a TSG (heavy melee team) you are still using chains of ice often enuf to mess up the festerblight rotation. Warrior leaps, charges, intervenes, freedoms (windwalk, tigers lust etc), trinket or if you get cc'ed or snared then you end up using chains of ice ALOT. Now bare in mind I only covered the warriors abilities there, there are still two other classes in the arena that could be potential swaps and you'd need to use chains of ice on them. Now just think about that, Chains of Ice on its own is inherently giving TuanHa's current routine a problem its using the frost runes we need for Festering strike, now I've seen the routine use icy toych/blood strike and blood boil in between but I've also seen it wait upwards of 3-4 seconds to get the runes for festering strike in which time I've had to use the blood/frost runes for something else which in essence is losing dps.
And just a heads up, even against TSG the ONLY time you the glyph of Icy Touch would be useless is if they ran with a MW monk as healer. Any other healer gives the DK/Warrior important enuf buffs to warrant thier removal via the Glyph of Icy Touch. So all in all it's a pretty staple glyph that only gets changed in RARE occasions, and even when it gets changed there are often many times using Icy Touch would be better than Festering Strike. Remember melee range is only 5 yards.
Like I said this is my opinion after playing the Routine and the Class to 2.2k+ several times. This is also what I've seen and talked about with 2-3 Multi-Gladiator DK's.
TLDR: Give an option to take Festering Out or Put Festering in to our rotation.
Hey guys. A new build is definitely coming for this and it appears a majority of all the Frost issues are fixed. Be patient, Tuan is definitely working on our issues.
Myself. I helped Tuan test this. Dark Sim is confirmed working.