I have the paid versions of all your routines, but as of last week I started getting the following error when using Dungeonbuddy.
"[AutoEquip]: Equipped item in slot:ChestSlot scored 98678.34 while loot-roll item scored:32858.52
[AutoEquip]: Rolling Greed
[DungeonBuddy-DEBUG 660]: Loot roll 2 started and 180 seconds left
Hold on Eat/Drink/Dead/Not in Game/Sesurrection Sickness/Attack Out of Combat
[DungeonBuddy-DEBUG 660]: Roll 2 is over.
Hold on Eat/Drink/Dead/Not in Game/Sesurrection Sickness/Attack Out of Combat
Burst Mode is OFF
Hold on Eat/Drink/Dead/Not in Game/Sesurrection Sickness/Attack Out of Combat"
This is the only botbase it does this with, but it does it with all of your routines.