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TuanHA Death Knight- The Ultimate Experience

Returning to WoW after a long break, I saw many changes to your CRs Tuanha. I tried reading the previous pages, but I still cannot find any answers.

I am working with revision 276 Special Edition.

Fist of all, after updating the CC and run HB latest stable version, I get this : Removed unnecessary files from TuanhaSE directory, if TuanhaDKSE fails to work please restart HB. And then I have to select between Tuanha DK SE and Tuanha DK SE OLD Version 5.3. Am I doing something wrong?
Btw, this removes THCombat.cs. I believe this part to your Authorization process, but ain't the Combat.cs kind of critical? :P Still I expect the Loader is used for this, so it might be a null point

Secondly and most importantly, the Preset folder no longer exists. So, trying to load the default Pve/afk/etc configurations doesn't work.

The old revision is no longer supported, check tuanha.biz for the latest version of the SE for 5.4, use your premium/donate credentials to login to the site, there should be a link to the new revision. Also, I recommend SVN updating it soon as you download it.
feature request: Don't use cool-downs such as asphyxiate when afflicted by symbioses and similar effect that steals the ability. Also, would be nice if it would stop attacking, when the target is under touch of karma, i often end up dying from my own damage during a full out burst in arena because of this.

Touch of Karma is situational spell, it's not hard to detect it (you will see big white buff in the target head) and you can always target anything else or kite the monk.

Anyway it's a good suggestion and I'll treat Touch of Karma as an invulnerability just like Divine Shield/Deterrence/Ice Block/Dispersion... on next update.

Thank you ascertained.

Gotta log into my monk to see what the spell ID is, there's 2 diff spell ID on the monk and on his Touch of Karma target :P

Edit: This spell is tricky, it not like Divine Shield where you should not attack at all. In fact, you should still stun, cc, slow, root him but NOT doing any damage... new mechanic is hard (aka long code time) lol.
How can I code this to only dark sim on certain spell casts? Got the option dark sim 'on cast', I'd just like to do it so that it only gets clones, hex's, fears, Polly etc.
How can I code this to only dark sim on certain spell casts? Got the option dark sim 'on cast', I'd just like to do it so that it only gets clones, hex's, fears, Polly etc.

i would love this feature
Blood Fury (Orc) and Berserking (Troll) redesigned:

Old version: Activate when you have Pillar of Frost/Unholy Frienzy
New version: Activate when you have Burst Mode ON.
How can I code this to only dark sim on certain spell casts? Got the option dark sim 'on cast', I'd just like to do it so that it only gets clones, hex's, fears, Polly etc.
This under development xD

The code was there, just like my shaman list of spell to cast grounding totem. I need some day to code though xD
Hey Tuanha i use the pro version of the DK CR Revision: 36 and i lose so mutch damage yesterday i make 200k @ Norushen and after the Update i am on 110k dps with a 540 gs on Frost speck.
Same System and Config

Unholy the same :( lose dmg
There must be something really wrong with your copy.

Can you please give me a full log?
Tried to purchase your premium version through your website but it says there is a merchant error. Just FYI.
The Death Syphon option doesnt work, No matter what HP setting i have it on it just does the DPS rotation, ignores my health and will NOT death syphon.
There must be something really wrong with your copy.

Can you please give me a full log?
Sent as PM also
Revision: 276
Author: tuanha
Date: 28 October 2013 13:31:24

Deleted : /Preset
Deleted : /SpecialThanks.rtf
Deleted : /THBlood.cs
Deleted : /THCache.cs
Modified : /THCombat.cs
Deleted : /THCombatLog.cs
Deleted : /THCommon.cs
Deleted : /THDKForm.Designer.cs
Deleted : /THDKForm.cs
Deleted : /THDKForm.resources
Deleted : /THDKForm.resx
Deleted : /THDebuff.cs
Deleted : /THEventHandlers.cs
Deleted : /THFrost.cs
Deleted : /THHelpers.cs
Deleted : /THInterrupt.cs
Deleted : /THMovement.cs
Deleted : /THSettings.cs
Deleted : /THThrottle.cs
Deleted : /THUnholy.cs
Deleted : /TuanHA-DK-Picture.jpg
Deleted : /User Settings
EDIT: Never mind I fixed it (found new svn links for all classes)
Heres a short example, Siphon is set my HP below 90% , i almost die and it doesnt use Siphon once

/little bump

Would love to lvl my Dk, but aslong as its not using the main lvling/soloing/suvival CD and the CR is too fast too manually win the race too use dem Deathrunes its a little hard, Any news on this ^^?
The premium users : Are you satisfied with this CR ?

Im mostly curious to hear about Unholy (as im thinking of resubbing to play WoW again, and pvp/pve with my DK)

Please share your experience