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TuanHA Death Knight- The Ultimate Experience

I think Rev 30 is really good. My damage done in RBGs is king, and also Necro stacking is really good
Not sure about HB release tho. Ive been using the latest one
Have you played or verified any of these claims in arena? I know you used to play in arenas all the time. I'm really sad that this season this cr is so unpredictable. Out of all of your crs the dk is the most awesome class, therefore it should get the most attention from you, in theory. My proof that dks are the most awesome class is simply that it's a death knight, by rights, the name alone proves it.

Monks are okay but nobody ever grows up saying I want to be a monk. Who doesn't want to be a death knight growing up?
My DPS on the dummy is huge, but it really drops in arena. Looks like it stops the usual rotation after a few seconds.
I have tried HB 697 and 698, nothing changed.

I'm trying to downgrade my revision from 31->30 but i see numbers like 178, 177 ?_?
What do you mean by revision 30?
hey Tuanha... :) Thank you for a great CR. I love how it CC's and stuff in Arena. But my problem is, it's attacking reaaaallllyyyy slow. REALLY slow. Like it has to stop and think for a second. Got TPS on 100 and framelock disabled. Doing UH DK on 1700 CR, really getting hard so i need to be quick in the attacks.. :)
hey Tuanha... :) Thank you for a great CR. I love how it CC's and stuff in Arena. But my problem is, it's attacking reaaaallllyyyy slow. REALLY slow. Like it has to stop and think for a second. Got TPS on 100 and framelock disabled. Doing UH DK on 1700 CR, really getting hard so i need to be quick in the attacks.. :)

TPS does nothing without frame lock, I suggest you turn frame lock on and set it to the lowest frame rate you would get in what ever you are doing. (30fps in raid set the TPS to 30 and turn on frame lock)

Also the public version is not made for arena, I suggest you look into premium. It's 1000x better.
Hi guy, I've just update DK with a few cool logic.

  • It's faster
  • More responsive
  • And a new fail-safe interrupt logic. If you can set interrupt on 500ms, CR will only interrupt at 500 + [random time] left. The fail-safe also check if the cast time left too shot (50ms + your latency) it will not use interrupt cooldown because there's a high chance the interrupt missed.

Please update and enjoy.

Thank you for supporting my work <3


@people say it do nothing for a while: Please set Necrotic at 1 Death Rune... sometime it wait for 3/4 Death Rune ready so it literally do nothing. Set Necrotic at 1 Death Rune do more dps but lower your Burst chance. Just adjust the setting for what you like :D
Hi guy, I've just update DK with a few cool logic.

  • It's faster
  • More responsive
  • And a new fail-safe interrupt logic. If you can set interrupt on 500ms, CR will only interrupt at 500 + [random time] left. The fail-safe also check if the cast time left too shot (50ms + your latency) it will not use interrupt cooldown because there's a high chance the interrupt missed.

Please update and enjoy.

Thank you for supporting my work <3


@people say it do nothing for a while: Please set Necrotic at 1 Death Rune... sometime it wait for 3/4 Death Rune ready so it literally do nothing. Set Necrotic at 1 Death Rune do more dps but lower your Burst chance. Just adjust the setting for what you like :D

nice :) yea i wondered what people were complaining about because i have mine set to 1 death rune so it uses it as a main rotation(as in dagradts UNH DK routine) then i just urn off blood tap and do it myself then when i wanna burst i blood tap twice and empower rune weapon/summon gargoyle/UNH frenz :)
TPS does nothing without frame lock, I suggest you turn frame lock on and set it to the lowest frame rate you would get in what ever you are doing. (30fps in raid set the TPS to 30 and turn on frame lock)

Also the public version is not made for arena, I suggest you look into premium. It's 1000x better.

WAit, Whats TPS and how do you change it?
@people say it do nothing for a while: Please set Necrotic at 1 Death Rune... sometime it wait for 3/4 Death Rune ready so it literally do nothing. Set Necrotic at 1 Death Rune do more dps but lower your Burst chance. Just adjust the setting for what you like :D

I only see "Necrotic Strike Stack Current Target" and "Necrotic Strike Debuff Healer/Caster"
When loading the DK CR, Says "Old version no longer supported." an when I svn update no change.
TuanHA by deleting XML defaut dungeon,raid,quest and so on does the profile work properly if i use it only for pvp?
So i decided too lvl yet another Dk , ive never had HB in the past todo this, so i was looking forwards too a smooth lvling exp using this CR with tyrael for soloing dungeons as ive done on everyother tank class in the game, Only too find that this CR doesnt support low lvl chars? can anyone confirm this, It wont bloodboil with roiling blood, it wont turn conversion on, so i changed too death syphon wich is supposed too be really good a lower lvl and looked like it would suit my soloing needs, But nope it wouldnt cast that either, or death pact, infact it was slow and puthetic at tanking alltogether when i eventually caved and joined a grp, So is this a lvl 90 only CR, i find it hard too believe the king of soloing, blood dk is this bad, your Monk CR soloed hellfire ramparts at lvl 56 for me, Has somehting gone drasticly wrong here? or is there no lower lvl support? or is there just very little input into blood? as i know this thing absolutly rocks the socks off of unholy at 90, was UH the main focus?
Returning to WoW after a long break, I saw many changes to your CRs Tuanha. I tried reading the previous pages, but I still cannot find any answers.

I am working with revision 276 Special Edition.

Fist of all, after updating the CC and run HB latest stable version, I get this : Removed unnecessary files from TuanhaSE directory, if TuanhaDKSE fails to work please restart HB. And then I have to select between Tuanha DK SE and Tuanha DK SE OLD Version 5.3. Am I doing something wrong?
Btw, this removes THCombat.cs. I believe this part to your Authorization process, but ain't the Combat.cs kind of critical? :P Still I expect the Loader is used for this, so it might be a null point

Secondly and most importantly, the Preset folder no longer exists. So, trying to load the default Pve/afk/etc configurations doesn't work.
Looks like ur using thr public release? Doesnt support arenas. Only special edition does.
I seem to be having a problem where in arenas it wont recognise other players as enemys and will only cast cooldowns and heals etc on my self and wont attack other players

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